

Playing exciting online scratch and win games such as golden fortune scratch is unquestionably much better than rushing to stores to buy paper scratch off tickets that simply give rise to environmental damage when you scratch and throw away losing tickets. Online scratch to win games are also better than buying lotteries where each purchase is followed by nervous nights as you await the outcome with bated breath. Anyway, sites like prime scratchcards and scratch 2 cash also provide exciting opening bonuses that translate into free online scratch cards that can be used in your initial games. Now you can reach out for the fantastic jackpot prize with no initial investment even as you will have a wonderful time while playing scratch card online in a completely convenient manner. You’ll now need to scratch off of the golden cards within your chosen golden fortune scratch card game to check the numbers printed below. Should they match any of the 5 numbers shown on top of the screen then you will start winning prizes. In case you are too impatient to confirm all your numbers at once then you can simply click on the show all button to reveal all of the cards simultaneously. You can also click the autoplay button to permit the computer to play the overall game automatically if you do not want to choose the cards to scratch. You will also observe sacks and treasure chests filled with gold in the bottom of the screen that show your winnings and bonus rounds. You are sure to have a great deal of fun while playing this thrilling online game even as you get a chance to literally fill up sacks of virtual gold in the form of winnings if fortune truly favors the bold on that specific night or day.

Strike gold with the golden fortune scratch card

Your passion for scratch off cards can be pursued online where you can literally strike gold with your golden fortune scratch card. Golden fortune is really a truly wonderful online scratch card game which will allow you to have hours of fun while you try your luck to end up with the fantastic 200,000 pound jackpot prize or any of the other countless prizes on offer in this wonderful scratch n win game.

You can enter into this gold-filled game through trusted gaming websites like scratch2cash and primescratchcards. You will observe 3 sets of golden cards with 9 squares in each set. You’ll be able to play with just one set or simply play all 3 sets of cards together to boost your odds of winning huge amounts of money like the stupendous 200,000 pound jackpot prize should you put up additional money within your bet, even though you could also start betting with a 25P bet too. You will also observe 5 numbers on the top of the screen and when you’ve specified the amount of your bet and the number of sets of cards that you would like to try out at a time you will then be ready to test out your luck.

You’ll now need to scratch off of the golden cards within your chosen golden fortune scratch card game to check the numbers printed below. Should they match any of the 5 numbers shown on top of the screen then you will start winning prizes. In case you are too impatient to confirm all your numbers at once then you can simply click on the show all button to reveal all of the cards simultaneously. You can also click the autoplay button to permit the computer to play the overall game automatically if you do not want to choose the cards to scratch. You will also observe sacks and treasure chests filled with gold in the bottom of the screen that show your winnings and bonus rounds. You are sure to have a great deal of fun while playing this thrilling online game even as you get a chance to literally fill up sacks of virtual gold in the form of winnings if fortune truly favors the bold on that specific night or day.

Playing exciting online scratch and win games such as golden fortune scratch is unquestionably much better than rushing to stores to buy paper scratch off tickets that simply give rise to environmental damage when you scratch and throw away losing tickets. Online scratch to win games are also better than buying lotteries where each purchase is followed by nervous nights as you await the outcome with bated breath. Anyway, sites like prime scratchcards and scratch 2 cash also provide exciting opening bonuses that translate into free online scratch cards that can be used in your initial games. Now you can reach out for the fantastic jackpot prize with no initial investment even as you will have a wonderful time while playing scratch card online in a completely convenient manner.

If you are a huge fan of scratch out tickets and want to play online versions in an exceedingly simple manner with instant results then you should simply play golden fortune to try your luck. If lady luck has indeed noticed your attempts then you definitely might just get fortunate enough to strike gold with the golden fortune scratch card.

The skrilk


The skrilk


James and cameron laid on a hill at night, they both had been out working in the mines all day. James' hands covered in blisters and his nails crusted with coal dust. James looked at cameron, he was skinny like everyone else in this town. He had brown hair and was in similar condition to james.

"cameron" he started "I'm bored"
"what do you mean" he responded
"man, I'm bored of life. You know? It used to never be boring a long time ago, people could do what ever they wanted. You didn't have to have money or work a job you didn't want to. You could just do what ever." james said as if he had this talk before
"yes. " cameron replied "but back then there was also no laws to keep people safe, no way to live a good life. I mean if we were born back then we'd never have been friends, and we'd probably be dead by now anyways"
james shook his head "you don't get it man" he rolled over away from cameron.
"where is this from anyways?" cameron asked
"I don't know. " james took a second to think "I'm just not. Cut out for this life style."
cameron snorted "well, it's what you got."

They laid in silence for a while then decided to turn in. James went to his hut on the far side of the village, he stepped inside and took off his handmade shoes. He cut some bread with a dull knife and eat it slowly. It tasted like shit, but it's what he had. James hated it, not just the bread, but all of it. From this dull, tedious lifestyle, to the twig and clay hut he stood in. He jumped when he heard someone speak from the shadows, a deep voice that sounded soothing, yet made his skin crawl at the same time.
"well, well, well" he said then chuckled "look's like you're a little fed up with life"
james jumped and grabbed his dull bread knife "who the fuck are you?!"
"I'm.. A merchant so to speak" he said slyly, and stepped into the light. He was tall and slender, his skin was as white as milk and his face. James couldn't see his face, well he could but it was as if his brain couldn't process what he was seeing.
James hands shook with fear as he said "I- I don't want what ever your selling"
the man chuckled and bent down to whisper directly into the mans ear "I'm selling exactly what you want"
james tried to back up but he was already against the wall! His hands shaking so vigorously he dropped the knife on to the floor with a loud clang!
The man continued in the same whisper "you want a change, don't you? You want to be special? To cure your boredom? Well I can help you with that james"
james barley managed to stammer out "H- how?"
james could hear the smile in the mans voice as he said "just give me your soul. After you die I get your soul to do with as I please. For just the price of your soul I'll give you what you want"
his vision was blurring, he could barley breath he had no sense of reality, just a voice in his head saying 'this is what you wanted'
"F- fine" james said as he steadied himself "I'll take the deal"
the mans smile turned to a grin as he said "fantastic"

The man vanished into thin air and james was left with a blood lust that he couldn't wait the quench.

Cameron had just about fallen asleep when the door to his hut opened. He sat up in bed and saw a black silhouette of a hunched over person, the person was breathing hard.
"who are you?" cameron demanded, his feet going cold and his blood racing
"I'm. I'm the skrilk" james voice said from the shadow
"james?" cameron asked, confused "what do you mean? What the fuck is going on here?"
"I'm not james anymore" the skrilk said "I'm. The. Skirlk"
the skrilk lunged at cameron and bite his neck, tearing it apart! Cameron let out gurgled screams as he drowned in his own blood! The skrilk tore cameron's body to shreds with his teeth until cameron stopped struggling and died.
The skrilk giggled, then chuckled, the laid his head back and laughed a demonic laugh. People, who had heard cameron's screams, showed up at the door way.
"what the fuck is that thing. " one of them shouted and point at the skrilk
the skirlk stopped laughing, turned around to face them, and said in the most sinister voice imaginable "I'm the skirlk, and now. You're all going die!"
he lunged at them, killing them one by one, their knifes and spears and pitch forks did nothing to stop him! He killed and killed and killed until the blood was stained in their blood and every one of the village people, children, men and woman alike, lay dead at his feet.

Many years pass, and as the skirlk's victims grew, so do the stories of him. Some called him the white death, others called him the devil. But all the stories say the same. He kills everyone he sees, and only one has ever lived to tell. His name was mason, his arm was tore off by the skirlk, he has teeth shaped scars on his neck and he's a drunk that has tried more then once to kill himself. He resides in a town called ficklestine, there he has laid many traps for the skirlk in case he should ever show his face again. From the moment mason's entire village was murdered, he had spent his life dedicated to catching a killing the skrilk, he found a village that believed his stories of his past. Mason convinced them to set traps all though the outskirts of the village.
One morning, the farmers were out milking the cows, the pubs were just starting to open, most of the village still asleep, a deranged scream tore through the air. It startled everyone awake. Mason shot out of bed and pulled on his shoes, and ran out of his hut exclaiming "it's him! We caught him!!" him and the hunters made haste out of the village, following the screams of the skrilk. They arrived to a pale man with wide eyes and a grin that stretched across his face that was trapped hanging from his ankle by a rope. The skrilks eyes darted around rapidly as he screamed more. The hunters were ready as they had planed for this for years since mason arrived. They gagged the skirlk with cloth and a rope and tied him up with many, many layers of rope. They didn't bother trying to hurt him, because according the the stories nothing could hurt him, much less kill him. They're plan was to tie him up so he couldn't move, sail him out over the ocean, and after attaching a bundle of bricks to him, they would toss him over the side of the boat to stay there forever. And that's exactly what they did.

More years passed in peace from the skrilk, people lived in fear no longer, mason was a hero to all and the skrilk stayed at the bottom of the ocean, unable to die, pondering what he'd do to mason once he got free. But too many years passed, mason's bloodline had almost run dry. Cities were being built, technology was progressing and all that time the skrilk was thinking. He had seen his error; if he wanted to kill he had to do so more discretely, pick his victims wisely so no one would find out who he was. Finally the ropes that had held him in place for centuries gave way and he was able to break out. He swam back up the the surface and let himself float back to shore. He needed to kill. So he found his first target, a beach house. It was early in the morning, the skrilk climbed up the the top opening in the strange structure he wasn't familiar with and landed with a thud inside a room where a woman lay sleeping. He killed her swiftly, enjoying the thrill and the smell of the blood. But he could smell one other person in the house. He made his way slowly down the stairs, they creaked in protest, once at the bottom he made his way carefully and slowly to a man who was sitting at his desk, his fingers making a strange clicking sound as they moved up and down. A cat jumped off his lap, and hissed at the skrilk, he paid it no mind. The skirlk advanced forward until he was right up on the man. The oblivious man turned around, and they met face to face. And the skrilk attacked.

(thanks for reading!! I know it's not my best, but I was up really late writing this and I'm kinda sleep deprived because off that. Thank you again!)

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Frozen skrill

Frozen skrill


Vital statistics













it saved us. And it risked its own life doing it. If we do this, we're no better than the dragon hunters. We're just using a different cage. And he doesn't deserve that. [src]
— hiccup deciding to free the skrill

The frozen skrill is a male skrill that appeared in dragons: defenders of berk, "A view to a skrill, part 1" and "A view to a skrill, part 2". He returned in the race to the edge episode, "A time to skrill".

Official description

the silhouette of a skrill is the symbol of the berserker tribe. This dragon was once "owned" by dagur the deranged, until hiccup set it free. Dagur is NOT happy.
dragons: rise of berk



During the events of "A view to a skrill, parts 1 and 2", the skrill was found and honored by the berserkers. The dragon riders soon learned about its whereabouts from mulch and bucket, and took it back to berk, so that they can learn about it.

The twins and snotlout then blew the skrill out off the ice, despite being warned to leave it be by hiccup.


The skrill unfrozen from the huge block of ice.

The skrill escaped, easily knocking aside stormfly, and the dragon riders tried to stop it before dagur the deranged finds it to use against berk.

The skrill disappeared quickly after it was free, but the riders found out that it just went to silent sven's farm and attacked his sheep, before being shooed away. After several twists and turns, the skrill's lightning attack was countered by toothless' plasma blast, creating a giant electric explosion, sending barf and belch, toothless, their riders, and the skrill itself flying away.


The contraction of acetylene oxygen plasma and lightning

The skrill, however, fell into the water and was found by alvin the treacherous. The twins, who crash-landed near the scene, decided to follow alvin. The skrill was taken to outcast island, where the berserker and outcast tribes had allied together. The deal is alvin will give dagur the skrill, and dagur will have to help alvin destroy berk. However, both sides are secretly double-crossing the other tribe to get the skrill.

When being investigated by hiccup, they find the skrill is gone. However, when dagur and alvin were arguing about who gets the skrill, it is revealed that dagur double crosses alvin and takes the skrill on his ship, behind his sail, tied with two ropes. In rage, alvin jumped onto the berserker ship and fought with dagur. When dagur is nearly defeated, he unleashes the skrill. Now with the tables turned, alvin starts to dodge the skrill's lightning. In desperation, alvin jumped into the water, and dagur used the skrill to shoot lighting at the water, seeming to 'kill' alvin once and for all, leaving dagur now in full control of the skrill, and both tribes.

Dagur then used the skrill to battle hiccup and toothless. The skrill takes hits from toothless' plasma blasts, yet they tricked dagur into stepping in a puddle, electrocuting him. The skrill, which is still in a wild state, escaps and brgins to chase hiccup and his dragon. They enter an iceberg and a chase is started, with the skrill's speed and stealth being nearly as good as toothless'. But the skrill loses sight of hiccup and toothless at one point but then sees their reflections on an ice wall. It charges at the ice wall, knocking itself out. The skrill is later refrozen by the twins and barf and belch.


In "A time to skrill", after three years of being frozen, the glacier began to thaw and is struck by lightning, releasing the skrill. After being freed, the skrill begins to search for hiccup and toothless, as they were the ones that trapped him. He first went to outcast island, sending all the vikings off the island. It then headed to berk, where it was confronted by berk's backup riders. The skrill was able to blast them all until the other riders showed up. Toothless immediately shot at the skrill and the two blasts caused an explosion. The skrill retreated afterward.

It soon ran into hiccup and toothless again as they tried to lure the dragon back to the glacier to freeze him again. However, the skrill did not fall for it and tried to seal hiccup and toothless in. Fortunately, they broke out, and the three headed to the ship graveyard. The skrill tried to draw them out, but one of its blasts burned toothless' tail, forcing hiccup to use the sail from the reaper. In a desperate attempt, hiccup led the skrill to the dragon hunters, hoping they would immobilize it long enough for him to grab it. This backfired, and the skrill fell into the hands of dagur, ryker and the hunters.

The dragon riders tracked the hunters to an island to free the skrill. They were soon caught in an ambush. Hiccup came up with a crazy idea to free the skrill, hoping that by helping him, he would attack the hunters. Toothless knocked over the cage, releasing the skrill. Ryker grimborn tried to knock out him out with the dragon root arrows, but hiccup and toothless shielded the skrill, with the latter taking the arrow. The skrill fired only at the dragon hunters, chasing them off. Spitelout, who joined the riders since he was struck by the skrill, then shot an arrow at the dragon for payback.

The dragon riders took the skrill back to the glacier to freeze him again, but hiccup decided not to. He released the skrill from the net, and after a pause, he bowed to hiccup and toothless, letting go of his revenge. He then flew off, now having freedom for the first time in many years.

Physical appearance

The frozen skrill is representative for his species. He is dark blue with purple highlights and a pale grey underbelly.


The skrill is an extremely difficult opponent for any creature, viking or dragon.

  • Internal body temperature: skrills can stay alive in extremely difficult situations, such as being frozen due to their intense internal body temperature.

  • Electrokinesis: while most dragons use fire as their ranged attacks, the skrill is one of the few dragons to use electricity instead. He absorbs lightning from the clouds, hence the reason they are often seen during thunderstorms, and can redirect it from his mouth. He can recharge his lightning and store it in his body for use at a later of time.

  • Speed and agility: the skrill, being in the strike class, is an incredibly fast flier he was seen to be able to keep up with toothless whenever he chased them while in normal flight. The skrills have the distinct ability to ride lightning to reach supersonic speeds, while he did this it was seen to travel far faster than any dragon seen before. They are also extremely agile, allowing them to make fast and sharp turns.

  • Stealth: the skrill is shown to be not only a fast and agile flier but also quite a stealthy one. He managed to sneak behind the riders by hiding in the clouds.

  • Stamina and endurance: the skrill has shown to have amazing stamina. Even after he had just awoken from its slumber, he could already operate quite well, and not be feeling tired after flying long distances without stopping.

  • Strength: despite its size, the skrill has demonstrated to be a very powerful dragon, as he was shown to defeat stormfly with just one effortless slap of its wings.

  • Intelligence: as a strike class dragon, the skrill is extremely smart. He was able to tell when hiccup was trying to trap him once again but instead caused his plan to backfire, trapping them instead. He was able to remember his old encounters of outcast island and berk to destroy for revenge as he made a sign on stoick house.


Hiccup and toothless

After being thawed the first time, the skrill faced off against hiccup and toothless several times. Due to them leading him into the glacier, the skrill developed a grudge against the duo. Once freed, he tried to hunt them down for revenge. When hiccup and toothless saved him from the dragon hunters and decided to let him go instead of freezing him again, the skrill forgave them and possibly gained respect for them.

Dagur the deranged

Dagur has a full belief that the skrill belonged to him. He used the dragon as a "puppet" to fire at his targets. The skrill fell into dagur's hands again, but he didn't get a chance to harness him up again. The skrill clearly detested dagur for capturing him twice, as he fired at him when he was freed.

Harvard scientists create super strong degradable bioplastic from shrimp shells



Thanks to a team of harvard scientists, being called a “shrimp” will no longer amount to an insult. The university’s wyss institute for biologically inspired engineering isolated chitin in the arthropod’s exoskeleton to make chitosan, a super tough polysaccharide that can be derived from the tons of crustacean shells discarded each year. Strong and easily made into 3D forms using injection molding or casting techniques, the final product dubbed “shrilk” can break down into the environment after two weeks and release nutrients that feed plants at the same time.

  • Skrilk

  • Skrilk


Until recently, most bioplastics were fabricated from plant cellulose that doesn’t fully degrade once altered. Led by javier fernandez and don ingber, the harvard group manipulated chitosan to produce a tough and transparent material that retained as much of the natural molecular structure of chitin as possible. By adding silk derivatives and wood flour, they avoided the potential for cracking or shrinking during the injection molding process.

“there is an urgent need in many industries for sustainable materials that can be mass produced. Our scalable manufacturing method shows that chitosan, which is readily available and inexpensive, can serve as a viable bioplastic that could potentially be used instead of conventional plastics for numerous industrial applications,” ingber stated in a harvard press release.

Shrilk can also be modified for use in water and dyed by altering the compound’s acidity. The dyes can be collected after the bioplastic has outlived its use and repurposed when the skrilk is recycled. Current plastic nightmares such as trash bags, diapers, and clam shell packaging could all be replaced by the invention and help reduce the millions of tons of plastic trash that streams into landfills, waterways, and marine ecosystems each year. Now, take-out containers meant for temporary use need not haunt the environment for thousands of years after their role has been fulfilled, and all because of the humble shrimp.

Images via wyss institute and NOAA


Shrilk: the sustainable and biodegradable plastic made from shrimp shells

Researchers at the wyss institute for biologically inspired engineering have found a way to replace plastic with a naturally abundant and fully degradable bioplastic. For the past two years, the harvard institute researchers have been working to create a material they call shrilk, which is a combination of silk protein and a substance called chitosan that is found in crustacean shells and insect parts. Most bioplastics currently on the market are mainly made from wood cellulose, which can only be made into food and drink containers and does not fully degrade in landfills. In contrast, not only is shrilk fully degradable, but it also releases plant nutrients into the soil. And unlike bioplastic from wood cellulose, shrilk can be used to make items such as grocery and trash bags, packaging materials, and diapers. It also poses no threat to trees. A lead researcher said wyss has been approached by a variety of entrepreneurs and companies interested in shrilk since march, when researchers made an announcement about their ability to make products from chitosan that could only be made in the past with petroleum-based plastics.


Shrilk could be an environmental game-changer. Only seven percent of the more than 34 million tons of petroleum-based plastic waste that is produced every year gets recycled. The rest finds its way to landfills, where it takes 1,000 years to degrade, or to the ocean. Within one year, some types of plastic begin breaking down in the ocean, leaching toxic chemicals as part of the disintegration process. While the chemicals in this plastic soup can potentially cause cancer in humans, they are thought to be even more toxic to the ocean’s simpler life-forms. There is an estimated 100 million tons of plastic that is currently swirling around in the ocean. Some of that plastic is not of the type that rapidly breaks down, but it still causes problems. According to a 2008 study published in environmental research, plastic garbage affects 267 marine species, and it is eaten by approximately 44 percent of all seabirds.

Chitosan is a resilient form of chitin, which is “the second-most abundant organic material on earth,” according to the wyss institute. Most chitin currently comes from discarded shrimp shells. It is used in cosmetics, dietary supplements, and fertilizers. Shrimpers around the world, and particularly those in honduras, vietnam, and india, are always looking out for economically viable ways to make use of their shrimp shells. Chitosan-based products could provide an additional source of revenue for these shrimpers. Another possible source for chitosan is the copepod, a species of plankton-sized crustaceans. Wyss institute lead researcher javier fernandez says that the copepod is thought to produce billions of tons of chitin per year. This means, according to fernandez, that the amount of chitin the crustacean has produced in the last year equals the amount of plastic the world has produced in the last five years.

Shrilk is a complex material that needs to be fabricated in specialized environments, and chitosan is not waterproof like petroleum-based plastics, so a coating of beeswax is required to create a water barrier. Also, some modifications will be required to use the current technologies of injection molding and casting to mass-manufacture shrilk-based products. Fernandez says that the ways manufacturers have worked with synthetic polymers and ideas that have developed around them will also need to be retooled. But once those minor hurdles are cleared, shrilk products will be on their way to replacing petroleum-based plastics.

Shrilk: the sustainable and biodegradable plastic made from shrimp shells added by donna westlund on may 11, 2014
view all posts by donna westlund →

Warpstone and betrayal - warhammer skaven council RP

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Name: neerk fogeye
appearance: neerk possesses grey fur and strangely fogged eyes, that despite looking like the orbs of a blind rat are perfectly capable of seeing all that neerk needs to see. Neerk's hide bears no few scars from experiments gone wrong and close calls with his twisted test subjects.
Age: 17
health: 165
class: master moulder

Personal stats
combat: 11
command: 12
diplomacy: 15
intrigue: 12
learning: 18
magic: N/A

Toughness - health increased to `combat score * 15`
beast rearing [level 1] - may raise giant rats in a breeding pit
scion of moulder - no command penalty for directing moulder formations
beast rearing [level 2] - may experiment on giant rats in a breeding pit
looks harmless - less likely for others to see your actions as something threatening, but will be treated as such. Until proven otherwise (can't be taken by a head of clan)
skilled orator - when convincing others to be loyal to you, you recieve a minor boost to results
shadow runner - when fleeing or hiding and score under 30, your intrigue will be re-rolled

Weapon: hand weapon - neerk wields a crude wooden club bristling with iron spikes, not the most deadly weapon, but useful enough in disciplining any giant rats that get unruly.
Armour: light armor - neerk wears a crudely stitched robe of thick leather, enough to offer him a decent amount of protection from the teeth and claws of his test subjects, but light enough to keep him quick on his paws should an experiment prove to dangerous to club into submission.
Misc: neerk is often accompanied by a giant rat bristling with spines on its back, a favored experiment and pet neerk calls kritch. Neerk favors kritch due to his unusual loyalty and hardiness, leaping to defend neerk in dangerous situations and coming out on top in scraps with other giant rats easily.

Marked out as one with a grander fate since his birth, due to his grey fur and strange eyes, neerk rose quickly through the ranks in the mighty clan moulder, displaying an aptitude for raising and experimenting on the clan's trademark giant rats, as well as proving himself sufficient in the art of skaven politicking, making sure his rivals were 'accidently' eaten by the experimental rat breeds. In his climb, however, neerk made many enemies, and soon found himself fleeing for his life from a powerful rival within the clan, one neerk could not defeat, through subterfuge or combat. Driven off from the great clan of his birth, only managing to steal away a few of his giant rats with him, neerk aims to use his knowledge as a former moulder to rise to power in a younger, smaller clan. A clan in which his rivals will be weaker, and less numerous.

Environmentally-friendly bioplastic created from shrimp shells

May 8, 2014 / 4:15 AM / CBS news

Over 300 million tons of plastic is produced annually, and only about 3 percent of it gets recycled. The rest is simply trashed, taking centuries to degrade, or left adrift in the ocean. An estimated 24,000 tons of plastics are ingested by fish in the north pacific alone each year.

Bioplastics -- a so-called "green" alternative to regular plastic -- contain some form of plant-based materials, but often do not degrade fully in landfills. Researchers at harvard's wyss institute for biologically inspired engineering may have solved that problem, with a new bioplastic made from shrimp shells that they say is fully degradable.

Made from chitosan, a form of chitin -- the main ingredient found in the shells of crustaceans, insects and the wings of butterflies -- it is one of the most abundant organic materials on earth. The majority of the world's available chitin comes from discarded shrimp shells, which are also sometimes used in fertilizers, cosmetics or dietary supplements.

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"copepods alone (small crustaceans in the zooplankton [family]) produce a billion tons of chitin per year," researcher javier fernandez told CBS news in an email. "in other words, in the last twelve month they have produced the same amount of chitin than all the plastic we have produced since 2009."

Led by fernandez and dr. Don ingber, the founding director of the wyss institute, researchers developed a way to process the material and manufactured large, three-dimensional objects that can biodegrade quickly when exposed to the environment, especially in the presence of moist soil and the right organisms. They say it could eventually be used to manufacture plastic bags, packaging and even biodegradable diapers.

When compared to petroleum-based plastics, the chitosan material is not naturally waterproof, requiring a coating of beeswax to create a water barrier, fernandez says.

Objects created from chitosan bioplastic, a degradeable material derived from shrimp shells, developed by researchers at harvard's wyss institute for biologically inspired engineering. Harvard's wyss institute

Created by the team two years ago, it represents the next iteration of a material called "shrilk." originally composed of chitin from shrimp shells, plus a protein from silk, they ditched the silk to find a cheaper, easy-to-make bioplastic that could be widely manufactured.

"shrilk is a very complex materials fabricated with in very specialized environments. Which requires a great control of the material at micrometric level. Also the fibroin (the protein form silk we were using) is much more expensive and difficult to extract than the chitosan," fernandez explained.

Advantages of using the chitosan-based material for plastic production is not limited to its abundance and biodegradability, but also the ease of manufacturing, which also has little environmental impact, unlike conventional plastics. Fernandez notes that chitosan has been produced with only water and acetic acid in concentration under one percent -- nearly one-fifth of the concentration of vinegar. Studies have shown show that water can accumulate pollutants commonly found in plastics, such as BPA -- as well as tiny bits of plastic, or microbeads.

"there is an urgent need in many industries for sustainable materials that can be mass produced," dr. Ingber said in a march press release. "our scalable manufacturing method shows that chitosan, which is readily available and inexpensive, can serve as a viable bioplastic that could potentially be used instead of conventional plastics for numerous industrial applications."

Current technologies, such as casting and injection molding, can be used to manufacture this type of bioplastic. However, some modifications would be required. These materials will also require some rethinking of "our ideas and ways of working, which have been developing and growing around synthetic polymers," says fernandez.

First published on may 8, 2014 / 4:15 AM

© 2014 CBS interactive inc. All rights reserved.

Sturmay blocks out the quiet to win

By medicine hat news on october 22, 2019.

With the women’s final played a day earlier at the hat charity classic, and officials and fans on the other side of the glass at the medicine hat curling club, it was just eight guys, their brooms and some granite on the ice monday afternoon.

So when karsten sturmay got set in the hack for his last rock, you could pretty much hear him breathe from the other T-line.

“it’s definitely a different perspective,” said the edmonton skip. “we were in russia in march playing in front of 3,500 people (recently).

“it’s just a different kind of pressure when you’re out here by yourself, right? You feel isolated. The silence is eerie sometimes.”

Sturmay, his team tied with manitoba’s jason gunnlaugson and facing a stone in the four-foot, could practically hear himself think. But the 22-year-old made no mistake in earning the 5-4 win and the $10,000 first prize.

It’s the biggest tour win ever for the team including third tristan steinke, second jason ginter and lead glenn vanance.

“it’s really huge for us,” said sturmay, who skipped a university of alberta team to a U sports title and then a silver medal at the winter universiade in russia this past year. “we’ve won smaller (world curling tour events) before but this is one of our bigger WCT wins, so we’re really happy about that.

“the boys had an awesome week. We got better with each game, we really grew on the stuff we needed to improve on and I’m so excited to be able to celebrate with them.”

Calgary’s kayla skrilk made a clutch double takeout sunday for her team’s 5-4 championship win over the chinese team skipped by meini wang. Skrilk, third lindsay makichuk, second brittany tan and lead hope sunley picked up a $3,500 cheque for the win in a 12-team draw, plus valuable rankings points.

As for sturmay’s last shot, it was far less complicated. The hard part came in the seventh end, when he faced a handful of guards and the potential of gunnlaugson scoring five.

Instead, a smart draw and a missed final shot by the manitoba team limited the damage to two and a 4-4 tie coming home.

“we played a beautiful end, got a little bit of a break and we had a chance,” said gunlaugson, whose chance was set up in part by a nice takeout by third alex forrest. “karsten made a beautiful one on his last but still gave us a chance for five, more likely three to get control back… just a little off.”

It was still another good showing for gunlaugson in the 28-team men’s draw, following a pair of wins already this season. They went 6-2 in medicine hat, the other loss to sturmay saturday night.

“it was a good week, just always sucks to come on the (losing end),” said the skip. “but no, we played very well. We did a lot of the things we have to do to win games against elite competition. It was a heck of a good time.”

Bonspiel organizer vicki sjole said the classic raised approximately $5,000 in its 25th year for the children’s wish foundation. That, said sturmay, is a great aspect of coming to the gas city over and above the valuable rankings points.

“it’s a fantastic event every year and for a really good cause too,” he said. “it’s really cool to have an event of this scale with these really competitive teams, but it still has that charitable focus.”

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