Вывод Skrill, Скрилл для азартных игр

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?


Zusätzlich profitieren sie von diesen vorteilen: empfangenes geld können sie entweder für einkäufe oder einzahlungen bei skrill-partnern nutzen oder auf ihr konto oder ihre kreditkarte auszahlen lassen. Für die auszahlung gibt es keinen minimalbetrag, sie müssen aber über genug geld verfügen, um die transaktionsgebühren bezahlen zu können.

Was ist skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?
Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?
Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?
Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?
Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Online geld senden und empfangen, ohne kontoverbindung, sondern nur mit einer E-mailadresse. Das ermöglicht skrill (ehemals moneybookers), eine britische firma. Die bezahlung erfolgt in echtzeit, das geld kommt sofort beim empfänger an. Was skrill sonst noch kann und wie sie es nutzen können, erklären wir ihnen in diesem beitrag.

Inhaltsverzeichnis des artikels

Über skrill

Als spezialist für das sichere onlinebezahlen ist www.Skrill.Com seit 2001 am markt. Die zahlungen werden auf prepaid-basis abgewickelt, der kunde muss also zuerst geld auf sein digitales konto laden, um es dann nutzen zu können. Die bezahlung von virtuellen gütern wird nur über die E-mailadresse des kunden abgewickelt, weitere konto- oder kreditkartendaten müssen nicht angegeben werden.

Skrill wird hauptsächlich von onlinecasinos, aber auch von auktionsplattformen abseits von ebay genutzt. Außerdem können sie damit geld an freunde und verwandte senden. Außerdem können über die skrill-prepaid-mastercard auch käufe bei händlern getätigt werden, die skrill nicht als zahlungsart anbieten.

Skrill konto anlegen

Das anlegen einer „digital wallet”, also eines digitalen geldbeutels, bei skrill ist einfach und kostenlos. Mit wenigen klicks sind sie registriert. Für neukunden gibt es konto- und transaktionslimits, die sie erst durch eine verifizierung aufheben können. Diese erfolgt über die bei der anmeldung eingegebenen adressdaten.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Als neukunde bei skrill ist ihr konto anfangs durch transaktionslimits beschränkt.

Sie können auswählen, in welcher währung sie ihr konto führen möchten. Diese auswahl kann später nicht mehr geändert werden. Als VIP-mitglied (mehr dazu weiter unten) haben sie aber die möglichkeit, konten in weiteren währungen zu führen. Wenn sie hauptsächlich geschäfte in einer fremdwährung tätigen möchten, kann sich die auswahl dieser währung für ihr skrill-konto lohnen, da andernfalls wechselkursgebühren anfallen.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Bei der anmeldung können sie wählen, in welcher währung sie hauptsächlich bezahlen wollen.

Voraussetzungen für skrill-mitgliedschaft

Um ein skrillkonto eröffnen zu können, müssen sie mindestens 18 jahre alt sein. Sollten sie ihr skrillkonto gewerblich nutzen wollen, müssen sie dies bei der registrierung angeben. Außerdem müssen sie ihre adresse angeben, damit ihre identität überprüft werden kann.

Skrill kontofunktionen

Mit einem skrillkonto können sie guthaben einzahlen, käufe tätigen und empfangenes geld an ihr bankkonto oder ihre kreditkarte auszahlen.

Guthaben aufladen

Sie können ihrem skrillkonto geld hinzufügen, indem sie es von ihrem bankkonto oder ihrer kreditkart aus aufladen. Die einzahlung per überweisung dauert etwa 3-5 werktage, ist aber kostenfrei. Für alle weiteren einzahlungsarten fallen gebühren an.

Je nach kontostatus können einzahlungslimits bestehen. Diese können sie in ihrem kundenkonto einsehen.

Geld senden und waren bezahlen

Das guthaben bei skrill können sie nutzen, um geld an freunde oder verwandte zu senden oder um waren zu bezahlen. Das senden von geld ist auch dann möglich, wenn der empfänger noch kein skrill-mitglied ist. Besitzt der empfänger kein skrill-konto, erhält er die aufforderung, eines zu erstellen, bevor er über das geld verfügen kann.

Die bezahlung mit skrill ist immer dann kostenfrei, wenn der shop die skrill-wallet als zahlungsart akzeptiert. Häufig fallen jedoch von seiten des händlers transaktionsgebühren an, die zusätzlich zum kaufpreis bzw. Zur einzahlungssumme zu zahlen sind.

Die bezahlung erfolgt über ihr skrillkonto, sie müssen dabei keine weiteren persönlichen daten eingeben. Ihr konto und ihre kreditkartendaten sind somit sicher.

Geld empfangen und auszahlen

Empfangenes geld können sie entweder für einkäufe oder einzahlungen bei skrill-partnern nutzen oder auf ihr konto oder ihre kreditkarte auszahlen lassen. Für die auszahlung gibt es keinen minimalbetrag, sie müssen aber über genug geld verfügen, um die transaktionsgebühren bezahlen zu können.

Kosten und gebühren

Das skrillkonto ist bei aktiver nutzung nicht mit gebühren verbunden. Der empfang von geld ist als privatkunde ebenfalls kostenlos.

Beim versenden von geld fallen 1,9% gebühren pro transaktion an, maximal jedoch 20 EUR. Erfolgt der kauf in einer anderen währung, müssen zusätzlich 3,99% an umrechnungsgebühren gezahlt werden.

Die kosten für einzahlungen sind abhängig von der art des einzahlung. Die banküberweisung ist kostenlos, dauert aber länger. Bei anderen zahlungsarten steht das guthaben ihrem konto direkt zur verfügung, dafür müssen sie aber gebühren zahlen.

Rapid transfer: 0,5% bitcoin: 1% fast bank transfer: 1,5% SOFORT überweisung: 1,9% giropay: 1,9% VISA: 1,9% mastercard: 2,25% american express: 2,5% diners club: 2,5% JCB kreditkarte (japan credit bureau): 2,5% neteller: 3%

Mit einer skrill kreditkarte (siehe unten) können sie an bankautomaten für 1,75% gebühren geld abheben. Wenn sie eine auszahlung von guthaben auf ihr konto oder ihre kreditkarte wünschen, fallen 5,50 EUR (konto) bzw. 7,50 EUR (kreditkarte) an.

Inaktive skrillkonten kosten ab dem 13. Monat der nichtnutzung 3 EUR gebühren pro monat. Diese werden direkt von ihrem noch vorhandenen guthaben abgebucht.

Skrill prepaid mastercard

Skrill-nutzer können über ihr konto auch die skrill prepaid mastercard beantragen. Mit dieser kreditkarte können sie auf das skrill-guthaben zugreifen und auch bei händlern bezahlen, die skrill nicht als zahlungsart in ihrem shop anbieten.

Alle wichtigen informationen über die skrill kreditkarte haben wir in diesem beitrag zusammengefasst: die skrill karte.


Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Spezielle vorteile erhalten sie bei skrill als VIP-mitglied. Die bankeinzahlungen werden schneller bearbeitet, es gibt höhere transaktionslimits und sie erhalten zugriff auf spezielle sicherheitstools.

Die VIP-mitgliedschaft kann nicht beantragt werden, sondern wird automatisch vergeben, wenn sie ihre skrill wallet in einem bestimmten umfang pro quartal nutzen. Der status gilt immer für das folgende quartal.

Für den status bronze müssen sie transaktionen im wert von mehr als 6.000 EUR tätigen. Für silber sind es 15.000 EUR, gold gibt es ab 45.000 EUR transaktionsvolumen und den diamantstatus erhalten sie ab 90.000 EUR.

Zusätzlich profitieren sie von diesen vorteilen:

Bronze silber gold diamant
anzahl konten (für unterschiedliche währungen) 1 2 3 4
persönlicher ansprechpartner x x
priorität bei bankeinzahlung x x x
kundenservice 24/7 x x x x
kosten geldabheben 1,80 EUR kostenlos kostenlos kostenlos
überweisungsgebühr 1% 1% 1% 1%
kostenlimit beim versenden von geld 10 EUR 2 EUR 2 EUR 2 EUR
gebühr für einzahlung per kreditkarte 1,25 - 2,5% kostenlos kostenlos kostenlos
abbuchungsgebühren 5,50 EUR kostenlos kostenlos kostenlos
wechselkursgebühren 3,79% 2,89% 2,59% 1,99%

Skrill vor- und nachteile

Skrill-konto ist kostenlos und ermöglicht bargeldloses bezahlen bei teilnehmenden händlern etablierter anbieter mit erfahrung zahlungen an E-mailadresse möglich, keine weiteren kontodaten nötig mit skrill kreditkarte konto umfassend nutzen

In deutschland im handel wenig verbreitet, vor allem in onlinecasinos nutzbar hohe gebühren bei auszahlung von guthaben inaktive konten mit hohen monatlichen kosten verbunden


Skrill ist paypal-konkurrent beim bezahlen im internet über E-mailadresse bezahlung ist sicher und unkompliziert viele möglichkeiten, geld aufzuladen in deutschland außerhalb des spiel- und wettsektors wenig verbreitet mögliche transaktionsgebühren im auge behalten

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Para çekmenin ölüm olduğu sistem.

Paypal ile aynı anda para çektiğim abd bankasına paypal 4 günde bu skrill ise 13 günde gönderebilmiştir. Yazıyla on üç gün.

Moneybookers'ken çok daha iyi çalışan, skrill olmasıyla berbat hale gelen e-banka.

Türk lirası açarsın, paranı yollarken euroya çevirir, tl yollamaz, kur farkından yersin (bu moneybookersta da vardı) (bir kere tl çekim yaparsan, para birimini değiştirmen, ya da yeni hesap açman yasak.)
para gelmez, günler geçer gelmez. Beklersin gelmez, sorarsın yollanmıştır. Temiz 10 iş günü sürüyor. (moneybookers iken 3. Gün gelirdi hep)
paran sonunda gelmiştir. Bir bakarsın, paranın 20-40 eurosu uçmuş. Bankan ben almadım der, skrill ben almadım der. Sonunda anlarsın, skrill in para yolladığı aracı banka hüpletmiş. (böyle bir meblağ moneybookersken yoktu)

Velhasıl kelam, işi iyice batıran şirkettir.

Mümkün olduğunca bulaşılmaması gereken site. Anladığım kadarıyla sistemde mutlaka bir adet kredi kartını tutmanız gerekiyor. Mal gibi gidip en çok kullandığım yüksek limitli kartı tanıtıp doğruladım bir de. Doğrulama amaçlı çektiği 3 euro'yu da karta iade etmeyip skrill hesabına geçirdi kötü bir kur ile. Kartı sildirmek için mail attım, dönen eden de olmadı.

Sonra anladım ki ikinci bir kart tanımlanırsa ilk kart silinebiliyor, bu yeni tanımlanan primary yapılınca. Bu sefer sanal kart tanımlayarak ilk kartı silebildim. Internette her yerde kafasına göre iş yapıp karttan büyük meblağlar çektiği yazılmış. Sıkıysa şimdi 20 lira limitli sanal kartımdan çek kafana göre lan.

Hesabınızın dondurulduğunu para yatırdıktan sonra anladığınız e-cüzdan.

Madem hesabımı dondurdunuz, para yatırmama neden izin veriyosunuz? Hadi onu da geçtim gün aşırı mail atıyorum insan bir tanesine nezaketen cevap vermez mi be! En son telefon açtım 2 gün içerisinde problemimi çözeceklerini söylediler.

Sizden bir yakamı kurtarayım, bir cent dahi yatırırsam siksinler beni.

Tekrar uyarıyorum, mecburi haller dışında uzak durun!

Skrill est-il une arnaque, un nid а problиmes ou un service sйrieux ?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Nous avons rassemblй ici tout ce que l'on trouve sur internet comme avis sur le service skrill. Il y a de tout, nous avons pris des bouts de discussions sur les forums ou les phrases clйs et conclusions d'avis dйtaillйs. Les messages publicitaires ont йtй йvitйs. Bonne lecture.

En fait quelqu'un veut me payer via le site skrill.Com mais je ne connais pas et зa me semble bizarre ! . Skrill sont des voleurs ; ils prennent 19,95 euros pas mois, en une seule fois au bout de plusieurs mois en fonction du montant de votre compte. . Veuillez noter que lorsque vous utilisez votre compte а des fins commerciales le compte est considйrйe comme un compte commercial, et par consйquent il est soumis а nos frais commerciales standard conformйment а l'article 10.5. Dans nos conditions d'utilisation.

Demande de conseils sur le forum yabiladi.Com

Moneybookers, rebaptisй skrill, est un portefeuille йlectronique. Si vous dйpensez ou gagnez de l’argent sur internet, utiliser un portefeuille йlectronique vous fera gagner beaucoup de temps. Moneybookers s'affiche comme un mode de paiement parfaitement adaptй au paiement en ligne en gйnйral, et au monde des paris en ligne en particulier. C’est donc un outil idйal pour dйplacer l’argent instantanйment entre les diffйrents sites de paris sportifs.

Guide skrill sur le site sospronostics.Com

Ors j'ai eu des commande et impossible de rйcuperer mon argent pour payer mon fournisseur afin de commander ma marchandise. Je suis inquiette car sur le net il a trиs mauvaise rйputation et beaucoup se pleignent. Donc je sis йtonnй que wilfйo nous prйconise cet entreprise dans ce cas. Et vous qu'en pensez vous ? . Skrill n'a pas mauvaise rйputation. Je ne sais pas oщ tu as eu cette information . Skrill viend de me contacter directement par tйlйphone. En effet il fallait faire confirmer le compte. Comme cela n'avait pas йtй fait la premiиre fois, forcйmйnt le compte йtait bloquй. Mon compte viens d'кtre dйbloquй. Je remercie la personne qui s'en est occupй personnellement.

Tйmoignage d'utilisation du service sur le forum wifeo.Com

Je suis client chez eux depuis bientфt deux ans car j'avais besoin d'une mastercard facile а utiliser comme celle qu'ils proposent. . J'ai tentй 5 fois de les contacter et je n'ai JAMAIS eu une seule rйponse pourtant а mes dйbuts chez eux j'avais toujours une rйponse dans les 24/48h mais lа plus rien, . Perso, jamais eu de soucis avec. Je sais que - parfois - leur plateforme de paiement dйbloque un peu. .

Un йchange sur le forum adsl-bc.Org

Bonjour, a quoi sert moneybookers. Com . Le principe est exactement le mкme que paypal а la diffйrence que moneybookers est beaucoup moins gourmand sur les frais de commissions. Je tient а rajouter que moneybookers peu кtre utiliser sur ebay. . Vous croyez que les frais sont infйrieur а paypal, comparez les frais globaux! . Ceux qui dйnigrent moneybookers sont des idiots. Ou alors des jaloux. On ne force personne а mettre son argent dans son compte moneybookers . Et en plus moneybookers offre plus d'avantages que paypal

Discussions sur le site commentcamarche.Net

Avantages : frais de fonctionnement bas. Commande et inscription simples, en ligne. Un rйseau des plus importants. Plafonds йlevйs.
Inconvйnients : une cotisation annuelle obligatoire de 10 euros. Impossibilitй d’obtention de chиque а partir du compte. Recharge uniquement par internet.

Avis de la rйdaction de carte-rechargeable.Com

Note de 4.5 de la part de 2992 utilisateurs.
Satisfait, mais toujours des problиmes d'affichage et le regret de ne pouvoir avoir le dйtail des opйrations. . Parfait une app qui rйsume bien tout ce dont on a besoin je l'utilise rйguliиrement et elle fonctionne . Bonjour. Il n'est plus possible de faire des virements. L'appli redemande de s'authentifier а l'infini dиs que l'on saisit le montant du virement. PS : j'ai essayй avec deux smarphones diffйrents. Toujours le mкme rйsultat et c'est trиs bloquant.

Avis des utilisateurs du store de play.Google.Com

Je suis webmaster а titre perso et j’ai intйgrй sur plusieurs de mes e-commerce prestashop des solutions de paiement moneybookers. . Pour rйsumer : moneybookers pour les webmasters = gros problиme avec les clients . Pas tout а fait d'accord . J'avais essayй il y a belle lurette et pas mйcontent ;) des renseignements bien prйcis а fournir pour ouvrir un compte, par tйl pas essayй lors d'un problиme, vitre rйglй par mail et envoi de justificatifs . Pour tout ce qui est paiement en ligne les paypal & cie sont pas trop mal tant que l'on gagne peut, car ensuite celа revient vitre trиs cher (enfin beaucoup plus cher que de passer par le terminal d'une banque)

Retour d'utilisateurs sur le forum webmaster-rank.Info

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?


Ce pionnier des paiements en ligne, anciennement moneybookers, sera une excellente alternative. C'est un porte-monnaie sйcurisй en ligne qui permet de faire des paiements sur un large ensemble de partenaires mais aussi grвce а sa carte prйpayйe.

Assistenza clienti skrill

Skrill è un servizio che permette di trasferire denaro in tutto il mondo tramite e mail. La compagnia è stata fondata a londra nel 2001 e da allora, al pari di altri servizi analoghi, ha reso più facile mandare e ricevere denaro per via telematica.

Il primo step da compiere per usufruire di skrill è registrarsi al portale, indicare i propri dati e un indirizzo e mail valido al quale associare una carta sulla quale trasferire denaro in qualunque momento.

Il vantaggio di questo servizio è che nel momento in cui si intende inviare o ricevere soldi non bisogna fornire i dati della propria carta, ma solo l’indirizzo e mail sia del mittente che del destinatario.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?
Una volta aperto il proprio account, in qualsiasi momento si può accedere al proprio conto e visualizzarne lo stato, oppure eseguire le operazioni desiderate.

L’assistenza di skrill accompagna l’utente in ogni fase. Per informazioni sulla registrazione al servizio e sul suo funzionamento cliccate qui e potrete visualizzare una serie di risposte alle domande più frequenti.

Qui, invece, potrete consultare le risposte alle domande sulla verifica del proprio conto, e ancora potete informarvi su come trasferire denaro, sulla sicurezza del servizio, su come fare se avete smarrito la password, sull’assistenza per i clienti business.

La sezione delle risposte alle domande più frequenti è abbastanza dettagliata e copre ogni area del servizio, ma se il vostro quesito non fosse stato risolto potete rivolgervi all’assistenza inviando una mail da questa pagina, selezionando il campo che fa al caso vostro: per chi possiede già un conto skrill, per chi lo possiede ma ha difficoltà di accesso e per chi non è ancora registrato.

In alternativa potete contattare il servizio clienti al numero +39 064 523 6612 tutti i giorni dalle 9.00 alle18.00. Per segnalare il furto o lo smarrimento della vostra skrill card, invece, fate la vostra segnalazione al +44 203 308 2530.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Just putting this out there for those that are unaware of scams out there. I am in the midst of selling my car on carsales.Com.Au and guess what? I received email below. Instead of oil rig, RAAF now…LOL!

Where is it located at the moment?What's your final price?Why are you selling it?Does it need anything to be replace or repair?I'm a squadron leader at royal australian air force(RAAF) and i have been currently deployed .I have limited phone access and that's why i prefer the sales through email.Regarding the payment, I can pay you through direct bank deposit (EFT),using paypal instant bank wire transfer service.I will need your account name,BSB and account number. If you are not comfortable with that, you can set up a paypal account properly at www.Paypal.Com.Auand I will make the payment through paypal,this way, all I will need is your paypal email address.

I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.With the issue of my details,transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the pick up agent..


Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Sounds like it's the same scam tactic but with a different story?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This is standard story for long time

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Everything seems exactly the same… just another job title in the same remote area.
Alarm bells should be ringing no matter what his "job " is.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Should really tell him to be more creative next time.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ask for payment by western union, untraceable and if good enough for scammers it must be a good service!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

So how does this scam work? Looks like he's paying you money? Unless he wants to take the car away without money being paid?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yes, I would also like to know how this SCAM works. To me it appears legit? Does he claim back though paypal that he did not receive the car or something?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

How it works, is the scammer agrees a price for the car, and 'says' he will arrange transport/courier…..But, he says there is a problem, so can he pay you more money to cover the transport and you agree to pay the courier. The scam continues, by sending you a fake paypal (or other) receipt, you think you have been paid, so pay the courier, except its not the courier but the scammer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Another variation is the scammer 'pays' you too much, sends a fake invoice, and then wants a partial refund of the excess because that money was meant to go to the courier, not to you.

The oil rig scam has been doing the rounds of gumtree/carsales for many years.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok so its a fake receipt all together, and you get no money for the car and transport. And people fall for it? I would be checking my paypal first.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Surely who has fallen for this fake paypal receipt ?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@sidewinder1: almost did. The email looks pretty identical to the paypal emails. Realised that my paypal want linked to that account!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Doesn't have to be fake - it can be real…. But from fraudulent funds (hacked credit card, dishonored cheque deposit, etc). That doesn't usually get picked up by the bank until weeks later, and then it gets reversed.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@sidewinder1: everyone who posts a gumtree scam thread

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok thanks all, makes sense now. Dirty dogs….

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@topdog: how does a fake receipt work? Wouldn't a deposit show up your paypal transactions?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@eightimmortals: I'm also amazed at how someone could fall for this without checking their paypal account first. Screw a receipt - before I'm doing anything I'll always check whether there is cleared, accessible money in my account. To be extra sure I'll even withdraw the funds right away to make sure they end up in my bank account. Then and only then will I give away the goods or take the buyer seriously. Before that he's just words on the internet.

Thought the entire purpose of paypal was the convenience of not having to worry about receipts/pending transfers/etc. This isn't the 70s when you cna just say 'yup i mailed you a check you should have it in a few days'

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Variation on the cheque fraud scam. Instead of sending you a cheque for [price + transport], they paypal you [price + transport]. They then ask you to pay the transport fee for them.

Of course - you're now paying them with your money, and once you pay, you'll find that the initial cheque/paypal transfer/eft was from a fraudulent source (as the bank will advise you) and that initial cheque/payment gets cancelled.

So as an example, say price is $5,000 and they say transport is $500.

They pay you $5,500. (you're +$5,500)

You pay transport $500 (you're +$5,000)

(1) gets cancelled (you're -$500)

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

4 . You’re at -1 car as well

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I'm not actually sure how many of these scams actually want the goods. There's no actual courier who comes to pick up the car - you'll pay who you think is the courier, no one will show up, and then you're just out the money usually.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yours sincerely, wedge antilles

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same old scam, different words.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

RAAF, oil rig worker, alien that can't land their spaceship near your place… same shit.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I had the same one, worked in darwin with the army

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

That's life magazine published a story about this guy approximately 3 years ago. I kid you not. He said he was an RAAF worker on deployment, darwin area, fooled a WA housewife into putting her red ford falcon onto a car carrier and sending it to him, she lost around $12k worth. Anyone else recall that article?? He even sent her a driver licence photo of some other random poor person for ID purposes… used the old fake paypal screenshot trick…

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What is it with all these deployed workers purporting to be from darwin all the time?
There's certainly no evolution in their storyline…

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Not much evolution in darwin either….

Joking, its a lovely part of australia, check it out sometime. Barramundi and chips

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

How do they scam with the EFT?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

EFT transfers aren't instant, and even a transfer that's cleared isn't guaranteed, because a bank has to balance convenience and security - once a transfer passes the first level of checks, the bank will clear it.

The scam works because the actual transfer is actually legit. The scam happens because the source funds themselves are fraudulent, either a bad cheque, or a hacked CC, etc. Once that's discovered, the first bank notifies the second bank (the victim's bank) and the second bank reverses the transfer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

In the above example if you pay the shipping fee of $500 to them & then $5000 gets reversed bcos of fraud can't you in return request your $500 back bcos of fraud & go on your merry way?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

The full $5,500 gets reversed not just the $5,000.

And while you can request it back, the bank wouldn't help you. They only reverse the initial transfer because the transfer itself was fraudulent. Your transfer of the $500 isn't fraudulent - you actually had that money in your account, you intentionally transferred it to the destination account.

(and the scammer won't let you transfer it using a way that you can appeal to, like paypal for example.)

Your only options would be to lodge a police report (good luck) or sue them yourself (also good luck).

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

For the $500 courier fee, afaik, they request that payment via western union.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yes $5500 gets reversed of which you can argue to paypal $500 is your legit cash in the fraud which you had no knowledge or part of as such return what's yours. Which they can easily do if the bank said its a fraud.
So won't you get your $500 back without much of a hassle?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Afaik, the scammers request the courier fee to be transfered via western union. So no point in arguing with paypal - if you did fall for the scam.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What about the transfer documentation? I have not sold a car for a while, but I thought that the transfer documents required each party to provide details of their license, address etc, so in doing the transfer document, you have to produce a license (or at least the seller should sight it).

Also, it seems like this scam is clearly obtaining financial advantage by deception (if for example the source of the transferred funds were not legit i.E. Stolen credit card, then criminal intent could be established by the fact that the source of the funds was stolen), so then how does the theft register the car, if it is stolen, as the whole transaction is tainted by the initial theft/deception?

I assume this scam works, because otherwise people would not do it, but I am trying to understand how they end up free and clear with a car.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

The scammers don't care and don't want your car , hence why they don't check if the car is a lemon like genuine buyers do.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Take the money and tell him the good news - you'll personally drive it to him/her at her chosen time and place!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This is old scam.It was happened once.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Would be great if the defence man sends cash through the courier to pick the car. Try doing that next time.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

If this scam is so common, why don't the police set up a honeypot and wait for the scammer to rock up?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Because even the police know the scammers aren't interested in the car, they just want the money. Plus, there's too many and they mainly operate overseas. It's like the aust police trying to set a honey pot for the "ATO who wants to be paid with itunes gift cards"

This kind of scam is very common and old

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok instead of police, we can have men with baseball bats waiting instead?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

If you want, doubt there will be anyone for you to hit, you'll just be wasting more time. The courier guy doesn't exist. No ones coming to meet you or pick up your car.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@ughhh: oh right! I'm following now. Silly me

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Jurisdictional issues probably prohibit the honeypot approach.

I'm more curious about the recipient withdrawing the funds before the scammer reverses the transaction. What then?

The whole point of the new funds transfer system being so fast is they should have enough identifiable information on the sender that they can chest the funds with confidence.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

You actually get funds into your account, most likely from a hacked account. Bank will reverse the money, if you withdrew the money, then your account might go into the negatives.

The money never actually landed in your account. The receipt you got from "paypal" was fake, they're hoping you're greedy and gullible enough to not check your paypal account and pay the "courier" via western union with your real money (or similar payment system with zero protection).

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yeah I have had that BS from some guy who was on an oil rig in WA. Said he would pay me by paypal, I said no and after toing and froing with emails, I said to him why don't you give the cash or a bank cheque to the agent who is going to pick up the car? Never heard from him again.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I got exactly the same message as the top one aside from the fact that he is no longer in the RAAF, he is now a FIFO worker. He was able to produce a fake drivers licence when asked too. Now going by the name kim phillips and using phillipskim348@gmail.Com as the email. Beware!!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I just received one of these emails. First time selling a car wasn't sure what's going on. Sent over bank details, will anything happen in terms of hacking into my account etc. I noticed it was a scam because I got the second in the same format but different emails.. :/

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Thanks for this thread. Was corresponding with a kimphillips009@gmail.Com and I came upon this thread thinking the situation was too strange to be true. Now I know!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same old story - this time he is working in the WA mines!!
Watch out for george manuel - georgemauel076@gmail.Com

From my friend george:
"I was about to make the payment when i had a little problem with the pick up arrangement, my pick up agent says I will need to pay for the pick up fee before they can schedule pickup date, they charged $1,850.00 AUD for the pick up, but the problem is they only accept skrill transfer for the form of payment

I have tried to see if I could get the money sent to them through skrill website, but unfortunately my credit card as expired and I am not back in town yet to request for another one, I will add the $1,850.00 AUD to the amount I am transferring for your item and you will help me to make the skrill transfer of the freighting fee through skrill online. Through www.Skrill.Com is very easy to set up. I will appreciate your help here and thanks for your understanding.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same scam and got my details through car sales.
The person is now using the name kim phillips and email address kphipp76@gmail.Com
claims to be a remote worker working on oil riggs based in darwin.
Thank you to your posts

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What a disappointment. I received the following email from kimph55phillips@gmail.Com

Where is it located at the moment? What's your final price? Why are you selling it? Does it need anything to be replace or repair? I'm cool with the condition as described on the advert. I work for fly in fly out (FIFO)mining oil and gas and we are presently in remote area .We do not have access to phone at the moment and that's why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. Regarding the payment, I can pay you through direct bank deposit (EFT),using paypal instant bank wire transfer service. I will need your account name, BSB and account number. If you are not comfortable with that, you can set up a paypal account properly at www.Paypal.Com.Au and I will make the payment through paypal, this way, all I will need is your paypal email address.

I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin after the whole fund has been cleared into your account. With the issue of my details, transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the pick up agent. If you are not comfortable with that, you can cancel the registration and i will buy unregistered.

Same scam in 2020. Thanks to all who posted on this forum. You saved me time and money.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Created a carsales ad and I received a txt message a couple of hours later from a guy called kim - which i believe was generated from carsales itself.

The first message was…
"I'm interested in your vehicle you listed ,contact me to (kimph55phillips@gmail.Com) if you still have it."

I found this thread after a quick search of his email address and thought i'd post this.

I have just created a new email address and i now endevour to entertain his scam. Lol

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Used the same email and email address to me this morning.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I have just had same guy try it out on me. I did give him bank account details as seemed legit at first and thought how can I loose if fund go into my account.

I was sus so contacted bank and the bank suggested setting up a seperate account just for this transaction just incase.

This george said he was going to pay and got the same BS regarding expired credit card and pay courier for him with extra funds he would send through so I could pay courier through scrill.Com

This is his latest email name: mgeorgenuel113@gmail.Com

Thanks for getting back,i'm cool with the price likewise the condition as described on the advert,I work on a remote mine site in perth WA presently. And the reception is terrible. We do not have access to phone at the moment, which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility.

Regarding the payment,i will be paying you through paypal linked up with my nab bank account,please get back to me with your paypal details so i can process the payment,you can alternatively send your bsb acct name and number if you have no paypal acct.I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin NT after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct

We good to go now,I will transfer the fund into your account soon. Please am trying to sort out with the pick up agent though am having little problem with them now but hope to sort it out soon. I will email you when am done with the payment.

PS:please confirm the price once again because i don’t want any misunderstanding

I was about to make the payment when i had a little problem with the pick up arrangement, my pick up agent says I will need to pay for the pick up fee before they can schedule pickup date, they charged $2,500.00 AUD for the pick up, but the problem is they only accept skrill transfer for the form of payment

I have tried to see if I could get the money sent to them through skrill website, but unfortunately my credit card as expired and I am not back in town yet to request for another one, I will add the $2,500.00 AUD to the amount I am transferring for your item and you will help me to make the skrill transfer of the freighting fee through skrill online. Through www.Skrill.Com is very easy to set up. I will appreciate your help here and thanks for your understanding.

Not sure how he ends up with any money but definatley a scammer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This scam is still being used today. Looking on carsguide.Com yesterday to buy a vehicle we noticed here was a difference between the headline for a vehicle for sale in melbourne " 2012, hyundai, I30, active registration: 1BL6RK and the narrative which said "2014 hyundai i30 trophy automatic registration 1BL6WC" advertised for $6,500 too good to be true. I sent of an enquiry anyway & got a reply from the seller claiming to be kerryhouston@royalaustralianairforce.Com there was even a photo attached showing the alleged person holding their drivers licence. She said she was currently in tassie so was the car, with her squad for special training and was going to NZ at the end of the month for 3 years. She promised to arrange delivery of the vehicle to my house at no cost to me & let me keep it for 7 days & return it if I was not happy. However the payment would be made to a company called escrow.Com who would hold the payment & not release it until I was totally happy with the vehicle. I did not go any further through with the sale as I certainly don't want to deal with a third party and I smelled a rat as I know their are no air force bases in tassie I also have friends in the defence force & this is a bullshit email address. I have contacted carsguide.Com and they have immediately taken down the ad. I just thought you ought to alert buyers on your website to look out for this still going only using escrow.Com instead of western union or paypal

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same guy just tried to scam me with a car I just advertised on carsales.Com.Au. Same name but working FIFO in darwin. I asked for a copy of his drivers licence (for the transfer form) and he sent me on with the address of durak, NT. Date of birth in 1958.

His email was almost identical to that at the start of this post. He also rang me this morning (first contact) and sounded quite convincing. The emails that followed were quite a different tone.

Glad I google his name and city (kim phillips darwin) and this scam alter was the first item. Thanks

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

SMS sent from +61491605182
timothy martin
NT drivers license supplied.

"thanks for getting back, am pleased with the condition as described on the advert,I work on a remote site,does it have any history I should be aware of and why are you selling?

Regarding the payment, i will be paying you through paypal or ETF (bank transfer),please get back to me with your BSB, acct name & number so i can process the payment, you can alternatively send your paypal payment details as i can also pay into your paypal acct.

I've contacted my agent who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in palmerston city after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.

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Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Just putting this out there for those that are unaware of scams out there. I am in the midst of selling my car on carsales.Com.Au and guess what? I received email below. Instead of oil rig, RAAF now…LOL!

Where is it located at the moment?What's your final price?Why are you selling it?Does it need anything to be replace or repair?I'm a squadron leader at royal australian air force(RAAF) and i have been currently deployed .I have limited phone access and that's why i prefer the sales through email.Regarding the payment, I can pay you through direct bank deposit (EFT),using paypal instant bank wire transfer service.I will need your account name,BSB and account number. If you are not comfortable with that, you can set up a paypal account properly at www.Paypal.Com.Auand I will make the payment through paypal,this way, all I will need is your paypal email address.

I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.With the issue of my details,transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the pick up agent..


Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Sounds like it's the same scam tactic but with a different story?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This is standard story for long time

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Everything seems exactly the same… just another job title in the same remote area.
Alarm bells should be ringing no matter what his "job " is.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Should really tell him to be more creative next time.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ask for payment by western union, untraceable and if good enough for scammers it must be a good service!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

So how does this scam work? Looks like he's paying you money? Unless he wants to take the car away without money being paid?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yes, I would also like to know how this SCAM works. To me it appears legit? Does he claim back though paypal that he did not receive the car or something?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

How it works, is the scammer agrees a price for the car, and 'says' he will arrange transport/courier…..But, he says there is a problem, so can he pay you more money to cover the transport and you agree to pay the courier. The scam continues, by sending you a fake paypal (or other) receipt, you think you have been paid, so pay the courier, except its not the courier but the scammer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Another variation is the scammer 'pays' you too much, sends a fake invoice, and then wants a partial refund of the excess because that money was meant to go to the courier, not to you.

The oil rig scam has been doing the rounds of gumtree/carsales for many years.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok so its a fake receipt all together, and you get no money for the car and transport. And people fall for it? I would be checking my paypal first.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Surely who has fallen for this fake paypal receipt ?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@sidewinder1: almost did. The email looks pretty identical to the paypal emails. Realised that my paypal want linked to that account!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Doesn't have to be fake - it can be real…. But from fraudulent funds (hacked credit card, dishonored cheque deposit, etc). That doesn't usually get picked up by the bank until weeks later, and then it gets reversed.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@sidewinder1: everyone who posts a gumtree scam thread

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok thanks all, makes sense now. Dirty dogs….

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@topdog: how does a fake receipt work? Wouldn't a deposit show up your paypal transactions?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@eightimmortals: I'm also amazed at how someone could fall for this without checking their paypal account first. Screw a receipt - before I'm doing anything I'll always check whether there is cleared, accessible money in my account. To be extra sure I'll even withdraw the funds right away to make sure they end up in my bank account. Then and only then will I give away the goods or take the buyer seriously. Before that he's just words on the internet.

Thought the entire purpose of paypal was the convenience of not having to worry about receipts/pending transfers/etc. This isn't the 70s when you cna just say 'yup i mailed you a check you should have it in a few days'

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Variation on the cheque fraud scam. Instead of sending you a cheque for [price + transport], they paypal you [price + transport]. They then ask you to pay the transport fee for them.

Of course - you're now paying them with your money, and once you pay, you'll find that the initial cheque/paypal transfer/eft was from a fraudulent source (as the bank will advise you) and that initial cheque/payment gets cancelled.

So as an example, say price is $5,000 and they say transport is $500.

They pay you $5,500. (you're +$5,500)

You pay transport $500 (you're +$5,000)

(1) gets cancelled (you're -$500)

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

4 . You’re at -1 car as well

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I'm not actually sure how many of these scams actually want the goods. There's no actual courier who comes to pick up the car - you'll pay who you think is the courier, no one will show up, and then you're just out the money usually.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yours sincerely, wedge antilles

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same old scam, different words.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

RAAF, oil rig worker, alien that can't land their spaceship near your place… same shit.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I had the same one, worked in darwin with the army

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

That's life magazine published a story about this guy approximately 3 years ago. I kid you not. He said he was an RAAF worker on deployment, darwin area, fooled a WA housewife into putting her red ford falcon onto a car carrier and sending it to him, she lost around $12k worth. Anyone else recall that article?? He even sent her a driver licence photo of some other random poor person for ID purposes… used the old fake paypal screenshot trick…

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What is it with all these deployed workers purporting to be from darwin all the time?
There's certainly no evolution in their storyline…

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Not much evolution in darwin either….

Joking, its a lovely part of australia, check it out sometime. Barramundi and chips

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

How do they scam with the EFT?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

EFT transfers aren't instant, and even a transfer that's cleared isn't guaranteed, because a bank has to balance convenience and security - once a transfer passes the first level of checks, the bank will clear it.

The scam works because the actual transfer is actually legit. The scam happens because the source funds themselves are fraudulent, either a bad cheque, or a hacked CC, etc. Once that's discovered, the first bank notifies the second bank (the victim's bank) and the second bank reverses the transfer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

In the above example if you pay the shipping fee of $500 to them & then $5000 gets reversed bcos of fraud can't you in return request your $500 back bcos of fraud & go on your merry way?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

The full $5,500 gets reversed not just the $5,000.

And while you can request it back, the bank wouldn't help you. They only reverse the initial transfer because the transfer itself was fraudulent. Your transfer of the $500 isn't fraudulent - you actually had that money in your account, you intentionally transferred it to the destination account.

(and the scammer won't let you transfer it using a way that you can appeal to, like paypal for example.)

Your only options would be to lodge a police report (good luck) or sue them yourself (also good luck).

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

For the $500 courier fee, afaik, they request that payment via western union.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yes $5500 gets reversed of which you can argue to paypal $500 is your legit cash in the fraud which you had no knowledge or part of as such return what's yours. Which they can easily do if the bank said its a fraud.
So won't you get your $500 back without much of a hassle?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Afaik, the scammers request the courier fee to be transfered via western union. So no point in arguing with paypal - if you did fall for the scam.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What about the transfer documentation? I have not sold a car for a while, but I thought that the transfer documents required each party to provide details of their license, address etc, so in doing the transfer document, you have to produce a license (or at least the seller should sight it).

Also, it seems like this scam is clearly obtaining financial advantage by deception (if for example the source of the transferred funds were not legit i.E. Stolen credit card, then criminal intent could be established by the fact that the source of the funds was stolen), so then how does the theft register the car, if it is stolen, as the whole transaction is tainted by the initial theft/deception?

I assume this scam works, because otherwise people would not do it, but I am trying to understand how they end up free and clear with a car.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

The scammers don't care and don't want your car , hence why they don't check if the car is a lemon like genuine buyers do.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Take the money and tell him the good news - you'll personally drive it to him/her at her chosen time and place!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This is old scam.It was happened once.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Would be great if the defence man sends cash through the courier to pick the car. Try doing that next time.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

If this scam is so common, why don't the police set up a honeypot and wait for the scammer to rock up?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Because even the police know the scammers aren't interested in the car, they just want the money. Plus, there's too many and they mainly operate overseas. It's like the aust police trying to set a honey pot for the "ATO who wants to be paid with itunes gift cards"

This kind of scam is very common and old

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Ok instead of police, we can have men with baseball bats waiting instead?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

If you want, doubt there will be anyone for you to hit, you'll just be wasting more time. The courier guy doesn't exist. No ones coming to meet you or pick up your car.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

@ughhh: oh right! I'm following now. Silly me

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Jurisdictional issues probably prohibit the honeypot approach.

I'm more curious about the recipient withdrawing the funds before the scammer reverses the transaction. What then?

The whole point of the new funds transfer system being so fast is they should have enough identifiable information on the sender that they can chest the funds with confidence.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

You actually get funds into your account, most likely from a hacked account. Bank will reverse the money, if you withdrew the money, then your account might go into the negatives.

The money never actually landed in your account. The receipt you got from "paypal" was fake, they're hoping you're greedy and gullible enough to not check your paypal account and pay the "courier" via western union with your real money (or similar payment system with zero protection).

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Yeah I have had that BS from some guy who was on an oil rig in WA. Said he would pay me by paypal, I said no and after toing and froing with emails, I said to him why don't you give the cash or a bank cheque to the agent who is going to pick up the car? Never heard from him again.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I got exactly the same message as the top one aside from the fact that he is no longer in the RAAF, he is now a FIFO worker. He was able to produce a fake drivers licence when asked too. Now going by the name kim phillips and using phillipskim348@gmail.Com as the email. Beware!!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I just received one of these emails. First time selling a car wasn't sure what's going on. Sent over bank details, will anything happen in terms of hacking into my account etc. I noticed it was a scam because I got the second in the same format but different emails.. :/

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Thanks for this thread. Was corresponding with a kimphillips009@gmail.Com and I came upon this thread thinking the situation was too strange to be true. Now I know!

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same old story - this time he is working in the WA mines!!
Watch out for george manuel - georgemauel076@gmail.Com

From my friend george:
"I was about to make the payment when i had a little problem with the pick up arrangement, my pick up agent says I will need to pay for the pick up fee before they can schedule pickup date, they charged $1,850.00 AUD for the pick up, but the problem is they only accept skrill transfer for the form of payment

I have tried to see if I could get the money sent to them through skrill website, but unfortunately my credit card as expired and I am not back in town yet to request for another one, I will add the $1,850.00 AUD to the amount I am transferring for your item and you will help me to make the skrill transfer of the freighting fee through skrill online. Through www.Skrill.Com is very easy to set up. I will appreciate your help here and thanks for your understanding.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same scam and got my details through car sales.
The person is now using the name kim phillips and email address kphipp76@gmail.Com
claims to be a remote worker working on oil riggs based in darwin.
Thank you to your posts

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

What a disappointment. I received the following email from kimph55phillips@gmail.Com

Where is it located at the moment? What's your final price? Why are you selling it? Does it need anything to be replace or repair? I'm cool with the condition as described on the advert. I work for fly in fly out (FIFO)mining oil and gas and we are presently in remote area .We do not have access to phone at the moment and that's why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. Regarding the payment, I can pay you through direct bank deposit (EFT),using paypal instant bank wire transfer service. I will need your account name, BSB and account number. If you are not comfortable with that, you can set up a paypal account properly at www.Paypal.Com.Au and I will make the payment through paypal, this way, all I will need is your paypal email address.

I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin after the whole fund has been cleared into your account. With the issue of my details, transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the pick up agent. If you are not comfortable with that, you can cancel the registration and i will buy unregistered.

Same scam in 2020. Thanks to all who posted on this forum. You saved me time and money.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Created a carsales ad and I received a txt message a couple of hours later from a guy called kim - which i believe was generated from carsales itself.

The first message was…
"I'm interested in your vehicle you listed ,contact me to (kimph55phillips@gmail.Com) if you still have it."

I found this thread after a quick search of his email address and thought i'd post this.

I have just created a new email address and i now endevour to entertain his scam. Lol

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Used the same email and email address to me this morning.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

I have just had same guy try it out on me. I did give him bank account details as seemed legit at first and thought how can I loose if fund go into my account.

I was sus so contacted bank and the bank suggested setting up a seperate account just for this transaction just incase.

This george said he was going to pay and got the same BS regarding expired credit card and pay courier for him with extra funds he would send through so I could pay courier through scrill.Com

This is his latest email name: mgeorgenuel113@gmail.Com

Thanks for getting back,i'm cool with the price likewise the condition as described on the advert,I work on a remote mine site in perth WA presently. And the reception is terrible. We do not have access to phone at the moment, which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility.

Regarding the payment,i will be paying you through paypal linked up with my nab bank account,please get back to me with your paypal details so i can process the payment,you can alternatively send your bsb acct name and number if you have no paypal acct.I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in darwin NT after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct

We good to go now,I will transfer the fund into your account soon. Please am trying to sort out with the pick up agent though am having little problem with them now but hope to sort it out soon. I will email you when am done with the payment.

PS:please confirm the price once again because i don’t want any misunderstanding

I was about to make the payment when i had a little problem with the pick up arrangement, my pick up agent says I will need to pay for the pick up fee before they can schedule pickup date, they charged $2,500.00 AUD for the pick up, but the problem is they only accept skrill transfer for the form of payment

I have tried to see if I could get the money sent to them through skrill website, but unfortunately my credit card as expired and I am not back in town yet to request for another one, I will add the $2,500.00 AUD to the amount I am transferring for your item and you will help me to make the skrill transfer of the freighting fee through skrill online. Through www.Skrill.Com is very easy to set up. I will appreciate your help here and thanks for your understanding.

Not sure how he ends up with any money but definatley a scammer.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

This scam is still being used today. Looking on carsguide.Com yesterday to buy a vehicle we noticed here was a difference between the headline for a vehicle for sale in melbourne " 2012, hyundai, I30, active registration: 1BL6RK and the narrative which said "2014 hyundai i30 trophy automatic registration 1BL6WC" advertised for $6,500 too good to be true. I sent of an enquiry anyway & got a reply from the seller claiming to be kerryhouston@royalaustralianairforce.Com there was even a photo attached showing the alleged person holding their drivers licence. She said she was currently in tassie so was the car, with her squad for special training and was going to NZ at the end of the month for 3 years. She promised to arrange delivery of the vehicle to my house at no cost to me & let me keep it for 7 days & return it if I was not happy. However the payment would be made to a company called escrow.Com who would hold the payment & not release it until I was totally happy with the vehicle. I did not go any further through with the sale as I certainly don't want to deal with a third party and I smelled a rat as I know their are no air force bases in tassie I also have friends in the defence force & this is a bullshit email address. I have contacted carsguide.Com and they have immediately taken down the ad. I just thought you ought to alert buyers on your website to look out for this still going only using escrow.Com instead of western union or paypal

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Same guy just tried to scam me with a car I just advertised on carsales.Com.Au. Same name but working FIFO in darwin. I asked for a copy of his drivers licence (for the transfer form) and he sent me on with the address of durak, NT. Date of birth in 1958.

His email was almost identical to that at the start of this post. He also rang me this morning (first contact) and sounded quite convincing. The emails that followed were quite a different tone.

Glad I google his name and city (kim phillips darwin) and this scam alter was the first item. Thanks

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

SMS sent from +61491605182
timothy martin
NT drivers license supplied.

"thanks for getting back, am pleased with the condition as described on the advert,I work on a remote site,does it have any history I should be aware of and why are you selling?

Regarding the payment, i will be paying you through paypal or ETF (bank transfer),please get back to me with your BSB, acct name & number so i can process the payment, you can alternatively send your paypal payment details as i can also pay into your paypal acct.

I've contacted my agent who will come for pick up and deliver it to my place in palmerston city after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.

Scrill.Com information

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Title use : the title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters

Meta keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), english letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ .ANSI (windows-1252) was the original windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes.

Code type : this shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site.

HTML version : this shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site.

Robots.Txt : this is to let the robots.Txt used by the search engines, know how to navigate your site. We advise that you use robots.Txt.

Responsive : shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. Use: you can show this with the tag : .

Rank : is your sites rank among the other sites in the world.

Country rank : is your sites rank among the other sites in your country.

Most search queries : this shows how your site was found on search engines, which words were used to find your website.

Was ist Skrill und wie funktioniert es?

Pagerank : google ranks sites on a scale of 0-10. The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for google.

Analytic : google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. A few of its free services are:

  • Real time user data

    • User data in general

    • User data by location

    • Traffic sources

  • Audience view

    • A retrospective view of all user entries and data

    • Desktop, tablet and mobile entries to your site

  • User acquisition

  • User behavior

and many more statistics and content.

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Zwoje-scrolls.Com | zwoje-scrolls traffic analysis

Zwoje.Com (andrew kobos's site) the map and the title page: andrzej kobos, zwoje, artistic photography, black&white photography, artistic black&white photography,


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Our system has never spotted zwoje-scrolls.Com in alexa ratings.
This fact suggests that domain has very low traffic.

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The most recent time we have spotted zwoje-scrolls.Com on quantcast list was on january 15, 2014 (2,233 days ago) and then the rank was 414,672. And this is a bit worse position than average position for zwoje-scrolls.Com in quantcast.

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Website is hosted on IP
The host name of this IP address is zwoje-scrolls.Com.
There are 1 websites hosted on exact the same IP and 59 websites that are hosted on similar IP address.

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We have no data about websites that could be similar to zwoje-scrolls.Com.

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We've checked zwoje-scrolls.Com recently and it was online. The load time was 1.3233 seconds faster than average. The size of document was 55,467 bytes shorter than usually. The website contained 99 links less than the average.

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We have no information if zwoje-scrolls.Com is optimised for mobile devices.

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We did not encounter any safety threats while testing this website.

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We did not find any data about zwoje-scrolls.Com being listed in the blacklists.

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It seems that zwoje-scrolls.Com was never dropped before.
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Our system found out that there could be 291 domains with the same beginning as zwoje-scrolls.Com

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Our system found out that there could be 1005 mistakes made in the typing process.

HTML code analysis

And here you'll find analysis of HTML code:

-55,467 bytes compared to average
keywords: andrzej kobos, zwoje, artistic photography, black&white photography, artistic black&white photography, colour photography, color artistic photography
WEB address: http://zwoje-scrolls.Com/
summary: the map and the title page of the zwoje.Com site
total number of links: -99 links compared to average
load time: -1.32330565 seconds compared to average
author andrew kobos, andrzej kobos