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Payoneer украина. Что это такое и зачем это нужно

Приветствую вас на сайте про payoneer украина. Я расскажу вам, что такое payoneer, как зарегистрироваться и получить бонус, и как вывести деньги из аккаунта payoneer украина (карты payoneer украина) (перейдите по ссылке и зарегистрируйте аккаунт прямо сейчас — регистрация абсолютно бесплатна, ссылка откроется в новом окне). Во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25 процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке. Взгляните на мой пост: пошаговая регистрация аккаунта payoneer

Короткое и понятное видео про использование карты payoneer:

Что же такое payoneer и как он может быть вам полезен?

Payoneer — это американская компания, предоставляющая услуги международных платежей с 2005 года. Штаб-квартира компании находится в нью йорке.

Использование payoneer с каждым годом становится всё популярнее. Существующие и новые сервисы, так или иначе связанные с электронной коммерцией, включают payoneer как способ вывода денег (например, сейчас вы можете использовать аккаунт пайонер для получения выплат с таких ресурсов как: upwork, 99 designs, envato, freelancer.Com, google, istock и другие). Must have для фрилансера!

Регистрация в payoneer (у нас часто называют «пайонер») актуальна для всех людей, работающих в интернете. Особенно удобно использовать пайонер фрилансерам, работающим с международными клиентами. Если же вы из украины и только начинаете работать на upwork.Com, payoneer станет для вас простым и удобным способом вывода денег из upwork.

При необходимости вы сможете заказать именную карту payoneer. Эту стандартную банковскую карту пришлют совершенно бесплатно вам по почте (доставка в украину занимает приблизительно 2-3 недели). Ваша пластиковая карта будет выглядеть вот так:

Вывод денег из upwork на payoneer

Чаще всего аккаунт payoneer украинские фрилансеры и удалённые работники используют для вывода денег из биржи upwork.Com. На середину 2018 года для фрилансеров из украины доступны следующие способы вывода денег из upwork:

Таблица 1. Способы вывода заработанных денег из upwork
способ вывода комиссия
payoneer $1 USD за каждую операцию вывода
банковский перевод (USD) $30 USD за каждую операцию вывода

Если вы зарегистрированы как частный предприниматель, вам выгоднее и проще будет выводить напрямую на банковский счёт частного предпринимателя. Если же вы работаете без регистрации, то payoneer — единственный доступный способ вывода денег из upwork.

Регистрация в payoneer

Все пользователи из украины могут регистрироваться как:

Для регистрации вам понадобятся сканы или фото ваших документов (украинский паспорт, загранпаспорт или водительские права) и карта любого украинского банка.

Регистрация аккаунта payoneer бесплатна!

C регистрацией у вас не возникнет проблем. В сервисе payoneer работает партнёрская программа — если вы зарегистрируетесь по моей ссылке, мы получим по $25 в качестве бонуса. Этот приятный бонус будет зачислен, если баланс вашего аккаунта payoneer будет больше 1000 долларов США. И вывести суммарно 1000 долларов вы должны в течении 12 месяцев после активации аккаунта.

Спустя несколько часов (максимум сутки) после завершения регистрации, вам на почту прийдёт письмо о том, что аккаунт создан и активирован. После этого вы можете полноценно использовать аккаунт payoneer, выводя деньги из upwork.Com и других площадок.

Хочу напомнить, что во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25 процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Сразу после регистрации вам станет доступна также реферальная программа — вы сможете пригласить друзей и получить бонус.

Если вам что-то будет непонятно, обратите внимание на: пошаговая инструкция по регистрации ->

Действительно ли нужна вам карта payoneer?

Карта пайонер — это стандартная именная банковская карта. Поэтому вы легко сможете рассчитываться в магазинах, на заправках и снимать наличные в банкоматах любой страны мира.

Карту payoneer с доставкой в украину вы сможете заказать после того, как у вас на балансе аккаунта будет $30 или больше.

Подумайте, нужна ли вам карта вообще? Аккаунт payoneer можно использовать без заказа банковской карты. Вы можете выводить деньги на карту украинского банка. И не нужно будет платить по 29,95 долларов США каждый год за карту payoneer.

Тарифы payoneer

Тарифы украинского аккаунта payoneer

таблица 2. Тарифы на обслуживание и комиссии по украинскому аккаунту payoneer
тип платежа комиссия описание
global payment service 1% payoneer предоставляет каждому пользователю уникальный сервис global payment service. С его помощью вы сможете получать деньги в различных валютах от клиентов со всего мира. Получение EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD и CNY — бесплатно. А за получение американских долларов нужно заплатить 1%
прямой платёж от клиента до 3% У payoneer есть удобная функция запроса платежа. У меня есть подробнее описание этой функции. Если кратко, то вы из своего аккаунта payoneer можете сформировать запрос на оплату выполненной работы на вашего клиента . У клиента есть такие варианты оплаты:

  • Без комиссии, если у клиента есть аккаунт payoneer и он воспользуется им для оплаты

  • 3% при оплате банковской картой любого банка мира (mastercard, visa и т.П.)

  • 1%, если он оплатит через echeck (USD)

платежи с бирж, торговых площадок и сервисов0% payoneerС аккаунтом payoneer вы сможете получать заработанные деньги от wish, fiverr, upwork, airbnb и сотен других сервисов, уже сейчас сотрудничающих с payoneer. У конкретного сервиса может быть комиссия за вывод на payoneer. Например, upwork удерживает $1 USD за каждую операцию вывода. При зачислении средств на баланс аккаунта, пайонер предложит вам мгновенное зачисление за $2.50 USD или обычное зачисление без дополнительных комиссий. При обычном зачислении средства станут доступны на карте в течении двух банковских дней.Сделать платёжбесплатновы можете платить за различные услуги без комиссий на другие аккаунты payoneer.

Тарифы карты payoneer (для украины)

таблица 3. Тарифы на обслуживание и комиссии по карте payoneer
prepaid карта payoneer комиссии описание
годовое использование $29.95 payoneer предлагает дебетовую карту, за которую каждый год нужно платить 29,95 доллара США
перевыпуск карты $12.95 если вы потеряете карту или её украдут — за перевыпуск карты payoneer удержит комиссию.
Покупки в интернете или в супермаркетах $0.00 (без комиссии) payoneer не удерживает комиссии при покупках в магазинах. Но есть нюансы — читайте ниже таблицы.
Снятие наличных денежных средств в банкомате $3.15 cнимается за каждую транзакцию. При выполенном запросе на снятие наличных средств или других финансовых операций — дополнительная плата может взиматься оператором вашего банкомата
комиссия при отказе в выдаче наличных средств $1 cнимается за каждую транзакцию при получении отказа на снятие наличных средств – по любой причине
комиссия за запрос баланса через банкомат $1 cнимается за каждый запрос проверки баланса карты через любой банкомат – лучше баланс смотреть в аккаунте

Важно! Фактически при оплате картой payoneer в украинских магазинах, а также в иностранных магазинах снимается дополнительная комиссия либо за конвертацию валюты, либо за трансграничный платёж. Дополнительная комиссия не снимается при оплате картой в американских магазинах или сервисах.

Комиссия за конвертацию валюты снимается, когда транзакция осуществляется в валюте, отличающейся от валюты вашей карты. Обменные валютные курсы основываются на курсе mastercard. Вы можете использовать mastercard currency conversion tool для проверки курса. Если ваша валюта не указана в mastercard currency conversion tool, можно проверить ориентировочный обменный курс на сайте www.Xe.Com.

Дополнительно payoneer снимает до 3.5% за обмен валюты, когда происходит транзакция. Когда транзакция происходит в валюте карты, но страна банка, который выпустил карту и страна мeрчанта (продавца) разные, будет списана комиссия за трансграничный платеж. Payoneer снимает до 3.5% за трансграничную (международную) транзакцию.

***комиссия за конвертацию валюты и за трансграничный перевод не суммируются. Это значит, что только один тип комиссии может быть списан.

Комиссия за снятие наличных в банкомате $3.15 — мы привыкли в украине к другим тарифам! Поэтому снятие наличных с карты payoneer не очень выгодно (особенно мелкими суммами).

Если вы планируете систематически рассчитываться в каком-то магазине (например, в супермаркете возле дома) — сначала сделайте пробную покупку и проверьте в своей панели управления на сайте myaccount.Payoneer.Com курс. В разделе транзакций нажмите на нужную и увидите детальную информацию:

Курс конвертации при использовании карты payoneer украина в сильпо. 18 января 2016 курс в банках был почти такой же.

Лимиты payoneer на снятие с карты и оплату в магазинах

Очень часто люди задают вопрос: какие лимиты существуют на снятие денег в банкомате или покупки в магазинах для карточки payoneer?
Эти лимиты индивидуальны. Но для большинства украинских аккаунтов существуют на сегодня (3 августа 2018 года) следующие лимиты и ограничения:

  1. Дневной лимит на расходы по карте пайонер — 5000 долларов. При этом вы можете снять до 2500 долларов и потратить на покупки до 2500 долларов.

  2. Ежедневно вы можете совершать до 10 транзакций в банкоматах и до 9 транзакций в точках продаж (реальных и виртуальных)

При этом следует помнить, что у большинства банкоматов существуют свои лимиты и зависят эти ограничения от конкретного банка.

Ссылка для регистрации в payoneer с получением бонуса важно помнить! Во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25, процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Как снять деньги с карты payoneer в украине?

В украине с карты payoneer можно снять гривны и доллары. Учитывая комиссии, в каждом конкретном случае лучше заблоговременно просчитать всё. В зависимости от суммы, которую вам нужно вывести, может быть выгоднее снять доллары. А может быть выгоднее и проще снять гривны. А в некоторых случаях вообще не стоит заморачиваться и проще вывести заработанные деньги на карту украинского банка.

Как снять доллары в украине с карты payoneer

Уже много лет у нас в стране нет валютных банкоматов. Точнее, они никуда не делись, но валюту в них никто не завозит. Поэтому, единственным вариантом для снятия долларов с карты будет касса банка.
Большинство банков не выдают валюту по «чужим» картам, а обслуживают только свои (привет, приват!).

В ощадбанке и укрсиббанке вы можете снять в кассе доллары. Для снятия валюты вам нужно будет предоставить кассиру карту и свои документы: идентификационный код и паспорт.

Таблица 4. Банки, в кассах которых можно снять доллары с карты payoneer
название банка комиссия банка комиссия mastercard комиссия payoneer
ощадбанк 2.5% 1.8% 3.15$
ukrsibbank 3% 1.8% 3.15$

Как снять гривны с карты payoneer

Гривны вам выдаст абсолютно любой банкомат. Но стоит помнить, что за одну транзакцию банкомат в украине выдаст только 40 купюр. К тому же, несколько месяцев назад было введено ограничение НБУ и снять из банкомата за «один присест» можно сумму до 15000 гривен.

Я лично использую банкоматы приватбанка. В них удобно показывается какие купюры доступны в конкретном банкомате. И, что тоже важно, приватбанк не прибавляет никакие дополнительные комиссии.

Вывод денег из аккаунта payoneer на карту украинского банка

При всех достоинствах, у карты payoneer есть ряд недостатков. А именно:

  • Плата за обслуживание $29.95 в год;

  • Комиссии при ежедневном использовании в украине как платёжной карты;

  • Высокие комиссии за снятие наличных, запроса баланса, неудачных запросах.

На самом деле, этих недостатков лишены привычные нам карты украинских банков, например, того же приватбанка (если вдруг у вас нет карты приватбанка — кликайте по ссылке и оформите карту универсальная c возможным кредитным лимитом) и монобанка.

И ребята из payoneer это всё тоже прекрасно понимают. Поэтому с конца 2017 года правила регистрации аккаунтов payoneer серьёзно изменились. Обязательно заказывать карту при регистрации, за которую в любом случае спишут 29,95 долларов США больше не нужно.

Если карта payoneer вам не нужна — вы можете полноценно использовать аккаунт payoneer и выводить заработанные деньги на карточку украинского банка. Можно выводить как в гривнах, так и в долларах. Доллары можно выводить на банковскую карту любого украинского банка, а гривны можно выводить только на карту приватбанка. Более подробно я описал процесс вывода в двух статьях: payoneer -> монобанк и payoneer -> приватбанк.

Лимиты при выводе в долларах и гривнах на карту украинского банка

таблица 5. Минимальная и максимальная сумма при выводе долларов и гривен из payoneer
валюта карты украиского банка минимальная сумма за 1 вывод максимальная сумма за 1 вывод
доллары США $200 $10000
гривна $50 $10000

Насколько законно пользоваться payoneer в украине?

25 ноября 2016 года прошло мероприятие upwork national career day в киеве. Там выступил юрист по вопросам легализации фриланса и законного вывода денег. До недавнего времени честному украинцу нужно было получить лицензию НБУ, если он хотел хранить деньги в другой стране.

Как обстоят дела с законностью в 2020 году?

Факт 1:
25 февраля 2017 года национальный банку украины отменил необходимость получения лицензий для украинцев, которые хотят разместить средства на счетах в заграничных банках.

Факт 2:payoneer не является банковской структурой. Payoneer — это платёжная система. Вы, как зарегистрированный пользователь этой платёжной системы, являетесь не владельцем счёта, а пользователем системы с доступом к специальному счету. Использование payoneer никогда не попадало под запрет каких-либо законов ранее.

Перестаньте воспринимать налоговую как некоего монстра, гоняющегося за одинокими фрилансерами. Со стороны правительства украины в последнее время делаются правильные шаги в сторону облегчении жизни фрилансерам, зарабатывающим в сети. В 2017 году можно вообще без проблем и какой-либо бумажной волокиты зарегистрироваться онлайн как ФОП (фізична особа-підприємець). После регистрации вы будете отчислять всего 5% (в зависимости от группы) в виде налогов. В польше такая же деятельность облагается налогом в 30% ��

Платить налоги или нет — личное дело каждого человека. Вне зависимости от того, платите вы налоги или нет — нужно понимать, что технической возможности отследить деньги, проходящие через payoneer, нет. Естественно, если вы будете регулярно выводить с payoneer на приват (на карточку) суммы от 3-5 тыс долларов, то спустя пару месяцев вами заинтересуется финансовый контроль банка.

У всех моих знакомых есть карта payoneer. Они её используют, потому что это удобно и быстро. Никогда никаких проблем не возникало с законом. До конца непонятно кто прав, а кто нет. НБУ утверждает, что любая карточка равноценна наличию счета, payoneer со своей стороны говорит обратное. На данный момент дальше страшилок в интернете (которые часто распространяются какими-то компаниями, оказывающее посреднические услуги при выводе денег, то есть напрямую заинтересованными) не заходило и проблем с законом не возникало ни у кого. Вывод денег с карты payoneer через банкоматы в украине безопасен. Если же вы планируете снимать регулярно и крупные суммы — лучший вариант — недорогой билет в польшу или другую близкую к нам европейскую страну. Там снимаете, сюда возвращаетесь с наличными.

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Моё мнение о payoneer спустя три года использования

Для фрилансера из украины — аккаунт payoneer просто незаменим. Во всяком случае в 2020 году, когда конкурентных альтернатив нет.

Сейчас заказывать карту payoneer особого смысла лично я не вижу. Если только вы часто платите за сервисы в США или покупаете в американских магазинах. Во всех остальных случаях гораздо проще и быстрее вывести доллары из пайонер на долларовую карту приватбанка с комиссией в 2%. И использовать для оплаты именно карту привата, не платя никаких дополнительных комиссий. Если же нужны наличные деньги, в кассе привата можно снять с приватовской карты наличные доллары вообще без проблем и заморочек. И если нужны гривны, то поменять прямо в приват24 с долларовой карты по нормальному курсу.

Полезные ссылки для фрилансера:

На официальном форуме есть тема с обсуждением банкоматов payoneer в украине — http://community.Payoneer.Com/ (ссылка откроется в новом окне).

Как сказал великий бенджамин франклин:
не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня!

Зарегистрируйтесь в payoneer сегодня
во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25, процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Телефон payoneer в украине

Поддержка в украине по телефону осуществляется с понедельника по пятницу с 8:00 до 12:00:
+38 (089) 320-24-26

Возможно, вам приходилось слышать «карта пионер», «пайонир украина», «банк пионер», «payponeer», «пэйонер», «карта для фрилансера», «компания пайонир», «pioneer платежная система», «payaneer», «пайонір», «пейонир», «poyoneer», «payoneneer», «pioneer банковская карта», «payooner», «карта пионер» или «payoner» — это всё про payoneer.

Payoneer sign UP ⇒ $35 free registration bonus [2020]


If you are new to payoneer then make sure to use our exclusive payoneer sign UP link to earn exclusive free $35 payoneer bonus instead of $25 & register a free account today with a free ATM card! The payoneer bonus will be credited to your account once you make a transaction via your payoneer account.

Payoneer is one of the best online companies & platforms for online users to send & receive cross-border payments. It works as the same as paypal & other companies do.

You just need to sign up for payoneer account which you can then use to receive payments online from companies, order a payoneer mastercard which you can use to make online purchases, withdraw payments via atms & local bank accounts and even spend money online by making online purchases.

The reason that we recommend payoneer to all of our readers is the simplicity of sending & receiving cross-border payments without worrying about losing your money or anything else.

Payoneer has been partnered with thousands of companies out there including online marketplaces, advertising networks, affiliate networks, freelancing sites & many more that helps you get paid by those marketplaces & networks at a fee of just $2 for normal funding or $5 for quick or immediate funding.

Most of us work on the internet and make money online so the only way to get paid by the companies and clients which we work with requires a payment gateway so that we can get paid by them and the only online payment solution that I highly recommend to my blog readers is payoneer and why I recommend it is that it’s totally free and it also comes with a very light-weight fee compared to other online payment processors.

If you’re any of the followings, payoneer is the best choice for you to create an account with and start using it for sending & receiving payments online.

Payoneer is best for:

    blogger online store owner affiliate marketer publisher or an advertiser with ad networks freelancer amazon seller need to receive cross-border payments from US banks or need to get paid by buyers & your clients

Now coming here to fact that registering payoneer account is actually totally free which means you don’t need to pay anything but instead just read our step by step payoneer sign UP guide below that will help you learn how to get payoneer with payoneer mastercard (you’ll use to make online or offline purchases or withdraw money at atms across the world) and a free $35 payoneer bonus.

Companies that pay via payoneer

One of the reasons that I like payoneer the most is because it helps me receive payments from almost all global marketplaces & companies which I work with such as:

    amazon.Com 99designs avangate envato elance freelance fiverr infolinks revenuehits propellerads template monster affiliate getresponse affiliate shareasale payoneer affiliate program

Now let me clear this here that most of our blog readers come with a question which is: is payoneer scam? Will payoneer scam me if I will apply for a payoneer account?

The answer is obviously NOT! Payoneer neither scam nor it’ll scam you as for years, I have been using it and I have withdrawn thousands of dollars through its payoneer mastercard & bank account and I have never faced any issue with it. However, if you got any issue with it, then payoneer has a lot of contact ways such as live chatting, email support & forum support that will help you fix your issues & concerns.

The best part of payoneer is that it gives you a US bank account that you can use to receive payments from companies & also issues a free payoneer mastercard that you can use to make online & in-store purchases or withdraw your payoneer funds using any ATM throughout the world.

Payoneer sign UP

When you visit payoneer.Com directly then you won’t earn any payoneer sign UP bonus. However, anyone that will register for payoneer through our special link here will receive a free $35 to $50 bonus instead of $25. Don’t forget to use the link to get a free bonus OR you can learn about payoneer $25 bonus here.

Payoneer features

Payoneer is the best source & platform for all those who want to get paid by companies & clients. It’s also the best platform for companies & marketplaces that facilitates them to use the platform as a payout method.

Here I’d like to talk a little about the payoneer features and how it can benefit the users that are using payoneer or those who want to register for payoneer.

1. Get paid online

Yes! Payoneer is the platform come into existence to get paid by companies & marketplaces online. It’s an online platform for all those who work online either as a part-time or full time but want to receive their earnings & money from marketplaces & companies globally & internationally like freelancing sites including fiverr, freelance.Com, upwork and ad networks such as revenuehits, propellerads and much more.

2. Best for marketplaces & companies

Payoneer isn’t just for those who get paid via it but rather payoneer is a great and one of the best platforms that helps companies/networks & marketplaces use payoneer as a payout method which allows millions of users across the globe to get paid via payoneer at a very low fees such as payoneer charges $2 for normal funds receiving while charges $5 for immediate funds receiving.

3. Supporting 200+ countries

If you’re from any of the 200+ payoneer supported countries then you can easily use payoneer and get paid via it. There are countries that cannot apply for paypal but with the help of payoneer, you won’t need to apply for paypal as payoneer is one of the best alternatives to paypal and even in most cases, payoneer is better than paypal!

We have also listed all the payoneer supported countries which consists of over 200+ countries so check the list out on our blog.

4. Online banking

Payoneer is a great way to keep your hard-earned money safe online. You can receive unlimited amounts of money from anywhere and can store it safely in your payoneer account. There are various ways that you can use your payoneer balance & funds or you can withdraw directly.

5. Funds local bank transfer

The best thing about payoneer is that it lets you transfer your payoneer balance & funds right straight to your local bank account which will not only help you reduce the transfer fees but also will apply a good exchange rate. I always recommend my readers to use the local bank transfer option while withdrawing funds from payoneer account.

6. Funds ATM withdrawal

If you’re in hurry or out of the city or country, the payoneer mastercard or also known as ATM is there to help you out! With the payoneer mastercard, you’re able to withdraw funds from your payoneer account at any time anywhere across the world where the logo of mastercard is placed & accepted.

7. Multiple currencies

Payoneer accepts over 150+ currencies which means you can make transactions in over 150+ currencies and also you can keep money in your payoneer account in multiple currencies as well.

Payoneer account requirements

Before you register for payoneer, make sure to know the payoneer requirements.

  • First of all, you should be at least 18 years old.

  • You must have a local bank account because, without bank account, you may not be able to apply for payoneer account.

  • You must have a national identity card, passport or any driving license.

  • You must be in a country where payoneer is accepted like pakistan, india, bangladesh & indonesia etc.

How to sign UP for payoneer?

Follow these steps to register for payoneer.

  1. Click our bonus link to visit payoneer sign up page.

  2. Then click on the sign UP & earn $35* button to go to the signup page.

  3. Fill in the signup form with accurate details such as email address, village address & bank account details.

  4. Submit your registration form & wait for 3 to 4 days.

  5. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified about the status of your account.

  6. If your account is approved, you’ll be able to log in & manage your account.

Payoneer supported countries

Payoneer is available in more than 200 countries and accepts more than 150 currencies worldwide and if you are one of the payoneer supported countries then you can easily opt for the payoneer sign UP.

Here are a few countries I’d like to share with you so that you know if your country is listed in the payoneer supported countries. However, you can check a full list here.

    Pakistan bangladesh india afghanistan iran iraq china saudi arabia UAE USA algeria nigeria bahrain malaysia brazil indonesia hong kong nepal etc

Is payoneer safe?

Payoneer is a safe & legit company with millions of customers around the world and still, it’s growing from time to time. You & your money is all safe with payoneer and if you have any issue with it then the payoneer customer care team is there covered you up with all possible support and is ready to assist you regarding any issue regarding your payoneer account.

Payoneer VS paypal

You may have heard that payoneer is the paypal alternative and this is true. Paypal we know which is the fastest growing online platform for users to get paid by clients & international marketplaces but payoneer is also not the least. Payoneer has been one of the lovely platforms that freelancers, bloggers, affiliate marketers & other internet users are using to process their online earning & money.

Payoneer fees

Payoneer basically does not charge you anything for the basic account you create with them, however, you will be charged for any service you use such as when you make ATM transaction using your payoneer mastercard, you’ll be charged both by the ATM card & the ATM machine & when you receive payments from any company or transfer payments. [check out the payoneer fees & charges]

How to get payoneer step by step guide:


Click our bonus link then on the next page, click on sign up & earn $35* button.

On the payoneer sign up page, you need to enter correct deals such as your first & last name, email address & dob etc. You can put details from your CNIC or any other document.


On the contact details page, you need to choose your country, state, city, correct street address, city name, postal or zip code & working mobile number. (it’s very important for you to put the right details so you can get your payoneer mastercard at the right place & as soon as your account is confirmed.)


On the security details page, you need to choose strong password for your account, a security question, type national identity card number or passport or your driving license number & finally country of your residence from your CNIC, license or passport.


On the almost done page, you need to enter your local bank account details. (this is not required for all countries – if this is required, simply go to any of your local banks and create an account with them for yourself and then enter all of your local bank details here) please check your bank documents & enter your correct bank details such as your bank name, bank branch name, account name, account number, SWIFT/BIC of the bank etc.

Note: payoneer will check & investigate your bank account details for further security concerns so try to put the right bank details that you own. Entering any wrong info can put your account in danger & will be the reason of your account termination.


When the form is completely filled, please read & mark all the agreements & hit the submit button & your application will be sent to payoneer. Your application will be reviewed within 3 to 5 business days & when a final decision is made, you will receive an email regarding your account status.

Once your account is created & approved, you will then be able to order a free payoneer card from your payoneer account dashboard. So log into your account and go to the order a card page under the settings menu and then order your payoneer card.


Payoneer sign UP without bank account?

Well, one of a headache for most of the payoneer customers is that they are required a local bank account in order to sign up with payoneer. If you don’t have a local bank account then don’t worry here is an alternative way how to apply for payoneer without a local bank account.

Follow these steps:

  • Sign up with any marketplace that accepts payoneer as a payment method such as fiverr, upwork etc [but keep in mind that this method is not recommended because you won’t get any bonus].

  • Through that marketplace, apply for payoneer account & hopefully, you will be able to own payoneer without a local bank account.

[also read this discussion]

Payoneer faqs (frequently asked questions)

Please read some of the most asked questions regarding payoneer account to get help if you encounter any issue in the near future.

Is payoneer free?

Yes, registering with payoneer and keeping an account is totally free and you won’t charge anything for no matter how long you have an active account but you will be charged for the services of payoneer you use such as ATM withdrawal & receiving payments from marketplaces etc.

Do I need bank account for payoneer?

While signing up the payoneer registration form, you will be asked at the last step for a bank account which is very important to provide before you are given an account by payoneer. This is required by payoneer and you must provide your own bank account under your own name.

Can I withdraw money from payoneer to local bank account?

Yes, you can easily withdraw money from your account to your local bank account if you have money and you have linked your bank to payoneer. The minimum withdrawal to a bank account is $50 and there is no specific maximum amount.

How long does it take to get an approved payoneer account?

Once you have successfully signed up with payoneer and submitted the required details, it will then take 3 to 7 days your account to be reviewed by the payoneer team and then you will receive an email regarding the activation of your account.

Can I receive payments from fiverr & other marketplaces?

Yes, you can receive payments from thousands of marketplaces including fiverr, upwork, freelance.Com etc at very low fees or you will be charged $2 for the two days transaction or $5 for the 2 hours transaction also known as immediate load.

Can I have multiple payoneer accounts?

No, you cannot own multiple payoneer accounts under your own name and this is strictly prohibited by payoneer so don’t try to open & own multiple accounts under one name and details.

Is payoneer $25 bonus real? How can I get it?

We have a special deal for you from payoneer and whoever signs up with payoneer through our deal link, he will get $35 to $50 payoneer sign UP bonus on his/her first registration.

Can I make payments to companies from payoneer?

Yes, payoneer can be used to make online payments to companies worldwide.

Can I send payments to other payoneer customer?

Yes, payoneer lets you send and receive payments from other payoneer customers without any charge using the request a payment option (he may also not need to have payoneer account but rather he can make payment to your through credit card such as visa etc).

If you have any question, make sure to comment below and we would try to answer your questions.

Payoneer activating tutorial made by payoneer.Com

Once you have received your account confirmation email, you’ll then be able to log into your account easily.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful. If you did find it helpful, please tweet it or share it with your friends on social media.

Вопросы и ответы по карте «payoneer prepaid mastercard®»

Что такое payoneer?

Компания payoneer занимается распространением, управлением и обслуживанием карт «payoneer prepaid mastercard®». Деловым партнером по выпуску карт payoneer является банк choice bank limited. Лидер в области предоплаченных финансовых решений для интерактивных приложений, компания payoneer имеет головной офис в нью-йорке. Мы ценим связь с клиентом, поэтому просьба присылать любые замечания или предложения по адресу [email protected]

Кто может получить карту «payoneer prepaid mastercard®»?

Любой человек, достигший 18 лет, независимо от наличия банковского счета, может подать заявление на получение предоплаченной карты mastercard® от компании payoneer. С подробной инструкцией по заказу карты payoneer вы можете ознакомиться в соответствующем разделе «заказ карты «payoneer prepaid mastercard®».

При регистрации информацию необходимо вносить русскими или латинскими буквами?

При оформлении заявки на получение карты payoneer prepaid mastercard, все поля в анкете должны быть заполнены только латинскими буквами.

Каковы расходы, связанные с заказом и обслуживанием дебетовой карты mastercard®?

При заказе карты, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на тарифы по обслуживанию:

  • Заказ карты – $15.95 (комиссия снимается после первого пополнения карты);

  • Вывод средств на карту - $4 (вывод осуществляется в течение 2-х часов);

  • Получение наличных в банкомате (USD) – $3.25 за транзакцию;

  • Получение наличных в банкомате (местная валюта) - $3.25 +2% за транзакцию;

  • Платежи с использованием карты в магазинах и онлайн – без комиссии;

  • Ежемесячное обслуживание: $1 при 5-и и более операциях по карте в месяц; $3 при 4-х и менее операциях в месяц

Как быстро я смогу получить карту payoneer после оформления заказа?

После оформления заказа, карта payoneer будет доставлена вам в течение 12-25 рабочих дней. В случае если карта не поступила в указанный промежуток времени, рекомендуем обратиться в службу поддержки payoneer

Как я могу использовать предоплаченную карту mastercard®?

Предоплаченные карты mastercard® работают в точности, как и другие карты mastercard®. Карта принимается к оплате товаров и услуг в любой точке мира, где обслуживаются карты mastercard®.

Можно ли использовать предоплаченную карту mastercard® для проведения операций в интернете?

Предоплаченная карта mastercard может быть использована для проведения операций в интернете везде, где дебетовые карты mastercard принимаются как форма оплаты. При помощи предоплаченной картой mastercard®, вы также можете производить пополнение вашего торгового счета в ГК forex club.

Кто может пользоваться картой?

Владельцем карты является физическое лицо, чьё имя напечатано на карте. Тот человек, на чье имя выпущена карта, является единственным зарегистрированным владельцем карты.

Что произойдет с моей картой, если я ей не пользуюсь?

Как только карта достигнет нулевого баланса, со счёта карты «payoneer prepaid mastercard®» не будут сниматься комиссионные сборы.

Как активировать карту?

С подробной инструкций по активации карты payoneer вы можете ознакомиться в соответствующем разделе «активация карты «payoneer prepaid mastercard®»

Каким образом выплаты на моей карте«prepaid mastercard®» становятся доступными?

Как только платёж был загружен на вашу предоплаченную карту mastercard®, вы получите уведомление посредством электронной почты и должны будете подтвердить получение выплаты. Денежные средства будут доступны для вас по истечении 2-х часов с момента приёма платежа. Пожалуйста, убедитесь в том, что электронная почта от [email protected] в вашем почтовом ящике не будет автоматически направляться в спам.

Могу ли я пополнить баланс предоплаченной карты mastercard® другим способом?

Да. Вы можете пополнить баланс предоплаченной карты mastercard® с помощью других карт (visa® или mastercard®), электронных чеков (только для владельцев карт в США) или наличных (только для владельцев карт в США). Для дополнительной информации зайдите на www.Payoneer.Com.

Как проверить баланс моей карты?

Для того чтобы проверить баланс вашей карты, необходимо сделать следующее:

  • Нажать на «my account» (вы можете также нажать на «my account» на домашней странице payoneer

  • Ввести имя пользователя и пароль, который вы выбрали при регистрации;

  • Выбрать опцию для проверки баланса.

Какова максимальная сумма единовременного зачисления на предоплаченную карту mastercard®?

Максимальная сумма, которая может быть единовременно зачислена на карту, составляет $30 000.

Какую сумму можно снять в банкомате, и какую сумму можно использовать на покупки?

Ежедневный лимит использования карты установлен в размере $5000.

Ежедневный лимит с денег в банкоматах и у кассира в банке установлен в размере $2500. Например, после обналичивания $2500 карта может быть использована в тот же день для совершения покупок на общую сумму до $2500.

Примечание: ограничения на снятие наличных средств также могут зависеть от банкомата, и они могут разниться с установленными нормами, указанными выше.

Что делать, если моя карта потеряна или украдена?

Немедленно сообщите в компанию payoneer о краже или утере карты.

Самый удобный способ сообщить об этом - написать обращение в службу поддержки компании payoneer через форму обратной связи на их сайте. На главной странице сайта www.Payoneer.Com кликните по кнопке "customer support". На открывшейся странице есть возможность отправить сообщение, а также онлайн чат с представителем службы поддержки. На странице отправки сообщения выберите язык интерфейса русский, укажите тип обращения "потерянная или украденная карта" и отправьте запрос на блокирование карты.

Вы можете перевыпустить потерянную карту. Оплата за доставку новой карты будет списана со счёта вашей карты.

Так же для блокировки карты вы можете воспользоваться «глобальной службой поддержки mastercard» вам достаточно выбрать из списка вашу страну и система выдаст вам контактный телефон для связи. В случае, если страна, в которой вы находитесь, не указана в списке, звоните по номеру в США 1-636-722-71-11.

Как я могу аннулировать карту и получить остаток баланса?

Вы можете аннулировать вашу карту, отправив запрос по электронному адресу [email protected]

Пожалуйста, укажите последние 8 цифр и имя владельца, указанные на карте. Payoneer аннулирует вашу карту. Оставшиеся денежные средства вы сможете снять в банкомате.

К кому я могу обратиться в случае необходимости дополнительной помощи?

Вопросы, связанные с вашими доходами, входят в компетенцию партнёра. После загрузки денежных средств на вашу карту все вопросы относительно вашего счета и/или использования карты должны направляться в payoneer

Что делать, если заявка на получение карты была отклонена системой payoneer?

Причина отклонения заявки будет указана в отправленном вам сообщении от компании payoneer. К сожалению, в случае отклонения заявки, данный способ вывода средств вам не доступен.

Paypal vs. Payoneer – how do these companies fare against each other?


EUR; GBP; JPY; CNY are free via receiving accounts while USD can charge 1%

Withdrawing EUR; GBP; JPY; CNY; USD can charge up to 2%.


Sending money across borders no longer requires that you deal with your bank’s typically unfavorable exchange rates and steep fees. Now, several overseas money transfer companies give you easy and cost-effective means to make cross-border payments. However, whether you should choose paypal or payoneer, or opt for another alternative, depends on multiple factors.

To find out what customers of these companies have to say, you do not need to look beyond trustpilot. Incidentally, average scores of both companies on this platform are below average.

You may determine if payoneer or paypal is better for you by understanding how these companies differ in their operations across multiple categories.

Exchange rates

This section of the payoneer vs. Paypal comparison will depend on your personal circumstances. Both companies companies have different foreign exchange rates and fees depending on the type of transaction you are making.


  • Paypal have different foreign transaction rates depending on what country you have sign up in.

  • If you are a US customer, international sales have a 4.4% transaction fee, plus an additional fee based on currency received

  • Paypal does not list its FX rates for sending funds from your account to someone else. A USD $100 test from USD to AUD resulted in AUD $133.96. The interbank rate at the time was 1.385. So, the company charged 4.6% to make this transfer.


  • Payoneer exchange rates depend on prevailing mid-market rates.

  • The company informs you of the exchange rate ahead of time.

  • Mastercard exchange rates apply when you use prepaid payoneer mastercard in a non-listed currency.

Pay close attention to this section of the paypal vs. Payoneer comparison because of their different fee structures.


  • The country of your residence affects the fees you need to pay.

  • In some countries, a currency conversion charge of 2% to 2.75% applies

  • Transfers from the U.S. Made using a bank account or paypal balance come with 0% to 2% fees.

  • Paying for your transfer using a credit card is typically more expensive than paying through a bank account.

  • You may need to pay currency conversion fees.


  • You may use payoneer to send money overseas without paying any fees.

  • When you withdraw funds from your payoneer account to your bank account, a fee applies.

  • Payments received from other payoneer customers using the company’s make a payment service come with no fees.

  • Payments received through the global payment service require that you pay 1% of the transferred amount as fees.

  • If you use the billing service as an online seller and receive payments via credit cards, a 3% fee applies.

  • You may view the company’s detailed fee structure online.

Multi-currency bank accounts

While you may use either paypal or payoneer to hold funds and transact in different currencies, only the latter provides unique bank account details.


If you open a paypal account, the company gives you the ability to hold balances and transact in:


  • The payoneer global payment service gives you access to free receiving accounts in GBP, EUR, USD, CAD, MXN, AUD, JPY, and CNY

  • Receiving funds from mass payout partners such as amazon, airbnb, upwork, and fiverr is simple

  • Transfer money to other payoneer users through the billing service

  • Pay no fees when you receive payments in GBP, EUR, and JPY

  • Payments received in USD come with 1% fees

  • A monthly account keeping fee applies

Debit/travel cards

Both companies provide cards that their customers may use to access funds from their accounts, although the availability of these cards depends on where you live.


  • Receiving direct deposits is easy with your paypal debit card

  • Transferring funds from your paypal account to your paypal card is easy

  • Paypal lets you reload the card online and in person

  • Cashback rewards apply when you shop at participating merchants


  • The payoneer mastercard comes with no annual fees

  • Cash withdrawals made at atms are subject to fees

  • With forex transactions, you might need to pay currency conversion fees in some cases

  • The card might come with withdrawal and spending limits based on different factors


Whether you use paypal or payoneer, you get the ability to send money to most countries the world over.

  • Check the list of paypal supported countries online.

  • Payoneer supports transfers to over 200 countries, in more than 150 currencies.

Ease of use

Both companies fare well in this section of the payoneer vs. Paypal comparison, unless you want to send money overseas as an individual.


  • Paypal serves individuals, businesses, and online sellers.

  • Website access comes in multiple languages such as english, spanish, french, italian, portuguese, chinese, and japanese.

  • You may send money to any paypal account.

  • Withdraw funds from your paypal account to your bank account easily.

  • Depending on where you live, you may be able to use your paypal balance for online shopping.

  • It accepts payments via bank transfers, debit cards, credit cards, and paypal balances.

  • It provides apps for devices that run on ios and android.


  • The company serves individuals, businesses, and online sellers, but individuals may use its services only to receive money.

  • Website access comes in languages such as english, spanish, russian, arabic, vietnamese, and japanese.

  • The payoneer billing service lets you pay other payoneer users through your credit card.

  • Residents of the U.S. May pay using echecks.

  • Businesses registered in the U.S., the european union, the UK, and japan may pay using bank transfers, echecks, and credit cards.

  • The payoneer payment options page provides further information.

  • It provides apps for android and ios.


There is no need to worry about the safety of your information or funds whether you choose payoneer or paypal. Both companies rely on high encryption levels to keep their websites secure. Both hold client funds in segregated accounts.


  • The law in singapore views paypal’s payment service as a stored value facility, which is why the company does not need the monetary authority of singapore’s approval.

  • It adheres to local rules and regulations surrounding overseas money transfers in all the countries it serves.


  • Payoneer has multi-jurisdictional licenses from the U.S., the european union, hong kong, and japan.

  • The prepaid payoneer mastercard is issued by choice bank limited, wirecard card solutions ltd (WDCS).

Regular overseas payments

Going with paypal or payoneer will do you no good if you want to schedule transfers because both do not offer this functionality yet. You may consider turning to other prominent names such as currencies direct, world first, OFX, or hifx.


You may benefit through special offers and coupons provided by both companies from time to time.

  • Check paypal offers that may lead to savings when shopping online.

  • Make use of the icomparefx payoneer coupon to receive USD $50 in your account when your payoneer balance touches the USD $100 mark.

Learn more

Paypal vs payoneer updates

  • 7th january 2018: fixed broken link to paypal special offers link.

  • 17th september 2018: added new exclusive payoneer coupon – available to all icomparefx customers

  • 9th december 2018: updated payoneer and paypal exchange rates

  • 28th february 2019: updaed paypal exchange rates section.

  • 25th march 2019: added sections for multi-currency bank accounts and debit/travel cards.

Related posts:


Is it possible for a payoneer-customer to receive a payment from a paypal-customer ?

We haven’t tried! Would you like to give it a try? Follow the same process as on the article sending money from paypal to transferwise borderless.

Let us know how you get on!

Best regards,
the icomparefx team

I’d choose payoneer any other day over the creepy paypal.
The f0rking paypal doesn’t support receiving money in many countries. When it comes sending money, yes, paypal takes your money. But when it comes to giving to you, paypal says sorry even when someone pays to your paypal account.
Now payoneer even ships the actual mastercard to wherever in the world you are. Yes, they might have a little bit higher charge, but it’s totally worth it.
Currently, I’m asking all my paying agents to use payoneer instead of outdated crab called paypal.

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Payoneer украина. Что это такое и зачем это нужно

Приветствую вас на сайте про payoneer украина. Я расскажу вам, что такое payoneer, как зарегистрироваться и получить бонус, и как вывести деньги из аккаунта payoneer украина (карты payoneer украина) (перейдите по ссылке и зарегистрируйте аккаунт прямо сейчас — регистрация абсолютно бесплатна, ссылка откроется в новом окне). Во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25 процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке. Взгляните на мой пост: пошаговая регистрация аккаунта payoneer

Короткое и понятное видео про использование карты payoneer:

Что же такое payoneer и как он может быть вам полезен?

Payoneer — это американская компания, предоставляющая услуги международных платежей с 2005 года. Штаб-квартира компании находится в нью йорке.

Использование payoneer с каждым годом становится всё популярнее. Существующие и новые сервисы, так или иначе связанные с электронной коммерцией, включают payoneer как способ вывода денег (например, сейчас вы можете использовать аккаунт пайонер для получения выплат с таких ресурсов как: upwork, 99 designs, envato, freelancer.Com, google, istock и другие). Must have для фрилансера!

Регистрация в payoneer (у нас часто называют «пайонер») актуальна для всех людей, работающих в интернете. Особенно удобно использовать пайонер фрилансерам, работающим с международными клиентами. Если же вы из украины и только начинаете работать на upwork.Com, payoneer станет для вас простым и удобным способом вывода денег из upwork.

При необходимости вы сможете заказать именную карту payoneer. Эту стандартную банковскую карту пришлют совершенно бесплатно вам по почте (доставка в украину занимает приблизительно 2-3 недели). Ваша пластиковая карта будет выглядеть вот так:

Вывод денег из upwork на payoneer

Чаще всего аккаунт payoneer украинские фрилансеры и удалённые работники используют для вывода денег из биржи upwork.Com. На середину 2018 года для фрилансеров из украины доступны следующие способы вывода денег из upwork:

Таблица 1. Способы вывода заработанных денег из upwork
способ вывода комиссия
payoneer $1 USD за каждую операцию вывода
банковский перевод (USD) $30 USD за каждую операцию вывода

Если вы зарегистрированы как частный предприниматель, вам выгоднее и проще будет выводить напрямую на банковский счёт частного предпринимателя. Если же вы работаете без регистрации, то payoneer — единственный доступный способ вывода денег из upwork.

Регистрация в payoneer

Все пользователи из украины могут регистрироваться как:

Для регистрации вам понадобятся сканы или фото ваших документов (украинский паспорт, загранпаспорт или водительские права) и карта любого украинского банка.

Регистрация аккаунта payoneer бесплатна!

C регистрацией у вас не возникнет проблем. В сервисе payoneer работает партнёрская программа — если вы зарегистрируетесь по моей ссылке, мы получим по $25 в качестве бонуса. Этот приятный бонус будет зачислен, если баланс вашего аккаунта payoneer будет больше 1000 долларов США. И вывести суммарно 1000 долларов вы должны в течении 12 месяцев после активации аккаунта.

Спустя несколько часов (максимум сутки) после завершения регистрации, вам на почту прийдёт письмо о том, что аккаунт создан и активирован. После этого вы можете полноценно использовать аккаунт payoneer, выводя деньги из upwork.Com и других площадок.

Хочу напомнить, что во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25 процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Сразу после регистрации вам станет доступна также реферальная программа — вы сможете пригласить друзей и получить бонус.

Если вам что-то будет непонятно, обратите внимание на: пошаговая инструкция по регистрации ->

Действительно ли нужна вам карта payoneer?

Карта пайонер — это стандартная именная банковская карта. Поэтому вы легко сможете рассчитываться в магазинах, на заправках и снимать наличные в банкоматах любой страны мира.

Карту payoneer с доставкой в украину вы сможете заказать после того, как у вас на балансе аккаунта будет $30 или больше.

Подумайте, нужна ли вам карта вообще? Аккаунт payoneer можно использовать без заказа банковской карты. Вы можете выводить деньги на карту украинского банка. И не нужно будет платить по 29,95 долларов США каждый год за карту payoneer.

Тарифы payoneer

Тарифы украинского аккаунта payoneer

таблица 2. Тарифы на обслуживание и комиссии по украинскому аккаунту payoneer
тип платежа комиссия описание
global payment service 1% payoneer предоставляет каждому пользователю уникальный сервис global payment service. С его помощью вы сможете получать деньги в различных валютах от клиентов со всего мира. Получение EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD и CNY — бесплатно. А за получение американских долларов нужно заплатить 1%
прямой платёж от клиента до 3% У payoneer есть удобная функция запроса платежа. У меня есть подробнее описание этой функции. Если кратко, то вы из своего аккаунта payoneer можете сформировать запрос на оплату выполненной работы на вашего клиента . У клиента есть такие варианты оплаты:

  • Без комиссии, если у клиента есть аккаунт payoneer и он воспользуется им для оплаты

  • 3% при оплате банковской картой любого банка мира (mastercard, visa и т.П.)

  • 1%, если он оплатит через echeck (USD)

платежи с бирж, торговых площадок и сервисов0% payoneerС аккаунтом payoneer вы сможете получать заработанные деньги от wish, fiverr, upwork, airbnb и сотен других сервисов, уже сейчас сотрудничающих с payoneer. У конкретного сервиса может быть комиссия за вывод на payoneer. Например, upwork удерживает $1 USD за каждую операцию вывода. При зачислении средств на баланс аккаунта, пайонер предложит вам мгновенное зачисление за $2.50 USD или обычное зачисление без дополнительных комиссий. При обычном зачислении средства станут доступны на карте в течении двух банковских дней.Сделать платёжбесплатновы можете платить за различные услуги без комиссий на другие аккаунты payoneer.

Тарифы карты payoneer (для украины)

таблица 3. Тарифы на обслуживание и комиссии по карте payoneer
prepaid карта payoneer комиссии описание
годовое использование $29.95 payoneer предлагает дебетовую карту, за которую каждый год нужно платить 29,95 доллара США
перевыпуск карты $12.95 если вы потеряете карту или её украдут — за перевыпуск карты payoneer удержит комиссию.
Покупки в интернете или в супермаркетах $0.00 (без комиссии) payoneer не удерживает комиссии при покупках в магазинах. Но есть нюансы — читайте ниже таблицы.
Снятие наличных денежных средств в банкомате $3.15 cнимается за каждую транзакцию. При выполенном запросе на снятие наличных средств или других финансовых операций — дополнительная плата может взиматься оператором вашего банкомата
комиссия при отказе в выдаче наличных средств $1 cнимается за каждую транзакцию при получении отказа на снятие наличных средств – по любой причине
комиссия за запрос баланса через банкомат $1 cнимается за каждый запрос проверки баланса карты через любой банкомат – лучше баланс смотреть в аккаунте

Важно! Фактически при оплате картой payoneer в украинских магазинах, а также в иностранных магазинах снимается дополнительная комиссия либо за конвертацию валюты, либо за трансграничный платёж. Дополнительная комиссия не снимается при оплате картой в американских магазинах или сервисах.

Комиссия за конвертацию валюты снимается, когда транзакция осуществляется в валюте, отличающейся от валюты вашей карты. Обменные валютные курсы основываются на курсе mastercard. Вы можете использовать mastercard currency conversion tool для проверки курса. Если ваша валюта не указана в mastercard currency conversion tool, можно проверить ориентировочный обменный курс на сайте www.Xe.Com.

Дополнительно payoneer снимает до 3.5% за обмен валюты, когда происходит транзакция. Когда транзакция происходит в валюте карты, но страна банка, который выпустил карту и страна мeрчанта (продавца) разные, будет списана комиссия за трансграничный платеж. Payoneer снимает до 3.5% за трансграничную (международную) транзакцию.

***комиссия за конвертацию валюты и за трансграничный перевод не суммируются. Это значит, что только один тип комиссии может быть списан.

Комиссия за снятие наличных в банкомате $3.15 — мы привыкли в украине к другим тарифам! Поэтому снятие наличных с карты payoneer не очень выгодно (особенно мелкими суммами).

Если вы планируете систематически рассчитываться в каком-то магазине (например, в супермаркете возле дома) — сначала сделайте пробную покупку и проверьте в своей панели управления на сайте myaccount.Payoneer.Com курс. В разделе транзакций нажмите на нужную и увидите детальную информацию:

Курс конвертации при использовании карты payoneer украина в сильпо. 18 января 2016 курс в банках был почти такой же.

Лимиты payoneer на снятие с карты и оплату в магазинах

Очень часто люди задают вопрос: какие лимиты существуют на снятие денег в банкомате или покупки в магазинах для карточки payoneer?
Эти лимиты индивидуальны. Но для большинства украинских аккаунтов существуют на сегодня (3 августа 2018 года) следующие лимиты и ограничения:

  1. Дневной лимит на расходы по карте пайонер — 5000 долларов. При этом вы можете снять до 2500 долларов и потратить на покупки до 2500 долларов.

  2. Ежедневно вы можете совершать до 10 транзакций в банкоматах и до 9 транзакций в точках продаж (реальных и виртуальных)

При этом следует помнить, что у большинства банкоматов существуют свои лимиты и зависят эти ограничения от конкретного банка.

Ссылка для регистрации в payoneer с получением бонуса важно помнить! Во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25, процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Как снять деньги с карты payoneer в украине?

В украине с карты payoneer можно снять гривны и доллары. Учитывая комиссии, в каждом конкретном случае лучше заблоговременно просчитать всё. В зависимости от суммы, которую вам нужно вывести, может быть выгоднее снять доллары. А может быть выгоднее и проще снять гривны. А в некоторых случаях вообще не стоит заморачиваться и проще вывести заработанные деньги на карту украинского банка.

Как снять доллары в украине с карты payoneer

Уже много лет у нас в стране нет валютных банкоматов. Точнее, они никуда не делись, но валюту в них никто не завозит. Поэтому, единственным вариантом для снятия долларов с карты будет касса банка.
Большинство банков не выдают валюту по «чужим» картам, а обслуживают только свои (привет, приват!).

В ощадбанке и укрсиббанке вы можете снять в кассе доллары. Для снятия валюты вам нужно будет предоставить кассиру карту и свои документы: идентификационный код и паспорт.

Таблица 4. Банки, в кассах которых можно снять доллары с карты payoneer
название банка комиссия банка комиссия mastercard комиссия payoneer
ощадбанк 2.5% 1.8% 3.15$
ukrsibbank 3% 1.8% 3.15$

Как снять гривны с карты payoneer

Гривны вам выдаст абсолютно любой банкомат. Но стоит помнить, что за одну транзакцию банкомат в украине выдаст только 40 купюр. К тому же, несколько месяцев назад было введено ограничение НБУ и снять из банкомата за «один присест» можно сумму до 15000 гривен.

Я лично использую банкоматы приватбанка. В них удобно показывается какие купюры доступны в конкретном банкомате. И, что тоже важно, приватбанк не прибавляет никакие дополнительные комиссии.

Вывод денег из аккаунта payoneer на карту украинского банка

При всех достоинствах, у карты payoneer есть ряд недостатков. А именно:

  • Плата за обслуживание $29.95 в год;

  • Комиссии при ежедневном использовании в украине как платёжной карты;

  • Высокие комиссии за снятие наличных, запроса баланса, неудачных запросах.

На самом деле, этих недостатков лишены привычные нам карты украинских банков, например, того же приватбанка (если вдруг у вас нет карты приватбанка — кликайте по ссылке и оформите карту универсальная c возможным кредитным лимитом) и монобанка.

И ребята из payoneer это всё тоже прекрасно понимают. Поэтому с конца 2017 года правила регистрации аккаунтов payoneer серьёзно изменились. Обязательно заказывать карту при регистрации, за которую в любом случае спишут 29,95 долларов США больше не нужно.

Если карта payoneer вам не нужна — вы можете полноценно использовать аккаунт payoneer и выводить заработанные деньги на карточку украинского банка. Можно выводить как в гривнах, так и в долларах. Доллары можно выводить на банковскую карту любого украинского банка, а гривны можно выводить только на карту приватбанка. Более подробно я описал процесс вывода в двух статьях: payoneer -> монобанк и payoneer -> приватбанк.

Лимиты при выводе в долларах и гривнах на карту украинского банка

таблица 5. Минимальная и максимальная сумма при выводе долларов и гривен из payoneer
валюта карты украиского банка минимальная сумма за 1 вывод максимальная сумма за 1 вывод
доллары США $200 $10000
гривна $50 $10000

Насколько законно пользоваться payoneer в украине?

25 ноября 2016 года прошло мероприятие upwork national career day в киеве. Там выступил юрист по вопросам легализации фриланса и законного вывода денег. До недавнего времени честному украинцу нужно было получить лицензию НБУ, если он хотел хранить деньги в другой стране.

Как обстоят дела с законностью в 2020 году?

Факт 1:
25 февраля 2017 года национальный банку украины отменил необходимость получения лицензий для украинцев, которые хотят разместить средства на счетах в заграничных банках.

Факт 2:payoneer не является банковской структурой. Payoneer — это платёжная система. Вы, как зарегистрированный пользователь этой платёжной системы, являетесь не владельцем счёта, а пользователем системы с доступом к специальному счету. Использование payoneer никогда не попадало под запрет каких-либо законов ранее.

Перестаньте воспринимать налоговую как некоего монстра, гоняющегося за одинокими фрилансерами. Со стороны правительства украины в последнее время делаются правильные шаги в сторону облегчении жизни фрилансерам, зарабатывающим в сети. В 2017 году можно вообще без проблем и какой-либо бумажной волокиты зарегистрироваться онлайн как ФОП (фізична особа-підприємець). После регистрации вы будете отчислять всего 5% (в зависимости от группы) в виде налогов. В польше такая же деятельность облагается налогом в 30% ��

Платить налоги или нет — личное дело каждого человека. Вне зависимости от того, платите вы налоги или нет — нужно понимать, что технической возможности отследить деньги, проходящие через payoneer, нет. Естественно, если вы будете регулярно выводить с payoneer на приват (на карточку) суммы от 3-5 тыс долларов, то спустя пару месяцев вами заинтересуется финансовый контроль банка.

У всех моих знакомых есть карта payoneer. Они её используют, потому что это удобно и быстро. Никогда никаких проблем не возникало с законом. До конца непонятно кто прав, а кто нет. НБУ утверждает, что любая карточка равноценна наличию счета, payoneer со своей стороны говорит обратное. На данный момент дальше страшилок в интернете (которые часто распространяются какими-то компаниями, оказывающее посреднические услуги при выводе денег, то есть напрямую заинтересованными) не заходило и проблем с законом не возникало ни у кого. Вывод денег с карты payoneer через банкоматы в украине безопасен. Если же вы планируете снимать регулярно и крупные суммы — лучший вариант — недорогой билет в польшу или другую близкую к нам европейскую страну. Там снимаете, сюда возвращаетесь с наличными.

Полное выступление юриста на national upwork career day ukraine:

Моё мнение о payoneer спустя три года использования

Для фрилансера из украины — аккаунт payoneer просто незаменим. Во всяком случае в 2020 году, когда конкурентных альтернатив нет.

Сейчас заказывать карту payoneer особого смысла лично я не вижу. Если только вы часто платите за сервисы в США или покупаете в американских магазинах. Во всех остальных случаях гораздо проще и быстрее вывести доллары из пайонер на долларовую карту приватбанка с комиссией в 2%. И использовать для оплаты именно карту привата, не платя никаких дополнительных комиссий. Если же нужны наличные деньги, в кассе привата можно снять с приватовской карты наличные доллары вообще без проблем и заморочек. И если нужны гривны, то поменять прямо в приват24 с долларовой карты по нормальному курсу.

Полезные ссылки для фрилансера:

На официальном форуме есть тема с обсуждением банкоматов payoneer в украине — http://community.Payoneer.Com/ (ссылка откроется в новом окне).

Как сказал великий бенджамин франклин:
не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня!

Зарегистрируйтесь в payoneer сегодня
во время регистрации необходимо указать данные существующей карты украинского банка – для верификации личности. Для получения бонусных $25, процесс регистрации нужно завершить полностью после перехода по моей ссылке.

Телефон payoneer в украине

Поддержка в украине по телефону осуществляется с понедельника по пятницу с 8:00 до 12:00:
+38 (089) 320-24-26

Возможно, вам приходилось слышать «карта пионер», «пайонир украина», «банк пионер», «payponeer», «пэйонер», «карта для фрилансера», «компания пайонир», «pioneer платежная система», «payaneer», «пайонір», «пейонир», «poyoneer», «payoneneer», «pioneer банковская карта», «payooner», «карта пионер» или «payoner» — это всё про payoneer.

Payoneer sign UP ⇒ $35 free registration bonus [2020]


If you are new to payoneer then make sure to use our exclusive payoneer sign UP link to earn exclusive free $35 payoneer bonus instead of $25 & register a free account today with a free ATM card! The payoneer bonus will be credited to your account once you make a transaction via your payoneer account.

Payoneer is one of the best online companies & platforms for online users to send & receive cross-border payments. It works as the same as paypal & other companies do.

You just need to sign up for payoneer account which you can then use to receive payments online from companies, order a payoneer mastercard which you can use to make online purchases, withdraw payments via atms & local bank accounts and even spend money online by making online purchases.

The reason that we recommend payoneer to all of our readers is the simplicity of sending & receiving cross-border payments without worrying about losing your money or anything else.

Payoneer has been partnered with thousands of companies out there including online marketplaces, advertising networks, affiliate networks, freelancing sites & many more that helps you get paid by those marketplaces & networks at a fee of just $2 for normal funding or $5 for quick or immediate funding.

Most of us work on the internet and make money online so the only way to get paid by the companies and clients which we work with requires a payment gateway so that we can get paid by them and the only online payment solution that I highly recommend to my blog readers is payoneer and why I recommend it is that it’s totally free and it also comes with a very light-weight fee compared to other online payment processors.

If you’re any of the followings, payoneer is the best choice for you to create an account with and start using it for sending & receiving payments online.

Payoneer is best for:

    blogger online store owner affiliate marketer publisher or an advertiser with ad networks freelancer amazon seller need to receive cross-border payments from US banks or need to get paid by buyers & your clients

Now coming here to fact that registering payoneer account is actually totally free which means you don’t need to pay anything but instead just read our step by step payoneer sign UP guide below that will help you learn how to get payoneer with payoneer mastercard (you’ll use to make online or offline purchases or withdraw money at atms across the world) and a free $35 payoneer bonus.

Companies that pay via payoneer

One of the reasons that I like payoneer the most is because it helps me receive payments from almost all global marketplaces & companies which I work with such as:

    amazon.Com 99designs avangate envato elance freelance fiverr infolinks revenuehits propellerads template monster affiliate getresponse affiliate shareasale payoneer affiliate program

Now let me clear this here that most of our blog readers come with a question which is: is payoneer scam? Will payoneer scam me if I will apply for a payoneer account?

The answer is obviously NOT! Payoneer neither scam nor it’ll scam you as for years, I have been using it and I have withdrawn thousands of dollars through its payoneer mastercard & bank account and I have never faced any issue with it. However, if you got any issue with it, then payoneer has a lot of contact ways such as live chatting, email support & forum support that will help you fix your issues & concerns.

The best part of payoneer is that it gives you a US bank account that you can use to receive payments from companies & also issues a free payoneer mastercard that you can use to make online & in-store purchases or withdraw your payoneer funds using any ATM throughout the world.

Payoneer sign UP

When you visit payoneer.Com directly then you won’t earn any payoneer sign UP bonus. However, anyone that will register for payoneer through our special link here will receive a free $35 to $50 bonus instead of $25. Don’t forget to use the link to get a free bonus OR you can learn about payoneer $25 bonus here.

Payoneer features

Payoneer is the best source & platform for all those who want to get paid by companies & clients. It’s also the best platform for companies & marketplaces that facilitates them to use the platform as a payout method.

Here I’d like to talk a little about the payoneer features and how it can benefit the users that are using payoneer or those who want to register for payoneer.

1. Get paid online

Yes! Payoneer is the platform come into existence to get paid by companies & marketplaces online. It’s an online platform for all those who work online either as a part-time or full time but want to receive their earnings & money from marketplaces & companies globally & internationally like freelancing sites including fiverr, freelance.Com, upwork and ad networks such as revenuehits, propellerads and much more.

2. Best for marketplaces & companies

Payoneer isn’t just for those who get paid via it but rather payoneer is a great and one of the best platforms that helps companies/networks & marketplaces use payoneer as a payout method which allows millions of users across the globe to get paid via payoneer at a very low fees such as payoneer charges $2 for normal funds receiving while charges $5 for immediate funds receiving.

3. Supporting 200+ countries

If you’re from any of the 200+ payoneer supported countries then you can easily use payoneer and get paid via it. There are countries that cannot apply for paypal but with the help of payoneer, you won’t need to apply for paypal as payoneer is one of the best alternatives to paypal and even in most cases, payoneer is better than paypal!

We have also listed all the payoneer supported countries which consists of over 200+ countries so check the list out on our blog.

4. Online banking

Payoneer is a great way to keep your hard-earned money safe online. You can receive unlimited amounts of money from anywhere and can store it safely in your payoneer account. There are various ways that you can use your payoneer balance & funds or you can withdraw directly.

5. Funds local bank transfer

The best thing about payoneer is that it lets you transfer your payoneer balance & funds right straight to your local bank account which will not only help you reduce the transfer fees but also will apply a good exchange rate. I always recommend my readers to use the local bank transfer option while withdrawing funds from payoneer account.

6. Funds ATM withdrawal

If you’re in hurry or out of the city or country, the payoneer mastercard or also known as ATM is there to help you out! With the payoneer mastercard, you’re able to withdraw funds from your payoneer account at any time anywhere across the world where the logo of mastercard is placed & accepted.

7. Multiple currencies

Payoneer accepts over 150+ currencies which means you can make transactions in over 150+ currencies and also you can keep money in your payoneer account in multiple currencies as well.

Payoneer account requirements

Before you register for payoneer, make sure to know the payoneer requirements.

  • First of all, you should be at least 18 years old.

  • You must have a local bank account because, without bank account, you may not be able to apply for payoneer account.

  • You must have a national identity card, passport or any driving license.

  • You must be in a country where payoneer is accepted like pakistan, india, bangladesh & indonesia etc.

How to sign UP for payoneer?

Follow these steps to register for payoneer.

  1. Click our bonus link to visit payoneer sign up page.

  2. Then click on the sign UP & earn $35* button to go to the signup page.

  3. Fill in the signup form with accurate details such as email address, village address & bank account details.

  4. Submit your registration form & wait for 3 to 4 days.

  5. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified about the status of your account.

  6. If your account is approved, you’ll be able to log in & manage your account.

Payoneer supported countries

Payoneer is available in more than 200 countries and accepts more than 150 currencies worldwide and if you are one of the payoneer supported countries then you can easily opt for the payoneer sign UP.

Here are a few countries I’d like to share with you so that you know if your country is listed in the payoneer supported countries. However, you can check a full list here.

    Pakistan bangladesh india afghanistan iran iraq china saudi arabia UAE USA algeria nigeria bahrain malaysia brazil indonesia hong kong nepal etc

Is payoneer safe?

Payoneer is a safe & legit company with millions of customers around the world and still, it’s growing from time to time. You & your money is all safe with payoneer and if you have any issue with it then the payoneer customer care team is there covered you up with all possible support and is ready to assist you regarding any issue regarding your payoneer account.

Payoneer VS paypal

You may have heard that payoneer is the paypal alternative and this is true. Paypal we know which is the fastest growing online platform for users to get paid by clients & international marketplaces but payoneer is also not the least. Payoneer has been one of the lovely platforms that freelancers, bloggers, affiliate marketers & other internet users are using to process their online earning & money.

Payoneer fees

Payoneer basically does not charge you anything for the basic account you create with them, however, you will be charged for any service you use such as when you make ATM transaction using your payoneer mastercard, you’ll be charged both by the ATM card & the ATM machine & when you receive payments from any company or transfer payments. [check out the payoneer fees & charges]

How to get payoneer step by step guide:


Click our bonus link then on the next page, click on sign up & earn $35* button.

On the payoneer sign up page, you need to enter correct deals such as your first & last name, email address & dob etc. You can put details from your CNIC or any other document.


On the contact details page, you need to choose your country, state, city, correct street address, city name, postal or zip code & working mobile number. (it’s very important for you to put the right details so you can get your payoneer mastercard at the right place & as soon as your account is confirmed.)


On the security details page, you need to choose strong password for your account, a security question, type national identity card number or passport or your driving license number & finally country of your residence from your CNIC, license or passport.


On the almost done page, you need to enter your local bank account details. (this is not required for all countries – if this is required, simply go to any of your local banks and create an account with them for yourself and then enter all of your local bank details here) please check your bank documents & enter your correct bank details such as your bank name, bank branch name, account name, account number, SWIFT/BIC of the bank etc.

Note: payoneer will check & investigate your bank account details for further security concerns so try to put the right bank details that you own. Entering any wrong info can put your account in danger & will be the reason of your account termination.


When the form is completely filled, please read & mark all the agreements & hit the submit button & your application will be sent to payoneer. Your application will be reviewed within 3 to 5 business days & when a final decision is made, you will receive an email regarding your account status.

Once your account is created & approved, you will then be able to order a free payoneer card from your payoneer account dashboard. So log into your account and go to the order a card page under the settings menu and then order your payoneer card.


Payoneer sign UP without bank account?

Well, one of a headache for most of the payoneer customers is that they are required a local bank account in order to sign up with payoneer. If you don’t have a local bank account then don’t worry here is an alternative way how to apply for payoneer without a local bank account.

Follow these steps:

  • Sign up with any marketplace that accepts payoneer as a payment method such as fiverr, upwork etc [but keep in mind that this method is not recommended because you won’t get any bonus].

  • Through that marketplace, apply for payoneer account & hopefully, you will be able to own payoneer without a local bank account.

[also read this discussion]

Payoneer faqs (frequently asked questions)

Please read some of the most asked questions regarding payoneer account to get help if you encounter any issue in the near future.

Is payoneer free?

Yes, registering with payoneer and keeping an account is totally free and you won’t charge anything for no matter how long you have an active account but you will be charged for the services of payoneer you use such as ATM withdrawal & receiving payments from marketplaces etc.

Do I need bank account for payoneer?

While signing up the payoneer registration form, you will be asked at the last step for a bank account which is very important to provide before you are given an account by payoneer. This is required by payoneer and you must provide your own bank account under your own name.

Can I withdraw money from payoneer to local bank account?

Yes, you can easily withdraw money from your account to your local bank account if you have money and you have linked your bank to payoneer. The minimum withdrawal to a bank account is $50 and there is no specific maximum amount.

How long does it take to get an approved payoneer account?

Once you have successfully signed up with payoneer and submitted the required details, it will then take 3 to 7 days your account to be reviewed by the payoneer team and then you will receive an email regarding the activation of your account.

Can I receive payments from fiverr & other marketplaces?

Yes, you can receive payments from thousands of marketplaces including fiverr, upwork, freelance.Com etc at very low fees or you will be charged $2 for the two days transaction or $5 for the 2 hours transaction also known as immediate load.

Can I have multiple payoneer accounts?

No, you cannot own multiple payoneer accounts under your own name and this is strictly prohibited by payoneer so don’t try to open & own multiple accounts under one name and details.

Is payoneer $25 bonus real? How can I get it?

We have a special deal for you from payoneer and whoever signs up with payoneer through our deal link, he will get $35 to $50 payoneer sign UP bonus on his/her first registration.

Can I make payments to companies from payoneer?

Yes, payoneer can be used to make online payments to companies worldwide.

Can I send payments to other payoneer customer?

Yes, payoneer lets you send and receive payments from other payoneer customers without any charge using the request a payment option (he may also not need to have payoneer account but rather he can make payment to your through credit card such as visa etc).

If you have any question, make sure to comment below and we would try to answer your questions.

Payoneer activating tutorial made by payoneer.Com

Once you have received your account confirmation email, you’ll then be able to log into your account easily.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful. If you did find it helpful, please tweet it or share it with your friends on social media.

Is payoneer scam? Am I safe to get payoneer account?

Payoneer is the leading online payment solution for freelancers, bloggers, affiliates & businesses owners but the question is am I safe with payoneer? Is payoneer scam or legit? So in the same article, I’m going to share a review of payoneer with many evidence that how you & your money will be safe with it.

As we always say that payoneer is the leading online payment solution so that’s the reason why you would like to create an account with it. If you’re worried about your money & your bank account details then read this review below.

My own experience with payoneer


I’ve been using payoneer mastercard in my country & I’ve loaded & withdrawn more than $1000 from my account using atms & I didn’t have face any problem or glitch either with the ATM nor with the mastercard which payoneer has issued to me. I’ve been loading my payoneer account from the following networks & the process is too simple & I never faced any problem either while paying them or withdrawing my earning from them.

In the situation till now, I’m happy with it as I didn’t face any issue or lost my money. I safely fund my account & withdraw it using atms.


Payoneer fees & charges

Payoneer is a low-cost service provides you send & receive your money at lowest fees without any hidden charges. Please read the following table to understand how much they will charge you if you make the following type payment.

  1. Payment directly to another payoneer account holder is free either you make payment to them or they make payment to you. It’s free of cost & there are no hidden charges for this service.

  2. If you’re using global payment service to receive payment in different currencies then receiving payment in the following currencies EUR, GBP, JPY, CNY is free while USD will charge you $1.

  3. There are two methods for request a payment. Log into your account & click on request a payment under receive menu. If your customer/client or business is choosing credit cards (mastercard or visa card) then the fee will be 3% for all currencies. If your customer/client or business is choosing echeck then the fee will be 1%.

  4. If you’re receiving payment from your affiliates or other marketplaces then the fee is set by them.

Is payoneer secure?

Payoneer clearly mentions everything in their security center page that how they take their customers’ security so serious to protects their accounts with very care.

They clearly mention that your secret & personal information is protected from hackers & frauds and from inside the payoneer team. Every time when your account details are updated or password/email is changed, you’ll be notified about it. If you did it then you can ignore the email or otherwise you can directly contact their support care.

They are improving & spending time on security technology as it’s one of the critical issues for them. There is no issue we face so far with it but if you see anything please comment below to let other readers know about it.

Payment options

  • Prepaid debit mastercard.

  • Local banks withdrawal.

  • Wire transfers.

  • Direct payment from one account holder to another.

  • Payoneer integrated with more than 2000 marketplaces which pay through it.

Easy to use account

Payoneer account is very simple. You can manage, transfer & receive money & even earn commission without any hurdle. You don’t need to follow & watch videos to understand the basic layout & options but if still, you don’t have any idea, payoneer has put hundreds of guides & articles, as well as they have launched their own forum in which you can easily ask for support.

How long does it take to recieve payments?

They payment you receive usually takes 2 to 3 days to transferred to your account if you have received & confirmed the confirmation email from the marketplace. If the days are passed away & you didn’t receive your payment yet then contact their customer care & they will assist you further.

Payoneer support

Payoneer has a dedicated community in which users can easily & freely discuss their issues but still, payoneer providing many ways to contact them via the following contact details.

  • Community forum support.

  • Live chat support.

  • Email support.

  • Live call support.

Hope this review helps you know & understand better. If you wish to share your own reviews about payoneer then you’re highly encouraged to leave your reviews below in the comments.

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Global payment mastercard

A globally solution to take on and take off funds faster and cheaper.

How to get payoneer mastercard

How do I apply for my payoneer account?

What are the requirements to get my payoneer account approved?

Do I need a bank account for payoneeer mastercard?

Is it possible to transfer money from payoneer account to my local bank account?

Is payoneer mastercard available in my country?

Is payoneer mastercard a credit card?

How much does it cost to get payoneer mastercard?

Can I use payoneer to withdraw funds from websites like freelancer, upwork, elance, amazon, paypal, CJ affiliate, infolinks and so on?


Can I use payoneer mastercard to purchase hosting and domain plans ?

How long does it take to receive the payoneer mastercard?

What is the fee for shipping payoneer mastercard?

I’ve received my payoneer mastercard. What next?

What is the fee for activating a payoneer mastercard?

What are the fees associated with payoneer mastercard?

How fast can I load money into my mastercard?

Will payoneer mastercard work in my local ATM?

How can I minimize fees payoneer mastercard fees?

  • Because you will be charged certain fee each time you withdraw cash from an ATM, choose an ATM that has the maximum withdrawal limit. For example- one bank might have $100 limit per transaction others may give you up to $500 or more. Some banks even have a per day withdrawal limit of just $100.

  • Check to see if the local bank charges extra “processing fees”. Some banks charge extra for mastercard transactions while others charge nothing. Payoneer already charges you some fee per ATM transaction and if you’re charged extra by the local ATM, the total withdrawal fee can even go as high as $10- depending on the amount of cash you withdraw. Therefore, choose an ATM with maximum withdrawal and minimum fee.

  • Failed mastercard transactions also carry a fee. So make sure you do not try to withdraw more than your current balance.

  • Use the mastercard for direct purchases online or in your local stores. You won’t be charged any fee for such transactions because the merchants will pay those fees.

How do I become a payoneer affiliate?



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I am writing this as an appreciative referral to the efficient and reliable credit repair hacker QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM , i had a little disagreement with my landlord which lead to him evicting me from the house ,i wasn't going to pay for extra charges that were not in the initial agreement. He put an eviction on my report and this created a lasting blemish on my credit report,i struggled with it for a long time this hurt my credit score so bad , i was unable to rent the houses of my choice neither could i get a loan, i spoke about it with an old friend and he recommended an hacker with the contact address QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM .This hacker is incredible, in few weeks he wiped the eviction blemish,tax liens and other collections off my credit report and this had a huge impact on my credit score.He got my score up from 619 and now i'm scoring a wonderful 786 and all thanks to this excellent credit specialist. Reach out to him for your credit repair service and credit score increment.

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Good day everyone reading this, my name is katrin and am from USA I want to give a short testimony on how I was able to get a legit blank ATM card! As at last week I urgently needed money to pay my kids bills and get some stuffs for the home, I was having no were to get any help so I was online and I saw a post that mr beckham is giving out blank ATM card, so I have to give them a try because I needed money urgently I copied her email address and sent her a personal message applying for the blank card, I got a reply from him and I sent them all what they asked me to my greatest surprise they really delivered the card to me in my door steps, I got the card and went straight to the nearest ATM machine to give a try and it really works,I made a lot of money from the card!! Now am doing great and living good life with my family please if you are out there in need of help urgently please contact mr beckham via email hackerscyberatm@gmail.Com

Hi I am frome afghanistan can I get payoneer acuont in afghanistan

Are you in financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
I got mine from mike fisher. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from her last week and now I have $14,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .

*they sell this cards to all customers and interested buyers worldwide,the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2000 to $5000 and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.*

*email: blankatm156@gmail.Com
*you can also call or whatsapp us contact us today for more enlightenment
+1(301) 329-5298


I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $5,500 daily for a maximum of 6 years. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get more then $350,000 and ready to pay more. United hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card.
Whatsapp: +351 965 761 372
email : unitedblankatmhackcard@gmail.Com

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Hello everyone,my name is veronica gomez,im from US texas,i came to share a great testimony of how god has blessed me with the blank atm card, I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about blank ATM credit card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted this but decided to give it a try by contacting they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with$50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 2 working days, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card in the nearest atm marching,amd it work's after the agent left.This is not scam this is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are god sent to help the needs,and they are from USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this via: ultimatehackersworlds@gmail.Com ..You can still reach him on hangout,may god bless this hackers amen

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! 소액결제 현금화

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank ATM card i heard about online because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from guarantee atm blank card & we both confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I've been withdrawing $5000 daily from the card & the money has been in my own account. So glad i gave it a try at last & this card has really changed my life financially without getting caught, its real & truly works though its illegal but made me rich!! If you need this card from guarantee atm blank card then here is their EMAIL via: swave842@gmail.Com

I'm here to share a testimony on how jayson brown helps me with the blank ATM card that change my life within a week.That change my life from poverty to success i never believe it was like a dream to me, i went online in search for job and i saw different comments of people testifying on how they become rich by getting a blank ATM card from a hacker called jayson brown.(jaysonbrown867@gmail.Com) but i never believe. But i was confuse i just need money to pay my bills and take care of my family so i said to be a rich man is all about risk so i take the risk and i contacted the hacker(jaysonbrown867@gmail.Com) and still doubt but i say let me try and risk it, and i ask for the blank ATM card, and will agree on the terms and condition.(jaysonbrown867@gmail.Com). And it was sent to me and i withdraw $5000 daily with it, it was a greatest surprise to me a very big thanks to this hacker called, (jaysonbrown867@gmail.Com) if you are in need of getting the blank ATM card contacted the hacker at (jaysonbrown867@gmail.Com)

get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!
See how it works
do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com

We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at any store or POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers world wide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for :: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack services we are here for you any time any day.

Here is our price list for the ATM CARDS:

Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $380 USD
cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $665 USD
cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $3,550 USD
cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,000 USD

Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com

get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!
See how it works
do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com

We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at any store or POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers world wide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for :: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack services we are here for you any time any day.

Here is our price list for the ATM CARDS:

Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $380 USD
cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $665 USD
cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $3,550 USD
cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,000 USD

Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

Blank ATM cards
do you know that you can withdraw cash from any ATM machine .

We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to used to withdraw cash at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards has a daily withdrawal limit of 5000 in ATM and up to 100,000 spending limit in it stores.
Becoming wealthy and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous is the dream of many people. And whilst most people go to work or seek other ethical methods of making money online.
The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable.PROGRAMMED blank ATM card works on any MASTER card or VERVE card supported ATM machine,anywhere in the world.
Contact person: prof alexander castro
E-mail: atmservices44@aol.Com
whatsapp +17042750147

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

Get your urgent xmas promo blank atm card now contact email via:cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com
I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

Get your urgent xmas promo blank atm card now contact email via:cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com
I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

Get your urgent xmas promo blank atm card now contact email via:cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com
I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!
See how it works
do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com

We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at any store or POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers world wide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for :: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack services we are here for you any time any day.

Here is our price list for the ATM CARDS:

Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $380 USD
cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $665 USD
cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $3,550 USD
cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,000 USD

Make up your mind before applying, straight deal.
The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email address::harrylee62@live.Com


Get your urgent xmas promo blank atm card now contact email via:cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com
I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com


Get your urgent xmas promo blank atm card now contact email via:cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com
I am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of getting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. I am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact mr john and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.Com

PLEASE READ!!Hello guys! I am ruth I live in ohio USA I’m 37 years old, am so happy I got my blank ATM card from adriano. My blank ATM card can withdraw $4,500 daily. I got it from him last week and now I have withdrawn about $15,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.I am really glad and happy i met adriano because I met five persons before him and they could not help me. But am happy now adriano sent the card through DHL and I got it in two days. Get your own card from him right now, he is giving it out for small fee to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught or traced. I’m happy and grateful to adriano because he changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries that is the good news adriano’s email address is adrianohackers01@gmail.Com

PLEASE READ!!Hello guys! I am ruth I live in ohio USA I’m 37 years old, am so happy I got my blank ATM card from adriano. My blank ATM card can withdraw $4,500 daily. I got it from him last week and now I have withdrawn about $15,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.I am really glad and happy i met adriano because I met five persons before him and they could not help me. But am happy now adriano sent the card through DHL and I got it in two days. Get your own card from him right now, he is giving it out for small fee to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught or traced. I’m happy and grateful to adriano because he changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries that is the good news adriano’s email address is adrianohackers01@gmail.Com

PLEASE READ!!Hello guys! I am ruth I live in ohio USA I’m 37 years old, am so happy I got my blank ATM card from adriano. My blank ATM card can withdraw $4,500 daily. I got it from him last week and now I have withdrawn about $15,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.I am really glad and happy i met adriano because I met five persons before him and they could not help me. But am happy now adriano sent the card through DHL and I got it in two days. Get your own card from him right now, he is giving it out for small fee to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught or traced. I’m happy and grateful to adriano because he changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries that is the good news adriano’s email address is adrianohackers01@gmail.Com

They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them.
I figured it all out when my colleague took me to pavel

Virtual payment comparisons: paypal vs payoneer vs transferwise vs bitwage

No matter whether you’re a growing business or just starting a remote team, making payments to international employees is one of the most important processes to perfect early on. How you pay remote team members or international employees can make a big difference in fees, timing, and ease of use. Considering each platform’s benefits will save you time, money, and hassle.

Here’s our breakdown of four of the most popular online payment services, all of which integrate with hubstaff, to help you decide which one is the best for you.

Power up your workday

Reach your goals faster with time tracking and work management.


Virtual payment platforms fees and benefits comparison chart

How long will it take to send virtual payments? How much will it cost to use hubstaff’s automated payroll feature with each payment service? Which provider makes the most sense for your business?

Here’s a quick comparison chart so it’s easy to decide.

Paypal payoneer transferwise bitwage
mass payments yes yes batch payments up to 1,000 in one file yes
currency conversion routes 26 100+ 300+ 45
speed of payments 3-5 days 2 hours 1-4 days 1-5 days
hubstaff integration yes yes yes yes
ACH $2.00 per transfer $3.00 per transfer $0.15% (US only) $0.50% + $0.50 per payroll
debit card $2.00 per transfer $3.00 per transfer $0.15% $0.50% + $0.50 per payroll
credit card $2.00 per transfer $3.00 per transfer $1.85% $3.50% + $0.30 per payroll

Virtual payment options


Paypal is one of the first online payment services. Founded in 1998, the company we now know as paypal used to be called confinity. Two years later, confinity joined forces with X.Com, an online banking company developed by the CEO of spacex and tesla motors, elon musk. Paypal has been operating under its name since 2002 and remains one of the most widely used payment systems globally.

Where paypal excels

Paypal has been around for a long time, and it’s the most recognized brand in payment systems. It supports a lot of currencies and banks across different countries, and automated payments when integrated with hubstaff.

The drawbacks

Paypal has quite a lot of fees, which can add up to a significant amount. For receivers, and depending on the country, banks may have additional charges as well when withdrawing from paypal into their bank accounts. Another issue with paypal is that it sometimes holds accounts without warning, which is potentially disastrous when sending out large amounts.

Who should use it?

Paypal is used all around the world for online transactions, as well as online shopping. As of 2017, there are over 200 million active paypal accounts. Since then, paypal has extended its services to even more countries.

Paypal is generally a good option, largely due to the sheer number of countries and currencies it supports. It is recommended for companies that send out less than $20,000 monthly.

Anyone can use paypal without registering for an account. However, if you’re going to use paypal on an ongoing basis, it’s much more convenient to open an account. It’s easy and free of charge.


Paypal fees explained

The transaction fees charged by paypal vary depending on a number of factors, including whether you are using your bank account, paypal balance, credit card or debit card. The fee can also vary depending on whether you’re transferring money within the same country or internationally. The transfer fees range from 0.3% to 7.4%. Paypal also charges currency conversion fees.

Paypal lets the sender decide whether transaction fees are charged to them or the recipient. Paypal payouts allows you to pay up to 10,000 people at once with no monthly fees.

Automate payroll with paypal and hubstaff

Hubstaff has a paypal integration that allows us to pay our contractors automatically, easily and accurately on time, every time. Read about how hubstaff saves $32,400 with a simple contractor payment system that uses paypal payouts.

Integrate paypal and hubstaff for easy automatic payments


Launched in 2011, transferwise is a relatively new service that provides online money transfers at the real exchange rate. Transferwise was developed by skype’s first employee, taavet hinrikus, and kristo käärmann, a financial consultant.

The transferwise edge

Transferwise’s biggest advantage is its low rates. You only have to pay for the mid-market exchange rate and the conversion fee.

Where it falls short

While transferwise offers extremely cheap fees for both senders and receivers, its reach is relatively short with only 48 countries.

Who should use it?

Use it if you are based in a country which isn’t supported by paypal, or if you’re fee-cautious.

Transferwise has gained a lot of attention as a solution to the high bank fees most would like to avoid. Transferwise converts your money at a mid-market rate, and the transaction fees are deducted before the conversion takes place. Supporting over 300 currency routes, transferwise is a great platform for sending money abroad.

Registration is free of charge.


This online money transfer service charges no transfer fees for users making their first money transfer. Afterward, transferwise charges 0.35% + £0.80 when sending from GBP.

The reason people like transferwise lies in the fast and simple transaction process. Unlike banks, transferwise converts at the midpoint of buy and sell rates at the time of your transaction. Conversion fees start at 0.50% and go up depending on the currency. This makes transferwise ideal for small transactions, but it gets significantly more expensive if you make bigger transfers.

Transferwise also offers batch payments through hubstaff to make payroll much easier. The bigger your team, the more time you’ll save.


Payoneer was founded in 2005 with headquarters in new york. Some of the board members of payoneer include the former president of visa and former CEO of SWIFT. This company is a worldwide member service provider of mastercard. Some of the companies that use payoneer include google, airbnb, istock and fiverr.

Pros of using payoneer

Support for over 200 countries and 150 currencies, as well as the ability to directly withdraw funds with debit cards that they provide. Payoneer charges a flat $3 fee per transfer.

Potential cons

Rates, and, depending on your account volume, exchange fees are typically higher than paypal’s. Payoneer also has a minimum monthly payment requirement of $20,000.

Who should use it?

Payoneer is more fit for teams of larger sizes. Rates are cheaper as the amount of money sent is higher. Use it if you are paying your team more than $20,000 monthly.

Payoneer and its services are available in over 200 countries and include over 100 currencies. With the refillable payoneer mastercard debit cards, payoneer is great for businesses and working individuals.

With payoneer, there are two basic account types that you can register for. The first one charges no annual fees and permits you to withdraw money directly to your local bank account. The payoneer account type that includes a prepaid payoneer mastercard charges an annual fee of $29.95. This account type is available only to individuals, not businesses.


Payoneer offers several different mass payout packages for companies. The small business package supports a minimum of 10 beneficiaries and at least $10K in monthly payouts. For the corporate package, you need at least 20 beneficiaries and $80K in monthly payouts. The enterprise package is for 200 or more beneficiaries with a minimum of $250K in monthly payouts.

Payoneer uses the midpoint of mastercard’s official currency conversion rates . The transaction fees charged by payoneer are $2.99 for a local bank transfer and $15 for a USD SWIFT transfer. Payoneer charges fees of $4 or 1% of the overall amount for transfers in USD and EUR, but the fees can’t exceed $10. With payoneer, you can send money to your prepaid mastercard, paypal, or make a global bank transfer.

Hubstaff also has a payoneer integration that makes paying your independent contractors secure, easy, and automatic.


Bitwage was founded in 2014 by john lindsay and jonathan chester, who both worked at oracle corporation before. Like the other platforms, it aims to simplify the payment process. What sets it apart is its support of bitcoin, and that bank accounts are no longer required for people to receive their payroll.

The great thing about bitwage

Like paypal, bitwage has a mass payment option with slightly lower rates. It’s simple and straightforward. It’s also the only hubstaff payment integration that supports bitcurrency.

The not-so-great

Bitwage supports a limited number of countries. It’s not the best option if your team consists of people who come from many different countries.

Who benefits from bitwage the most?

Bitwage is best suited for remote workers and for those who prefer to be paid in bitcurrency. The reasonable rates and mass payment option make it a good option if your team is entirely US-based or is in the list of supported countries.

Bitwage charges 0.5% for ACH debits per payroll. For credit card transactions, there is a 3.5% charge plus an additional $0.30 per transaction. Currency conversion fees start at 1%. Transactions take around 1 to 5 business days to process, although many report them to be on the faster side.

For those who are interested in bitcurrency, bitwage supports bitcoin. However, you will need a xapo debit card for this.


Setting up a bitwage account is free. Once you have successfully created an account on their website, integrating it with hubstaff is fast and easy.

Integrate payoneer, bitwage, or transferwise and hubstaff for seamless payments

Track time, save money, and pay team members faster with hubstaff

The number of people working remotely keeps growing, and so does the number and size of remote teams. It’s easy to choose a payment system if you’re in charge of a small team that won’t grow in the foreseeable future. However, if you have a big remote team with employees from all over the world, the payment process is usually not that simple.


Hubstaff is an all-in-one productivity software solution for remote teams. Integrate it with your favorite project management tool, track time, monitor employees and set the system to perform automatic money transfers to countless online payment solutions, including payoneer, paypal, bitwage and transferwise.

What makes hubstaff the number one choice for many remote teams is the 30+ integrations with top business apps, including hubstaff tasks.

With hubstaff tasks, you can create kanban-style boards for your team, add columns that outline your workflow and detailed task cards, then assign team members to them. Let them collaborate on the card by creating checklists, comments and attachments. Teams can organize their work in agile sprints and let others know what they’re doing with a daily standup function.

Your employees can track time towards each task, and you can see apps and urls used while tracking time, along with optional screenshots and activity levels. At the end of the pay period, you can confirm the hours worked and send the payment, all while keeping an automatically generated invoice on file for both parties.

It’s easy to see how hubstaff is the number one choice for not just processing payments to remote teams, but managing them also. Plus, there’s a 14-day free trial so you can try out all of these features for yourself.

This post was originally published november 27, 2015, and updated october 2018.

Что можно сказать в заключение: whether you are a business owner, professional or freelancer, payoneer offers you multiple ways to get paid online by international clients and global marketplaces по вопросу payoneer visa

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