Neteller support
Please also note, if your account was permanently closed (terminated) by NETELLER, there is almost no chance to get your account activated again. This decision is final and NETELLER will not allow to re-open the account or to open another account with them. Instant bronze pro VIP status with free NETELLER mastercard.
Limited p2p transfer fees and highest limits.
Special monthly benefits – get in touch!
Full NETELLER verification within 1 business day.
Additional & personal support – 365 days a year.
NETELLER contact for general issues
There are several ways to contact the NETELLER support fast and easily. For general issues, calling or using the live chat option is the fastest and most comfortable option to choose from, but you can also send them an email, or contact them via twitter or facebook.
If you choose to contact support through email or their contact form, please use the mail address you are using for your account.
Please also make sure to have your NETELLER account ID number ready which shows in your account overview when you log in and is a 12-digit number.
NETELLER live chat
The fastest way to contact NETELLER support is to use the “VIP live chat” option available within your account. Please note, the NETELLER live chat is only available to VIP customers, but all our clients should be upgraded to bronze pro VIP and can use the live chat option. If that is not the case yet, please request your silver VIP upgrade with us.
The NETELLER live chat is available 24/7.
NETELLER contact form
Another way to contact NETELLER support is via email or their website contact form. Simply visit their website and use this contact form or use the provided mail address to send an email. Please make sure to describe your issue as detailed as possible and also add your account ID number and mail address.
The NETELLER support will get back to you within 1-2 business days then.
NETELLER help via phone
NETELLER offers 16 different hotlines separated for the country of your residency.
Using their phone support is the fastest way to get in touch and should be used if possible to speed up the whole process for you.
Please enlarge this image to check the hotline and choose your preferred phone number from the list.
Disabled & closed NETELLER account
If your NETELLER account is disabled for any reason, you will need to call the NETELLER support directly.
Please see the option above to get access to your account reinstated as soon as possible. Make sure to use your real phone number in your NETELLER account so they can verify you easier and faster. Also make sure to know the answers to your security questions.
Please also note, if your account was permanently closed (terminated) by NETELLER, there is almost no chance to get your account activated again. This decision is final and NETELLER will not allow to re-open the account or to open another account with them.
Lost or stolen NETELLER mastercard
If your NETELLER mastercard has been lost, stolen or compromised in any way, please contact NETELLER support immediately at +44 20 7526 9219 to cancel your card.
Please note that your funds can only be refunded for any kind of fraudulent use if you get the card cancelled as soon as possible.
Personalized ewo support
Besides the above mentioned contact options, we also offer a personalized support and NETELLER live chat for all clients that are registered with us.
If you are a registered client, we will be happy to help you get your support issues solved faster and help with any problems you might encounter.
Please contact us or send an email to [email protected] and we will try our best to help you as fast as possible.
Not registered with NETELLER yet?
Instant bronze pro VIP status with free NETELLER mastercard.
Limited p2p transfer fees and highest limits.
Special monthly benefits – get in touch!
Full NETELLER verification within 1 business day.
Additional & personal support – 365 days a year.
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With our ewo partner program and the ewo dashboard we offer our partners to work as skrill affiliate and NETELLER affiliate themselves.
The ewo dashboard is the ultimate tool for easier skrill VIP and NETELLER VIP upgrade, higher NETELLER commission and NETELLER bonus for all our ewo partners.
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On february 11, the epayments suspended operations on its customer accounts at the request of the financial conduct authority (FCA). At the moment, users from all over the world cannot carry out any operations with the account: transfer funds, deal, deposit or withdraw funds, use their epayments prepaid card, or even just accept payments.
We completed some details about freezing accounts epayments. Also, you find below information on some alternative payment solutions to keep your funds safe.
Skrill VISA USA card has arrived. It was quite a long way for skrill inc until they have became the first fully licensed digital wallet in the state of new jersey for online gambling back in 2015. It took even more time to also start offering their own skrill card for the USA.
Until now, US citizens could not make any gambling deposits. They could use their ewallet balances for person to person and e-commerce transfers only.
NETELLER support & live chat
NETELLER kontakt für generelle anfragen
Es gibt verschiedene möglichkeiten, um den NETELLER support zu kontaktieren. Die einfachste uns schnellste möglichkeit ist der live chat. NETELLER bietet ihren kunden aber auch eine hotline an, sowie einen mail-support und ein kontaktformular auf der NETELLER homepage.
Solltet ihr eine E-mail schicken, benutzt dafür bitte immer die mailadresse, die ihr auch für euer NETELLER konto verwendet. Desweiteren solltet ihr eure kontonummer angeben. Durch diese angaben verringert ihr die bearbeitungsdauer und man wird sich schneller um euer problem kümmern können. Eure 12-stellige kontonummer findet ihr in eurer kontoübersicht.
NETELLER kontakt – live chat
Der schnellste weg für einen kontakt zum support ist der VIP live chat. Den chat könnt ihr direkt aus eurem NETELLER konto starten. Innerhalb von wenigen minuten wird sich ein supportmitarbeiter um euch kümmern.
Den NETELLER live chat erreicht ihr rund um die uhr.
NETELLER kontakt – E-mail
Um NETELLER eine mail zu schicken, benutzt bitte dieses kontaktformular auf der NETELLER homepage.
Ihr solltet innerhalb von 1-2 arbeitstagen eine antwort erhalten.
NETELLER kontakt – support hotline
NETELLER bietet ihre hotline für 16 länder/sprachen an. Eine übersicht aller nummer findet ihr ihr auf diesem bild:
NETELLER support für deaktivierte oder geschlossene konten
Sollte euer NETELLER konto aus irgendwelchen gründen geschlossen worden sein, setzt euch bitte umgehend mit dem NETELLER support in verbindung.
Wählt eine der obenstehenden optionen, um den support zu erreichen und wieder zugriff auf euer konto zu erhalten. Achtet auch darauf, dass ihr nach möglichkeit von der nummer anruft, die in eurem NETELLER konto hinterlegt ist und haltet die antwort auf eure sicherheitsfrage bereit. Dadurch kann man euch schnell und einfach verifizieren.
Verlorene oder gestohlene net+ mastercard
Solltet ihr eure NETELLER mastercard verloren haben, oder sollte sie gestohlen worden sein, setzt euch bitte umgehend mit dem NETELLER support in verbindung. Dazu könnt ihr die folgende rufnummer nutzen, um euer mastercard sperren zu lassen: +44 20 7526 9219
Beachtet bitte, um einen eventuell entstandenen schaden vollständig ersetzt zu bekommen, müsst ihr den support so schnell wie möglich informieren.
Zusätzlicher ewo support
Als registrierter ewo kunde sind wir euch sehr gerne bei allen problemen behilflich.
Bei fragen oder problemen, zögert nicht uns zu kontaktieren .
Bereits seit 2010 arbeiten wir eng mit ewallet anbietern wie skrill, NETELLER und ecopayz zusammen und sind so zum größten ewallet partner und affiliate weltweit geworden.
Mit unserem internen support-team innerhalb der ewallet anbieter skrill, NETELLER und ecopayz und unserem zusätzlichen support können wir uns jederzeit um die probleme unserer kunden kümmern.
Wir sind stolz auf das beständige und positive feedback, das unsere kunden uns entgegenbringen und die vielzahl von persönlichen weiterempfehlungen. Dass wir als langjähriger und verlässlicher anprechpartner persönlichen kontakt zu unseren kunden beibehalten, versteht sich für uns von selbst.
Mit unserem ewo partner programm und dem ewo dashboard ist es unseren partnern möglich selbst als skrill affiliate, NETELLER affiliate und ecopayz affiliate zu arbeiten.
Unser ewo dashboard ist das ultimative werkzeug für vereinfachte skrill VIP und NETELLER VIP upgrades, höherer NETELLER & skrill bonus und skrill & NETELLER cashback zahlungen für all unsere ewo kunden.
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Erfahrt alles über die neue skrill verifizierung und wir ihr euer konto schnell und einfach verifizieren könnt, um unseren monatlichen bonus zu erhalten.
Finde alle information über skrill scam seiten. Wie ihr sie erkennen könnt und wie ihr euren computer und eure konten richtig schützt.
Neteller support
European payment services directive 2015/2366 (also known as PSD2) defines the following actors and roles:
Payment service user (PSU) - psus are the end-users of the services provided by tpps and aspsps. They are either physical persons or entities (organisations, companies, administrationsвђ¦). They do not interact directly with the PSD2 API.
Account servicing payment service provider (ASPSP) - these are payment service providers (psps) which are in charge of holding payment accounts for their customers (PSU).
Third party provider (TPP) - these actors can intermediate between psus and aspsps, acting on behalf of PSU. Depending on the services they provide tpps fall in one of the following categories;
- Account information services (AISP role) will allow the PSU to get information, through a single interface, about all of his/her accounts, whatever the ASPSP holding this account.
- Payment initiation services (PISP role) for requesting a payment request approval by the PSU and requesting the subsequent execution through a credit transfer.
- Card based payment instrument issuers (CBPII role) that will check the coverage of a given payment amount by the psuвђ™s account.
Neteller acts as account servicing payment service provider (ASPSP) in PSD2 terms.
Neteller payment service directive compliance
To comply with PSD2, neteller provides modified customer interface (mobile apis) to qualified third party payment service providers for the following purposes:
- Account and transaction information for account information service providers (aisps)
- Payment initiation for payment initiation service providers (pisps)
Card-based payment instrument issuers (cbpiis) use cases are not supported by neteller
The apis are modified existing customer interfaces fulfilling the following PSD2 requirements:
- API access is restricted only to qualified third party providers.
- TPP API access is restricted to their respective regulated roles
- Access to PSU account and data from TPP requires explicit user conscent, that can be revoked
- Transaction operations require strong customer authentication
Qualified third party providers
In the context of PSD2, being a qualified third party provider (TPP) means:
- Having obtained the authorization from a national competent authority (NCA) to operate as a payment services provider, with the roles it requires (AISP, CBPII, PISP). The list of national register entities can be found on the open banking europe website.
- Having obtained from a qualified trust service provider (QTSP), qualified website authentication certificates (QWAC) and qualified sealing certificates (qsealc), that have a PSD2 eidas certificate profile. Details on qualified trust service providers and the PSD2 eidas certificate profile can also be found on the open banking europe website.
Neteller supports only qualified website authentication certificates (QWAC) certificates for API access
In order for a third party to qualify for production API access, both steps must have been completed and they must have matching data (the NCA delivers a registration number that must written in the certificate data).
It is possible for a qualified third party to lose its qualification, either because the certificate becomes invalid, or because the NCA decides to revoke the tppвђ™s authorization.
Third party provider oauth client registration
In order to access neteller apis, the third party providers are required to register oauth 2 clients for their applications. Registration and management of oauth 2 clients is provided by PSD2 oauth2 and client management apis.
Client management API calls require mutual TLS authentication, with a qualified website authentication certificate (QWAC) issued to the TPP by a qualified trust service provider.
Client registration is performed through POST request on /psd2-oauth2/v1/registrations resource in client management API endpoint with JSON body containing the following properties:
- Client_name - A human-readable name for the client, that will be shown to the user during the consent process.
- Scope - REQUIRED A space-separated list of scopes, that the client has (or requests) access to. In a PSD2 context, the following values are available:
- Aisp - account information and recent transaction history apis
- Pisp - payment initiation service providers use cases apis
- Cbpii - card-based payment instruments issuers use cases apis
- Logo_url - OPTIONAL URI string that specifies a logo for the client, as a data scheme URI. If available, the data will be used to show the user a logo during the consent process.
- Token_endpoint_auth_method - token endpoint authentication method. Use urn:paysafe:oauth:token-endpoint-auth-method:eidas-qwac:psd here.
- Redirect_uris - REQUIRED A list of HTTPS urls that describes the redirection endpoints for the client.
- Grant_types - REQUIRED restricted to authorization_code and refresh_token . Other grant types are not supported in a PSD2 context.
- Response_typesREQUIRED - use code as a value here.
- Jwks - A JSON web key set object, that describes the public keys and certificates related to the given client. In the scope of PSD2, the JWK set must be the set of qualified sealing certificates (qsealc) that can be used by the client to sign requests.
Authentication and authorization flow
Authentication and authorization are implemented as specified in oauth 2.0 authorization code grant flow RFC 6749.
The essential prerequisities for setting up the authorization flow for TPP applications are the following:
- Oauth 2 client must be registered for the TPP applicaion
- TPP application must integrate with the PSD2 oauth2 authorization server and token endpoints.
- Use of the oauth 2 PKCE extension is mandatory, with the SHA-256 method
The detailed authorization flow proceeds as described in the sequence diagram:
- From the third party provider (TPP) website/application, the payment service user (PSU) triggers the authorization process in order to allow access to his neteller account resources
- The TPP website/application redirects the browser to the ASPSP (neteller) oauth 2 authorization server, with the required oauth 2 client parameters
- Response_type - equals to code
- Client_id - the oauth client ID registered by TPP during onboarding
- Scope - the desired access scope. The scope must be one of client scopes defined during client registration.
- Redirect_url - the redirect url provided by TPP, to which to return the authorization code.
- State - the TPP session state parameter
- Code_challenge - SHA-256 code challenge parameter as defined in section 4.2 of oauth 2 PKCE extension
- The ASPSP (paysafe) oauth 2 authorization server provides the user login and conscent interface. At this point, the payment service user must authorize the third party provider.
- The browser gets redirected back to tppвђ™s redirect URL with the authorization code and state request parameters
- Third party provider (TTP) application uses the authorization code and PCKE secret (code_verifier) to obtain access and refresh token from oauth authorization server. The following parameters are passed to the oauth authorization server
- Client_id - the TPP oauth 2 client id
- Client_secret - the TPP oauth 2 client secret
- Grant_type - use authorization_code as value
- Code - the authorization code
- Redirect_uri - should match the oauth client redirect url
- Code_verifier - PCKE code verifier
- Refresh token can be persisted by TPP application and used for re-issuing access tokens as specified in section 6 of RFC6749. Access tokens obtained in this way only provide access to information for which an SCA is not necessary.
- Payment service user uses the related TPP functionality, that requires ASPSP
- TPP can access the corresponding ASPSP (neteller) apis on user behalf using the obtained access token.
Strong customer authentication
Strong customer authentication (SCA) is a requirement for payment actions. Upon initiation of money transfer, the transfer will get SCA challenge in the response and can not be finalized until SCA challenge is resolved by the user.
One time password generation is triggered and send directly to the user according to his account configuration. The OTP is passed over from the user to the third party provider and used to confirm the OTP challenge. After that the transaction can be finalized.
User presence and offline account access
Tpps are required upon calling neteller apis for AISP and PISP use cases to attach PSU original IP address as HTTP header.
The following HTTP headers should be present and carry the PSU origin:
The absense of the PSU IP address is interpreted as TPP accessing user data without user presence and such calls are subject to the following restrictions
- AISP shall not access PSU account data in unattended mode more than 4 times in 24 hours unless it has collected the user consent for that.
Account information services apis
The apis allow accessing PSU account and transaction history information using the below listed apis.
The apis requires one of the following scopes:
- Aisp - allows accessing customer account information and recent transaction history
Payment initiation services apis
The apis allow performing transactions to other neteller accounts.
The apis requires pisp scope for access. During money transfer SCA challenge will be triggered.
Card based payment instrument use cases support
Neteller mobile apis does not provide dedicated api for funds confirmation.
API documentation and support
Server API endpoints can be found in their respective API reference documentation:
NETELLER - money transfer 4+
Fast, simple & secure payments
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Trust NETELLER when paying online.
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Get a NET+ prepaid mastercard*
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The safest payment system in the world.
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Quick and easy payments anytime, anywhere!
*services are available to limited markets.
Neteller VIP status, requirements, levels & upgrade
We analysed all the major ewallet VIP programs. We concluded that the neteller VIP program is genuinely unrivalled in its generosity.
There is no doubt that neteller has the most attractive VIP program in the industry.
Neteller should be the #1 choice of ewallet for high rollers.
What really sets the neteller VIP program apart from other similar VIP programs is your ability to earn cashback and reward points directly from neteller.
No other VIP program gives you the opportunity to do this.
However, the benefits of becoming a VIP are not confined to just extra cashback and anniversary reward points.
You’ll also enjoy a wide variety of additional benefits, which we’ve set out in detail in this article.
We advise you to focus all your efforts on becoming the highest level of VIP possible at neteller.
Trust us, the benefits you will receive are worth it.
If you open an account at several ewallets and try to hit the maximum VIP level on all of them, it will be more difficult as your total transfers will be spread over different accounts.
Just focusing on one, ideally neteller, is a much more efficient and rewarding strategy.
As there is a lack of comprehensive information on the neteller VIP program elsewhere on the internet, we’ve put together this guide and covered everything you need to know.
And that’s not all – we’ll show you how you can get a FREE neteller VIP upgrade so you can start benefitting from the VIP program immediately!
How to become neteller VIP?
Becoming a neteller VIP is a straightforward process.
Put simply, your neteller VIP status is based on the volume of your transfers to merchants using your neteller account.
The more you transfer, the higher level of VIP you will become.
As your transfer volume passes through each VIP level threshold, you will be automatically upgraded by neteller to the next VIP level.
Neteller VIP status
You will be able to tell if you’re a neteller VIP by logging into your neteller account and looking in the ‘account overview’ box on the right hand side of the screen.
Your VIP status will also be shown next to your account balance in the top left-hand corner of the member login page.
Once you have transferred enough to trigger a new VIP status, you will have guaranteed that VIP status for the current and subsequent year.
- You achieve platinum VIP status on 25th april 2020
- Your platinum VIP status will be guaranteed until 31st december 2021
To be clear, once upgraded, your neteller VIP status will not be downgraded until the end of the subsequent year. If you meet the transfers threshold again during the next year ( 2021 ), you will have secured your VIP status until the end of 2022 .
This is a massive benefit.
Other VIP programs such as skrill review your VIP status on a rolling 90 day period, meaning you can lose your VIP status a lot faster than you can do with neteller.
Neteller VIP requirements
Now that you’ve learnt how to become a neteller VIP, we’ll go over the various VIP levels to explain the different thresholds and requirements to achieve each VIP level.
Neteller have 6 different VIP levels.
As explained above, the VIP requirement for each level is based on an annual ‘transfer to merchant’ volume.
Once each threshold is triggered, your neteller account will be automatically upgraded by neteller and you will have secured your VIP status for the current and subsequent year.
Neteller VIP levels
Refer to the table below to see the requirements and benefits for each VIP level.
Neteller VIP benefits
All neteller VIP’s enjoy benefits such as:
- Reduced FX fees
- Guaranteed limit increase
- Higher net+ mastercard withdrawal limits
- Increased transfer limits
- 24/7 VIP live chat support
- Anniversary reward points
However, there are several exclusive benefits that are worth exploring in further detail.
Neteller reward points
Neteller reward points can be redeemed for a wide variety of products and digital gift cards such as itunes vouchers.
The shopping categories which are available for you to exchange your points for products are below:
- Books
- Electronics
- Fashion & accessories
- Gift cards
- Gourmet food
- Health & personal care
- Home & garden
- Office & productivity
- Sports & outdoors
- Toys & games
More importantly, reward points can also be exchanged for cash which is paid directly into your neteller account.
You will earn neteller reward points for every transaction you make. You will achieve 1 point for every $1 USD (or currency equivalent) transferred using your neteller account. Additionally, as you progress through the VIP levels you will earn more points per transfer with platinum level VIP’s earning 1.25 points per $1 USD and diamond level VIP’s earning 1.5 points per $1 USD.
Neteller reward points cash exchange
Exchanging your reward points for cash is a really simple process. See below for how to redeem your reward points.
- Once you’ve logged into your account you need to click on ‘NETELLER rewards points’ which is visible within your account as shown below. Alternatively, you can go to https://rewards.Neteller.Com once you are logged in to neteller.
- You then need to click on ‘shop’ at the top of the page, where you will be redirected to this page and click on ‘cash exchange’
Neteller rewards points exclusions
Whilst you will generate reward points for most transfers, there are some merchants that are excluded which you can view below.
Additionally, you will not earn reward points for P2P neteller-to-neteller transfers.
UNIBET, gamesys group, vcreditos (8room), pinnacle sports, panbet, gala & coral, exness, exness.Eu, betfair, betfair 2, VIRGIN, starspins, WWW.JACKPOTJOY.COM/SE, virgin games, profitable play NV, BOTEMANIA, paddy power, SBOBET, matchbook, william hill, pokerstars, fulltilt, fxpro, bet365, vcreditos, marathonbet, betfair, betfair 2, exness, exness.Eu, trading point, trading point (seychelles) limited, xm.Com, xm.Co.Uk, trading point (seychelles) ltd, trading-point marketing, TP global marketing services, direct markets trading limited, eurasia sports limited, 888.Com and all brands operated by cassava enterprises and betclic everest.
Neteller anniversary reward points
All VIP customers will also receive an annual bonus of reward points every year. The anniversary reward points are credited every year on the anniversary of your date of registration at neteller. The number of points awarded to you is varied according to your VIP level.
- Neteller bronze VIP – 1000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller bronze pro VIP – 9000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller silver VIP – 9000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller gold VIP – 10,000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller platinum VIP – 20,000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller diamond VIP – 50,000 anniversary reward points
Neteller VIP cashback
Achieving the highest levels of VIP status (platinum VIP & diamond VIP) require a substantial amount of transfers.
However, for high rollers, we recommend trying to achieve the top level status as quickly as possible.
Once you reach platinum VIP & diamond VIP, you will start to earn between 0.25% and 0.50% cashback directly from neteller.
- Platinum VIP’s earn 0.25% direct cashback
- Diamond VIP’s earn 0.50% direct cashback
When will you start to receive direct neteller cashback?
Once your neteller account has been upgraded to platinum or diamond, you will become eligible for direct neteller VIP cashback.
You start receiving this cashback as soon as you become platinum VIP or diamond VIP and the cashback period will be inclusive of the month you were upgraded.
So, for example, let’s say you became platinum VIP on the 14th march 2020 you would receive 0.25% cashback for the full month of march (1st march - 31st march)
Plus, you will have guaranteed your platinum VIP status all the way up to the end of the subsequent year – in this example, it would be guaranteed until 31st december 2021 .
That’s 0.25% direct cashback on every transfer you make until 31st december 2021 !
Of course, if you then reached diamond VIP during 2020 you would then receive 0.50% on every transfer until 31st december 2020.
Neteller VIP livechat
For non-VIP’s, customer support from neteller can be, unfortunately, rather slow.
Whilst any issues will always be resolved by neteller, it can be frustrating to have to wait several days to receive a response.
Therefore, an often overlooked but crucial benefit of becoming a neteller VIP is that you get access to live chat support and a priority email to contact the VIP support team on.
You can access VIP live chat support by going to your neteller account and clicking ‘live chat’ in the bottom left corner.
Alternatively, you can email vip@neteller.Com for prioritised handing of your account issue.
Neteller VIP upgrade
Exclusively for ewalletbooster customers, we have negotiated a fantastic deal with neteller for our users to take advantage of.
Bronze pro VIP benefits
3,300.00 USD daily ATM cash withdrawal limit
9,000 anniversary reward points
1.00 reward point/dollar spent
Fast track to silver VIP - $7,500
Fast track to higher VIP levels
1.45% P2P fee capped at 10 USD
Flexible transaction limit
Guaranteed limit increase
Discounted deposits & withdrawals
Regular neteller customers must transfer $10,000 to achieve bronze VIP status and $50,000 to achieve silver VIP status.
Our deal with neteller allows you to get:
- Bronze pro VIP status with $0 transfer requirement
- Silver VIP status with $7,500 transfer requirement
Silver VIP benefits
- 3,300.00 USD daily ATM cash withdrawal limit
- 9,000 anniversary reward points
- 1.00 reward point/dollar spent
- 3.19% FX fees
- ATM withdrawal fee 1.75%
- Free money transfers (P2P)
- Free net+ prepaid mastercard shipping & handling fee
- Flexible transaction limit
- Guaranteed limit increase
- Discounted deposits & withdrawals
- Next day payouts (UK only)
Silver VIP upgrade
Once you have been upgraded to bronze pro you will see the below information in your neteller dashboard.
This message confirms that you are now bronze pro VIP.
Also note that you will be automatically upgraded to silver VIP once you have transferred $7,500 (or currency equivalent) as you have taken advantage of our exclusive VIP upgrade process - the standard requirement is $50,000 transfers to achieve silver VIP status with neteller.
Regular vs ewalletbooster customers
features | regular neteller customers | ewalletbooster customers |
VIP status | - | bronze pro VIP |
silver VIP threshold | $50,000 | $7,500 |
verification | 2-5 days | 24 hours |
anniversary points | - | 9,000 |
reward point/dollar | - | 1.00 |
money transfer fee | 1.45% (no cap) | 1.45% ($10 cap) |
The process of getting a free bronze pro VIP upgrade from ewalletbooster is fast and simple.
We’ll guide you through this process in a moment but before we do that, we need to be sure that you are eligible to join the ewalletbooster VIP program.
If you registered your neteller account using the ewalletbooster registration link, you will be automatically eligible for a VIP upgrade.
For existing customers of neteller, eligibility to join our program and to receive a VIP upgrade depends on 3 factors.
- You are not already a neteller VIP
- You did not originally register your neteller account through another website or agent
- You have not made any transactions using your neteller account during the last 6 months
Please note, for new and existing neteller customers you will need to make sure your neteller account is fully ID and address verified to be eligible for the VIP upgrade. If you need help with this, check out our neteller verification page.
If you believe you are eligible to join us, follow these steps to join our neteller program and receive your VIP upgrade.
- Firstly, use the registration link in the form below to click through and create a neteller account
- Once you have registered and logged in to neteller, please make a note of your neteller 12 digit account ID
- Finally, go back to ewalletbooster.Com and complete the application form, which includes the neteller account ID, your selected neteller currency and the email address you used to sign up to neteller
Make sure to select ‘request bronze pro VIP' upgrade on the form
You will receive a response from us within 1 business day, advising you of whether your application for your VIP upgrade was successful. If successful, your neteller account will be upgraded immediately and you can begin to enjoy all your new VIP benefits such as:
- Instant bronze pro VIP status
- Fast-track to silver VIP status
- 9000 anniversary reward points
- Lower foreign exchange fees
- 1.45% peer-to-peer transfer fee capped at 10 USD
- Guaranteed limit increase
We hope you enjoy your new VIP benefits and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via livechat on our website.
Neteller VIP application form
Join NETELLER using the application form below or submit your existing NETELLER details to receive a FREE bronze pro VIP upgrade on your NETELLER account and take advantage of lower fees, increased limits and much more. New & existing NETELLER customers welcome.
NETELLER - money transfer 4+
Fast, simple & secure payments
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Why choose NETELLER?
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Trust NETELLER when paying online.
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Get a NET+ prepaid mastercard*
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The safest payment system in the world.
• NETELLER is one of the most trusted online payment systems in the world.
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• regulated by the financial conduct authority of the UK.
Quick and easy payments anytime, anywhere!
*services are available to limited markets.
Why OVE?
Instant VIP status for neteller/ easier & faster skrill VIP when sign up via OVE
Monthly extra cashback from OVE
Dedicated support from our team
Free for everyone AND absolutely no fees
Our extra benefits
- Lower required to upgrade silver and gold VIP
- P2P fees limited to 10 USD
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- Verification without webcam
- Additional & faster support by us
Our extra benefits
- Easier & faster VIP silver status upgrades.
- 0.2% cashback on your transfers
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- Additional & faster support by us
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Optimalvip-ewallet.Com does not advertise any gambling and only contains information of neteller and skrill for our customers. If any content presented here is illegal in your country, please to leave the website. We do not hold any responsibility for your course of actions.
About optimalvip-ewallet
From 2017 onwards, with more than 2 years of work experience and customer support, making using ewallet in their online transactions with brokers easier. In particular, with our support team. We always guide customers how to register accounts and verify accounts easily and quickly as possible. We can take care of our customers problems whenever needed. We believe that we have a mission to connect, help and bring more benefits to more customers. We are committed to making every effort to build trust for the suppliers and partners we work with and the highest satisfaction from customers who have always trusted in us.
Neteller VIP status, requirements, levels & upgrade
We analysed all the major ewallet VIP programs. We concluded that the neteller VIP program is genuinely unrivalled in its generosity.
There is no doubt that neteller has the most attractive VIP program in the industry.
Neteller should be the #1 choice of ewallet for high rollers.
What really sets the neteller VIP program apart from other similar VIP programs is your ability to earn cashback and reward points directly from neteller.
No other VIP program gives you the opportunity to do this.
However, the benefits of becoming a VIP are not confined to just extra cashback and anniversary reward points.
You’ll also enjoy a wide variety of additional benefits, which we’ve set out in detail in this article.
We advise you to focus all your efforts on becoming the highest level of VIP possible at neteller.
Trust us, the benefits you will receive are worth it.
If you open an account at several ewallets and try to hit the maximum VIP level on all of them, it will be more difficult as your total transfers will be spread over different accounts.
Just focusing on one, ideally neteller, is a much more efficient and rewarding strategy.
As there is a lack of comprehensive information on the neteller VIP program elsewhere on the internet, we’ve put together this guide and covered everything you need to know.
And that’s not all – we’ll show you how you can get a FREE neteller VIP upgrade so you can start benefitting from the VIP program immediately!
How to become neteller VIP?
Becoming a neteller VIP is a straightforward process.
Put simply, your neteller VIP status is based on the volume of your transfers to merchants using your neteller account.
The more you transfer, the higher level of VIP you will become.
As your transfer volume passes through each VIP level threshold, you will be automatically upgraded by neteller to the next VIP level.
Neteller VIP status
You will be able to tell if you’re a neteller VIP by logging into your neteller account and looking in the ‘account overview’ box on the right hand side of the screen.
Your VIP status will also be shown next to your account balance in the top left-hand corner of the member login page.
Once you have transferred enough to trigger a new VIP status, you will have guaranteed that VIP status for the current and subsequent year.
- You achieve platinum VIP status on 25th april 2020
- Your platinum VIP status will be guaranteed until 31st december 2021
To be clear, once upgraded, your neteller VIP status will not be downgraded until the end of the subsequent year. If you meet the transfers threshold again during the next year ( 2021 ), you will have secured your VIP status until the end of 2022 .
This is a massive benefit.
Other VIP programs such as skrill review your VIP status on a rolling 90 day period, meaning you can lose your VIP status a lot faster than you can do with neteller.
Neteller VIP requirements
Now that you’ve learnt how to become a neteller VIP, we’ll go over the various VIP levels to explain the different thresholds and requirements to achieve each VIP level.
Neteller have 6 different VIP levels.
As explained above, the VIP requirement for each level is based on an annual ‘transfer to merchant’ volume.
Once each threshold is triggered, your neteller account will be automatically upgraded by neteller and you will have secured your VIP status for the current and subsequent year.
Neteller VIP levels
Refer to the table below to see the requirements and benefits for each VIP level.
Neteller VIP benefits
All neteller VIP’s enjoy benefits such as:
- Reduced FX fees
- Guaranteed limit increase
- Higher net+ mastercard withdrawal limits
- Increased transfer limits
- 24/7 VIP live chat support
- Anniversary reward points
However, there are several exclusive benefits that are worth exploring in further detail.
Neteller reward points
Neteller reward points can be redeemed for a wide variety of products and digital gift cards such as itunes vouchers.
The shopping categories which are available for you to exchange your points for products are below:
- Books
- Electronics
- Fashion & accessories
- Gift cards
- Gourmet food
- Health & personal care
- Home & garden
- Office & productivity
- Sports & outdoors
- Toys & games
More importantly, reward points can also be exchanged for cash which is paid directly into your neteller account.
You will earn neteller reward points for every transaction you make. You will achieve 1 point for every $1 USD (or currency equivalent) transferred using your neteller account. Additionally, as you progress through the VIP levels you will earn more points per transfer with platinum level VIP’s earning 1.25 points per $1 USD and diamond level VIP’s earning 1.5 points per $1 USD.
Neteller reward points cash exchange
Exchanging your reward points for cash is a really simple process. See below for how to redeem your reward points.
- Once you’ve logged into your account you need to click on ‘NETELLER rewards points’ which is visible within your account as shown below. Alternatively, you can go to https://rewards.Neteller.Com once you are logged in to neteller.
- You then need to click on ‘shop’ at the top of the page, where you will be redirected to this page and click on ‘cash exchange’
Neteller rewards points exclusions
Whilst you will generate reward points for most transfers, there are some merchants that are excluded which you can view below.
Additionally, you will not earn reward points for P2P neteller-to-neteller transfers.
UNIBET, gamesys group, vcreditos (8room), pinnacle sports, panbet, gala & coral, exness, exness.Eu, betfair, betfair 2, VIRGIN, starspins, WWW.JACKPOTJOY.COM/SE, virgin games, profitable play NV, BOTEMANIA, paddy power, SBOBET, matchbook, william hill, pokerstars, fulltilt, fxpro, bet365, vcreditos, marathonbet, betfair, betfair 2, exness, exness.Eu, trading point, trading point (seychelles) limited, xm.Com, xm.Co.Uk, trading point (seychelles) ltd, trading-point marketing, TP global marketing services, direct markets trading limited, eurasia sports limited, 888.Com and all brands operated by cassava enterprises and betclic everest.
Neteller anniversary reward points
All VIP customers will also receive an annual bonus of reward points every year. The anniversary reward points are credited every year on the anniversary of your date of registration at neteller. The number of points awarded to you is varied according to your VIP level.
- Neteller bronze VIP – 1000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller bronze pro VIP – 9000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller silver VIP – 9000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller gold VIP – 10,000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller platinum VIP – 20,000 anniversary reward points
- Neteller diamond VIP – 50,000 anniversary reward points
Neteller VIP cashback
Achieving the highest levels of VIP status (platinum VIP & diamond VIP) require a substantial amount of transfers.
However, for high rollers, we recommend trying to achieve the top level status as quickly as possible.
Once you reach platinum VIP & diamond VIP, you will start to earn between 0.25% and 0.50% cashback directly from neteller.
- Platinum VIP’s earn 0.25% direct cashback
- Diamond VIP’s earn 0.50% direct cashback
When will you start to receive direct neteller cashback?
Once your neteller account has been upgraded to platinum or diamond, you will become eligible for direct neteller VIP cashback.
You start receiving this cashback as soon as you become platinum VIP or diamond VIP and the cashback period will be inclusive of the month you were upgraded.
So, for example, let’s say you became platinum VIP on the 14th march 2020 you would receive 0.25% cashback for the full month of march (1st march - 31st march)
Plus, you will have guaranteed your platinum VIP status all the way up to the end of the subsequent year – in this example, it would be guaranteed until 31st december 2021 .
That’s 0.25% direct cashback on every transfer you make until 31st december 2021 !
Of course, if you then reached diamond VIP during 2020 you would then receive 0.50% on every transfer until 31st december 2020.
Neteller VIP livechat
For non-VIP’s, customer support from neteller can be, unfortunately, rather slow.
Whilst any issues will always be resolved by neteller, it can be frustrating to have to wait several days to receive a response.
Therefore, an often overlooked but crucial benefit of becoming a neteller VIP is that you get access to live chat support and a priority email to contact the VIP support team on.
You can access VIP live chat support by going to your neteller account and clicking ‘live chat’ in the bottom left corner.
Alternatively, you can email vip@neteller.Com for prioritised handing of your account issue.
Neteller VIP upgrade
Exclusively for ewalletbooster customers, we have negotiated a fantastic deal with neteller for our users to take advantage of.
Bronze pro VIP benefits
3,300.00 USD daily ATM cash withdrawal limit
9,000 anniversary reward points
1.00 reward point/dollar spent
Fast track to silver VIP - $7,500
Fast track to higher VIP levels
1.45% P2P fee capped at 10 USD
Flexible transaction limit
Guaranteed limit increase
Discounted deposits & withdrawals
Regular neteller customers must transfer $10,000 to achieve bronze VIP status and $50,000 to achieve silver VIP status.
Our deal with neteller allows you to get:
- Bronze pro VIP status with $0 transfer requirement
- Silver VIP status with $7,500 transfer requirement
Silver VIP benefits
- 3,300.00 USD daily ATM cash withdrawal limit
- 9,000 anniversary reward points
- 1.00 reward point/dollar spent
- 3.19% FX fees
- ATM withdrawal fee 1.75%
- Free money transfers (P2P)
- Free net+ prepaid mastercard shipping & handling fee
- Flexible transaction limit
- Guaranteed limit increase
- Discounted deposits & withdrawals
- Next day payouts (UK only)
Silver VIP upgrade
Once you have been upgraded to bronze pro you will see the below information in your neteller dashboard.
This message confirms that you are now bronze pro VIP.
Also note that you will be automatically upgraded to silver VIP once you have transferred $7,500 (or currency equivalent) as you have taken advantage of our exclusive VIP upgrade process - the standard requirement is $50,000 transfers to achieve silver VIP status with neteller.
Regular vs ewalletbooster customers
features | regular neteller customers | ewalletbooster customers |
VIP status | - | bronze pro VIP |
silver VIP threshold | $50,000 | $7,500 |
verification | 2-5 days | 24 hours |
anniversary points | - | 9,000 |
reward point/dollar | - | 1.00 |
money transfer fee | 1.45% (no cap) | 1.45% ($10 cap) |
The process of getting a free bronze pro VIP upgrade from ewalletbooster is fast and simple.
We’ll guide you through this process in a moment but before we do that, we need to be sure that you are eligible to join the ewalletbooster VIP program.
If you registered your neteller account using the ewalletbooster registration link, you will be automatically eligible for a VIP upgrade.
For existing customers of neteller, eligibility to join our program and to receive a VIP upgrade depends on 3 factors.
- You are not already a neteller VIP
- You did not originally register your neteller account through another website or agent
- You have not made any transactions using your neteller account during the last 6 months
Please note, for new and existing neteller customers you will need to make sure your neteller account is fully ID and address verified to be eligible for the VIP upgrade. If you need help with this, check out our neteller verification page.
If you believe you are eligible to join us, follow these steps to join our neteller program and receive your VIP upgrade.
- Firstly, use the registration link in the form below to click through and create a neteller account
- Once you have registered and logged in to neteller, please make a note of your neteller 12 digit account ID
- Finally, go back to ewalletbooster.Com and complete the application form, which includes the neteller account ID, your selected neteller currency and the email address you used to sign up to neteller
Make sure to select ‘request bronze pro VIP' upgrade on the form
You will receive a response from us within 1 business day, advising you of whether your application for your VIP upgrade was successful. If successful, your neteller account will be upgraded immediately and you can begin to enjoy all your new VIP benefits such as:
- Instant bronze pro VIP status
- Fast-track to silver VIP status
- 9000 anniversary reward points
- Lower foreign exchange fees
- 1.45% peer-to-peer transfer fee capped at 10 USD
- Guaranteed limit increase
We hope you enjoy your new VIP benefits and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via livechat on our website.
Neteller VIP application form
Join NETELLER using the application form below or submit your existing NETELLER details to receive a FREE bronze pro VIP upgrade on your NETELLER account and take advantage of lower fees, increased limits and much more. New & existing NETELLER customers welcome.
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Объяснение, как купить биткоин за neteller
С самого начала создания биткоина его цель состояла в предоставлении пользователям по всему миру альтернативного метода оплаты. Теперь, когда в традиционной банковской системе выявлено множество проблем, создание сатоши накамото медленно меняет то, как мы используем деньги в своей повседневной жизни.
Итак, в этой статье мы расскажем о том, что такое биткоин, как купить биткоин за neteller и как хранить его после покупки.
Итак, сначала о важном, о принципе действия биткоина и о том, почему он настолько ценен.
Понятие биткоина
Биткоин, как упоминалось выше, представляет собой цифровую валюту, призванную устранить недостатки традиционных денег, контролируемых банками и государствами. Вот несколько ключевых факторов, благодаря которым биткоин является интересной альтернативной валютой:
- Биткоин децентрализован. Это означает, что данная цифровая валюта не контролируется государством или любым другим централизованным органом (банком, финансовым институтом и т.Д.). Кроме того, никто не может отменить или обратить операцию с биткоином. Единственным человеком, ответственным за биткоин, является его владелец.
- Биткоин добывается. В отличие от традиционных денег, которые печатаются центральным органом по мере необходимости, биткоин добывается посредством использования компьютерных мощностей. Процесс добычи биткоинов завершится только тогда, когда все монеты будут добыты (21 миллион монет).
- Биткоин способствует прозрачности. Каждый пользователь сети биткоин может получить реестр и увидеть подробности каждой операции, включая перечисленные суммы и участвующие кошельки. Однако, каждый кошелек представлен серией случайных букв и чисел (публичный адрес), что позволяет владельцу кошелька оставаться анонимным.
- Биткоин можно отравлять по всему миру. Вы можете отправить биткоин любому человеку в любую точку мира. Конечный пользователь получит монеты в течение нескольких секунд независимо от времени, дня недели и праздников.
- Биткоин позволяет осуществлять недорогие переводы. Выполнять операции с биткоином дешевле и быстрее, чем операции с любыми другими цифровыми деньгами.
- И последнее, общее количество биткоинов ограничено 21 миллионом монет, часть которых уже была безвозвратно утеряна. Благодаря этому биткоин является превосходной инвестиционной возможностью, так как ценность каждой монеты с увеличением спроса будет расти.
Что такое neteller?
Биткоин является не единственной цифровой платежной системой. На самом деле существует множество платежных систем, позволяющих переводить деньги онлайн. Их основное отличие от сети биткоин состоит в том, что они централизованы и позволяют обменивать традиционные валюты.
Все, что вам нужно сделать, - это пополнить свой виртуальный кошелек, после чего вы сможете распоряжаться средствами, как пожелаете. Во многом эти сервисы похожи на типичный онлайн-банк.
Одной из самых популярных платежных систем является neteller.
Neteller – это цифровой платежный сервис, часто используемый для перевода средств между продавцами и покупателями. Данная компания принадлежит «paysafe group», являющейся материнской компанией skrill и других организаций.
В связи с ростом популярности neteller многие пользователи начали задумываться о том, как можно использовать данную систему в качестве альтернативного метода покупки и продажи криптовалюты.
Продолжайте читать, если хотите узнать, как купить биткоин за neteller. В этом руководстве мы подробно опишем все шаги, которые необходимо совершить для успешной покупки биткоина.
Создайте биткоин-кошелек
Информация для начинающих пользователей: вам потребуется место, в котором вы сможете хранить купленные биткоины. И чтобы такое место появилось, вам нужно создать биткоин-кошелек. В этом разделе мы кратко расскажем о криптовалютных кошельках и порекомендуем вам лучшие, на наш взгляд, варианты.
Существует четыре разных типа биткоин-кошельков. Прежде чем создать свой, вам нужно выбрать наиболее соответствующий вашим потребностям тип кошелька.
Если вы планируете инвестировать в криптовалюту небольшие суммы средств, возможно, вам стоит выбрать онлайн-кошелек. Его проще всего настроить и использовать для получения и отправки биткоинов. После создания онлайн-кошелька вы сможете получать к нему доступ с любого устройства, подключенного к интернету. Имейте в виду, что из-за того, что поставщики онлайн-кошельков хранят биткоины в своих внутренних кошельках, ваши монеты будут больше подвержены кибератакам и краже. Именно поэтому вам следует выбирать надежного партнера, такого как blockchain wallet.
С другой стороны, если вы уверены в безопасности своего компьютера, вы можете хранить биткоины в настольном кошельке. Для этого вам надо просто скачать и установить кошелек на свой компьютер. Настроив его, вы сможете с легкостью отправлять и получать биткоины в любое время. Однако, выбирая такой тип кошелька, вам следует позаботиться о должной защите вашего компьютера. Убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере установлен надежный антивирус, и воздержитесь от посещения сайтов, потенциально способных нанести вред вашему устройству. Любое повреждение вашего компьютера способно негативно сказаться на безопасности ваших монет. Одним из самых надежных настольных кошельков является atomic wallet. Он не только поддерживает множество разных криптовалют, но и зашифровывает ваш частный ключ, обеспечивая вам полный контроль над своими средствами.
Если вы планируете инвестировать в криптовалюту значительную сумму, лучше выбирать кошелек с самыми эффективными средствами защиты ваших монет. Таким кошельком является аппаратный кошелек. В отличие от онлайн и настольных кошельков, аппаратные кошельки не являются цифровыми. Аппаратные кошельки внешне напоминают флешку и позволяют пользователям подтверждать каждую операцию вручную. Эта мера безопасности позволяет исключить все риски взлома и обеспечить надежное хранение биткоинов офлайн. Однако, аппаратные кошельки стоят недешево, около 70-200 долларов, но эта цена вполне оправдана, если учитывать уровень надежности и количество биткоинов, которые можно хранить в таком кошельке. Самые надежные аппаратные кошельки можно купить напрямую у trezor или ledger.
И последнее, помимо трех описанных выше кошельков, вы можете пользоваться бумажным кошельком. Этот рациональный способ позволяет хранить биткоины офлайн и подразумевает печать ваших ключей на листе бумаги. На самом деле, на листе распечатывается только ваш публичный адрес и конфиденциальный ключ. После создания бумажного кошелька вы сможете отправлять и запрашивать деньги, используя публичный адрес кошелька, и получать доступ к своим средствам с помощью конфиденциального ключа. Создать бумажный кошелек для биткоинов можно здесь.
Выберите один из описанных выше кошельков и подготовьтесь к тому, чтобы купить биткоин за neteller.
Где купить BTC за neteller?
Чтобы ваша покупка биткоинов была успешной, вам нужно найти криптовалютную биржу, поддерживающую операции обмена neteller в биткоин.
Криптовалютная биржа представляет собой платформу, позволяющую пользователям покупать и продавать криптовалюту за другие активы, такие как традиционные деньги и другие цифровые валюты. Как правило, на таких платформах можно также продавать и покупать одну криптовалюту за другую.
Мы рекомендуем выбирать биржу с простым интерфейсом, положительными отзывами пользователей и эффективной службой поддержки клиентов. Если вы выберите биржу, обладающую подобными качествами, вы без труда сможете совершать на ней операции, даже если вы являетесь начинающим пользователем.
Конвертация neteller в биткоин с помощью «paybis»
Итак, давайте в качестве примера рассмотрим «paybis». При создании нашей платформы большое внимание уделялось деталям, поэтому на ней вы найдете все необходимое для того, чтобы получить биткоин за neteller или любую другую валюту, а именно:
- Простой интерфейс, благодаря наличию которого проводить операции на платформе без труда смогут даже начинающие пользователи.
- Как и на других платформах для обмена активов, для того чтобы купить биткоин за neteller, вам нужно будет подтвердить свою личность. На это потребуется не более пяти минут, и, подтвердив свою личность, вы сможете покупать биткоин на большие суммы.
- Специализированная служба поддержки всегда онлайн и всегда готова помочь вам решить проблемы, с которыми вы столкнулись. Если у вас возникли какие-либо сомнения, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с положительными отзывами о нас на trustpilot, на этом сайте мы заслужили практически наивысший балл за непрерывно проводимую нами работу.
Краткое руководство по конвертации neteller в биткоин
Чтобы упростить процесс покупки, мы создали краткое руководство по конвертации neteller в биткоин:
- Из доступных вариантов выберите “neteller” в левой колонке главной страницы и “bitcoin (BTC)” в правой.
- Введите сумму neteller, которую вы хотели бы обменять, и укажите свой адрес биткоин-кошелька, на который мы могли бы перечислить ваши средства.
- На этом этапе вам необходимо подтвердить личность. Чтобы продолжить, пожалуйста, предоставьте всю необходимую информацию.
- После того, как команда изучит и проверит ваш аккаунт, вы сможете осуществить оплату.
- Вы автоматически получите свои биткоины после получения нами вашего платежа в neteller.
Если вы хотите более подробно ознакомиться с процессом покупки, пожалуйста, изучите раздел «шаг за шагом», представленный ниже. И, если после этого у вас останутся какие-либо вопросы, свяжитесь с нашей службой поддержки в онлайн-чате.
How to buy bitcoins with NETELLER
The bitcoin exchange below are the best ones to use if you want to exchange NETELLER to bitcoins.
We may receive advertising compensation when you click certain products. Before jumping into this page, an important disclosure.
Bitpanda is a bitcoin exchange based in vienna, austria. European users can buy bitcoins with neteller in under 10 seconds using bitpanda. Note that the exact fees for purchasing with NETELLER are not displayed publically. You will be shown a buy price at check out and the fees for using NETELLER are included in that price.
We may receive compensation when you use bitpanda. Please visit bitpanda for its exact pricing terms.
Coincorner buy bitcoin
Coincorner recently added support for NETELLER. It lets you use coincorner and fund your account without giving up your credit card details or extra personal information.
We may receive compensation when you use coincorner. Please visit coincorner for its exact pricing terms.
- Trusted and regulated company in the UK
- Wide range of payment options
- Good customer support
- Instant credit card purchases
- Supports a very wide range of countries
- Video tutorials covering the basics of bitcoin and buying and selling
- Multi-sig security features
- 1% trading fee slightly high by european standards
- Offers a mobile wallet but this is not ideal for bitcoin storage
- Requires ID verification, so not private
- Does not provide exchange prices for comparison without sign-up
Local bitcoins buy bitcoin
Localbitcoins is an escrow service and will help connect you with users online who accept NETELLER for bitcoin. Use caution when trading on localbitcoins. Check each seller's profile to verify a history of succesful trades.
If you want to buy larger amounts of bitcoin, try buying with a SEPA transfer. Or, check out more payment methods.
Disclaimer: buy bitcoin worldwide is not offering, promoting, or encouraging the purchase, sale, or trade of any security or commodity. Buy bitcoin worldwide is for educational purposes only. Every visitor to buy bitcoin worldwide should consult a professional financial advisor before engaging in such practices. Buy bitcoin worldwide, nor any of its owners, employees or agents, are licensed broker-dealers, investment advisors, or hold any relevant distinction or title with respect to investing. Buy bitcoin worldwide does not promote, facilitate or engage in futures, options contracts or any other form of derivatives trading.
Buy bitcoin worldwide does not offer legal advice. Any such advice should be sought independently of visiting buy bitcoin worldwide. Only a legal professional can offer legal advice and buy bitcoin worldwide offers no such advice with respect to the contents of its website.
Buy bitcoin worldwide receives compensation with respect to its referrals for out-bound crypto exchanges and crypto wallet websites.
Wallabit media LLC and/or its owner/writers own bitcoin.
Что можно сказать в заключение: with all information about the NETELLER support you will be able to contact NETELLER fast and easily. Check the NETELLER help from ewo including live chat. По вопросу neteller support
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